jamesbennett1943 is Single in PARKERSBURG, West Virginia


Let's Fall in Love!

Male | 80
United States
West Virginia
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jamesbennett1943 is Single in PARKERSBURG, West Virginia, 1
Eye Color
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Church of Christ
Looking For
A Friend
Church Name
Walnut Street Curch of Christ
Church Attendance
Every week
Church Raised In
Do you drink?
Willing to relocate?
Possibly, who knows
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Yes but they're grown
Do you want children?
Does Not Want Children
Education Level
4 Yr College Degree
My Profession
retired but tired of being retired
I am a life long lerner, my curiosty is off the chart, I am a Christian guy, MUSIC is my love child! too many to list, my goal is to be the man tat women want! I am 'reinventing myself right now. I'm on my way!
About Me
I like a lot of stuff:
Curious things I may not know anything about
Delicious Food, my favs. are Asian, Italian, Greek, German, down home cooking, corn bread beans
Good Movies, no blood and guts gore-yuk!,love stories - love happy endings
Great Music - no rap! Classical, Romantic Period, a little Bach goes a long way, Classic movies Gone With Wind, Butch Cassiday, etc. Sci-Fy
I am very easy to please in many areas
My date should NOT BE A SMOKER! YUK bad breath, etc. and NOT a heavy drinker, a glass of wine with dinner is fine,
there are other things I could mention
I am on a quest to become the man that a lady would want to meet and eventually fall in love with. I know I need a lady in my life because the know stuff I don't.
I would prefer lady wo has gone to college as I have two Bachelor of Arts degrees and prefer a lady who is capable of carrying on a good conversation.
My favorite book other than the Bible (there's good stuff in there) The Five Love Languages by Dr. John Gray
First Date
Quiet setting were we can enjoy good food, and get to know each other. If you don't mind ladies, I am old Fashioned and would prefer to pay for your meal.
After he meal it would be wonderful (assuming that the weather is good) to walk to a 'safe' park and watch the stars and hopefully we will see a shooting star
and make a wish! It depends on whether we meet in her town or mine. If its mine, I'd for us to settle in with some refreshments and watch a great chick movie, good 'who dun it' movie,or some down to earth sci-fy flick. If its in her town I want want to go for drive and see some of their sites.
Some of this we will make up that night as we go. Jim
Ps I am NOT interested in starting a family again. i love kids but I have raised mine.
Account Settings (To message jamesbennett1943 you must meet the following criteria.)

Age between 30 to 60.
Must not Smoke.
Must not Drink.
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