Matrix777 is Single in Forney, Texas


My life testimony would blow your mind

Male | 32
United States
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Matrix777 is Single in Forney, Texas, 1 Matrix777 is Single in Forney, Texas, 2 Matrix777 is Single in Forney, Texas, 3
Eye Color
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Mixed Race
Southern Baptist
Looking For
A Marriage Partner
Church Name
No particular church
Church Attendance
On special occasion
Church Raised In
Do you drink?
Willing to relocate?
No way
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Do you want children?
Education Level
My Profession
Lawn Care Business Owner & Supervisor
Staying strong in Christ until the rapture of the church, and preparing for the apocalypse.
About Me
I’m a hard working business owner, but I’m not rich or materialistic by any sense of the word. I’ve been rich and poor and find the best place to be is in the middle although should God bless me with riches again I wouldn’t turn it down. Just saying, getting rich and impressing others with material wealth is not a prerogative of mine. I simply don’t care about what the world thinks and I’m content with the life I have. There’s a crazy back story to how I came to this mindset and a good reason I bring it up. A good woman looks for a good man. A evil woman looks for a mans wealth regardless of who he is. Even if I was rich I would not advertise it on here because I would attract the kind of women I’m trying to avoid. If I find the right woman then maybe I’ll expand my business so I can provide for her needs and wants. Until then I’m happy with where I’m at in life. I have rock solid faith in Christ that I demonstrate through my conduct and not through my words. I’m not preachy because looking at my life will speak louder than my words. I say the right thing at the right time. I don't wear my heart on a sleeve. I wear my heart through my actions and let you figure me out yourself over time. I well balanced in everything I do. I don’t talk too much or too little. I don’t eat too much or too little, I don’t sleep too much or too little. I don’t work too much or too little. I don’t buy too much or too little (material goods). If anything I do too much for other people and give more than I take. I don’t expect my future wife to be the same as me. What I would expect is for her to make me a better man where I need improvement and for her to let me help her be a better woman where she needs improvement. We can’t be perfect but we can live to strive for perfection. Somewhere out there God has an incredible woman for me and she will make me a better man of God and a better man in general. I’m not a perfect angel. I have my flaws and my weaknesses. Take me as I am, accept my weaknesses and join me on this life journey so we can make each other better people in more ways than one.
First Date
Walk And Talk, go for a coffee maybe.
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Age between 18 to 40.
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