Iama1off is Single in Matanuska, Alaska


Jesus is my risen Lord and Savior.

Male | 66
United States
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Iama1off is Single in Matanuska, Alaska, 1
Eye Color
Body Type
A Few Extra Pounds
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Looking For
A Marriage Partner
Church Name
Believers' Bible Fellowship
Church Attendance
Every week
Church Raised In
No answer
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Willing to relocate?
Possibly, who knows
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Do you have children?
Do you want children?
Education Level
4 Yr College Degree
My Profession
Follower of Christ
I am a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ and I believe the Holy Bible entire. I am passionate about Bible research, prayer, fellowship, advancing the Gospel, serving in ministry, and discipleship....and a lot of other stuff - see below.
About Me
Hello and good day!

👉 Without whatsoever any intention of being preachy, I offer the following profile of how I roll, the one I seek, and my personal beliefs. I purposely did not post my photo, because I believe it's important to first consider the heart before appearance. So should you care to have a look, after having given this a read.......just ask.

My "what's important to me and what I enjoy list" is lengthy, so this I will share in conversation.

People find that to get along with me is easy and I try to understand the perspectives of others. One personal trait, is the expression of loyal character joined to my word once given. This has proven both reward and disappointment in life; however, regardless of the actions of others, the temperament of the loyal do not change. My nature is to hang tough in whatever life may throw at us. As in the lives of many, I have endured fierce storms that have made me stronger; but as always, "there but for the grace of God go I." Because empathy resides where pride once flourished, my heart praises God for every hard blessing that I've known. In Christ, I run neither from the gathering storm nor its rage against my boat at sea. While the responsibilities of family, hearth, and home are essential, laughter and fun also are important. In my daily endeavor to walk in faith, I have learned the value of keeping one's sense of humor - as a fruitful life sustained requires balance. God is in control and Christ will return for His church at an appointed time - until then I rejoice!

As all of humanity is imperfect, I certainly do not seek a perfect person with a spotless past. In fact, I prefer people who can admit their imperfections. Because to walk with God is a personal journey for those who believe, one's relationship with the Lord is what matters most to me. However tempting it may be to question the ways of Lot, I choose not to hold people to standards that I myself cannot meet. I pray for a God-fearing woman in Christ, for friendship and to be my beloved in marriage. Someone who feeds on the Word of God and has an active prayer life. One who would cherish Bible study and praying together - to me this is essentially important and is the yoke that evens the pair. It is my hope for an equally-yoked friend and marriage partner, together with whom to live a Spirit-filled life in Christ. Preferably, she has a servant's heart of compassion for people of all ages and stations. Whether there are children in her life, or perhaps not, she knows that they are precious gifts from our Creator. If she has been blessed with children, I would warmly welcome them into my life each and every day. Much love have I to give, so I ask the Lord to bless the heart of His intended for me. To the sacrifices required by the marital covenant with God, both husband and wife must mutually commit.

Moreover, my manner is mostly old-fashioned and I open doors for a lady. I seek a woman with conservative values, that include the traditional marital roles as described in the Bible. No, I am not looking for a servant nor a slave. I seek someone who desires not all that glitters in this world, but she follows our Lord first and foremost; and then values patience, a peaceful life, fun, laughter, a fully dedicated and considerate husband, encouragement, and expressive romance in marriage.

In 1 Peter 3:7, we are told that husbands should know their wives in an understanding way, so that by honoring the weaker vessel, the prayers of the household may be answered. As a husband and wife are co-heirs of Christ's grace, men are called to extend every consideration that we ourselves expect. Therefore, men need to intimately study their wives in order to truly know them. Because this teaching is often overlooked, the commandment is commonly misunderstood. We are also told that men are to love their wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her (Ephesians 5:25). The Word has also taught me that "true" love functions as a verb, not as a noun or an emotion, but functions as an action word. For these reasons and to know the heart and mind of each other, both people must embrace emotional intimacy, come joy or rain. I seek my best friend.

My life in Christ is to be celebrated with joy, as I am a redeemed child of the living God! In all honesty, I am a broken sinner found miles from perfect; however, the transformative work of the Holy Spirit will bring me to completion. I love the Lord Jesus and abide in Him as best as I am able, but no, I am not perfect.

Because the Holy Bible is the spoken Word of God in print, my beliefs include that its eternal scripture are inerrant, living, and powerful. My gifts of grace most expressed are prophecy, leader, teacher, and service-giver (Romans 12). For I am my Lord's witness, I now live and have seen, heard, and experienced. Isaiah 43:10-12; Acts 4:20. Baptist is my lineage and Evangelical Christian is my profession. My walk with the Lord also includes ministry and leading Bible study. Again, these are my personal beliefs and how I roll. I've given the reins to Adonai whose lead I follow.

If you are into playing games, scamming, recreational drugs, occults and the black arts; or if you are separated but still married - please look elsewhere and may God greatly bless you. I am quite flexible in many areas, but my Christian beliefs and values are absolutely nonnegotiable. Healthy solid relationships are built on Jesus Christ and mutual trust; earned by honesty, patience, consideration, selfless giving, communication, listening with patient empathy, pliancy, and, lest we forget, forgiveness. Having said that, a husband and wife who surrender and commit to a marital covenant with God, will prevail and rejoice in these times.

Also seeking correspondence friendship and fellowship with those of shared beliefs, as I enjoy talking about Jesus, the Holy Scripture, and everyday life stuff through empathic conversation. I'm also a conservative with traditional values.

I'm not vax'd nor am I a vegan. I test out as an INFJ.

~ Good listening is a skillful art, while listening with patient empathy is a virtue.

~ My profile indeed a goodly length be, but then what use is a writer of few words? 🙂 So thank you for reading. May your days and journey be blessed in our Lord Jesus.

"Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?”"
John 11:25-26

"the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ for all who believe. For there is no distinction: for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, whom God put forward as a propitiation by his blood, to be received by faith."
Romans 3:22-25

"and if children, then heirs - heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, provided we suffer with Him in order that we may also be glorified with Him."
Romans 8:17
First Date
I am comfortable with messenger or email, for making early-on acquaintance and to see how it goes. Then, perhaps, meet on a video conference app. From there........God promises to lead those who walk in the trust of His counsel.
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Any Age.
Must not Smoke.

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