Catherine31 is Single in Richmond, Virginia


Seeking older (40-70) conservative Christian man for marriage!

Female | 31
United States
Last Login Date
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Catherine31 is Single in Richmond, Virginia, 1 Catherine31 is Single in Richmond, Virginia, 2
Eye Color
Body Type
Big & Tall/BBW
Hair Color
Looking For
A Marriage Partner
Church Name
Church Attendance
Several times a year
Church Raised In
Do you drink?
1 or 2 on occasion
Willing to relocate?
Possibly, who knows
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Do you want children?
Education Level
4 Yr College Degree
My Profession
Medical Coder
Cooking, Netflix, psychology, theology, philosophy, music
About Me
Hi! I'm seeking an older (~40-75) conservative Christian man who wants a traditional housewife!

***Please just move on if we are not a match! No explanation needed! Thanks! Good luck!**** I'm not looking for "advice" or "feedback" about my profile. Please do not contact me at all if you're not interested!

If you want someone faithful, I'm your girl! I can cook, clean, and take care of children. I am divorced without any children of my own (but would be willing to give one to my future spouse). I did have biblical grounds for my divorce and no, I was not at fault. There is zero contact between my former spouse and I. I feel I have virtually no baggage left from my past.

I have a bachelor's degree from CNU and I have been working as a medical coder since 2016. I'm a huge animal lover with three cats.

I am very conservative and traditional, especially when it comes to dating. I believe in basic sexual morality which means p*rn and s*x outside of marriage are NOT for me. I believe strongly in safeguarding your marriage against infidelity. For that reason, I generally don't believe in staying in contact with exes or keeping opposite sex, non-familial "friends" around. Once married or in a relationship, my current partner would be the *only* man I am paying attention to, so I would expect the same level of devotion from him in return. No, I would not try to keep my options open in any way. My eyes would be only for you!

I don't smoke or use drugs and I very very rarely consume alcohol.

I am plus-size or a BBW so I'm hoping to meet someone who is cool with that. I don't expect the man to look a certain way and I like all shapes and sizes.

If you want a doting, loving, faithful, sweet Christian wife who makes you feel like the most important person in the world you've come to the right place.

I can't wait to hear from anyone who is seriously interested in what I mentioned above! However, since I don't want to waste anyone's time, I am probably *not* the right girl for you if:

1. You think it is acceptable for a married man to talk to or look at other non-familial women, or for a married woman to do the same with other men.
2. You watch p**n or follow provocative social media accounts
3. You are the type of person who enjoys hunting. Sorry, but I am a huge animal lover and therefore probably not the right fit for you (no offense). **Please don't message me trying to debate this because I won't respond**
4. You are not pro-life. There is no chance things will work out between us if you don't support the basic human right to life.
5. You are not willing to provide a lot of physical affection (cuddling, kissing, hand-holding, etc.) My love language is physical touch and I like a lot of coddling, cuddling, and reassurance from my partner.
6. You do not have time and space in your life to make your spouse or partner a priority. I will not survive in a relationship with someone who makes me feel alone. I'm a hopeless romantic who craves togetherness and closeness.


Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Why do you like older men?

A: I have always been attracted to men in the range of 40-75 and sometimes older. I can't help what I like *shrugs*

Q: Do you believe in prenups?

A: I would consider a prenuptial agreement but only if it's fair to me and if it does *not* require me to give up any of my rights or contractual protections. I will not waive any of my rights to alimony or child support (if needed and appropriate). In general, I tend to think prenups are often pointless (I knew someone who had one and it still took years to finalize their divorce). In my first marriage, we did not have one and were still able to divide things up fairly.

Q: How long were you married and why did you get divorced?

A: I was previously married for eight years and there were a lot of highly personal reasons why it was necessary to ask for my divorce (yes I did ask for it first). I have moved on, and I look forward to marrying someone nicer and more compatible with me in the future.

Q: Why won't you have s*x with someone you're not married to, even though you are divorced?

A: The Bible makes it clear that God designed s*x to be something special and sacred that happens only in the marriage bed. S*x creates soul ties and I would never want to emotionally bond myself that way to a person I'm not legally married to. If you sleep with someone you're not married to, they can randomly decide to up and leave the next day and those scars will never fully heal. Also, I am not risking a pregnancy out of wedlock (nothing is really 100% effective). Statistically, couples who wait until marriage report higher levels of marital satisfaction and lower divorce rates on average.

Q: How soon are you looking to get married?

A: As soon as I realistically can. I do believe in courtship and getting to know each other fully beforehand, but that process should not take more than six months to a year. If we have been seriously courting for six months and we are not engaged yet, I probably would tell the person I would like to move forward or stop. I am being cautious and deliberate about who I choose, but I am not interested in a long courtship that doesn't end up in marriage.
First Date
Coffee Or Food. Must be in public in a non-secluded area. I will be driving myself the first time we meet.
Account Settings (To message Catherine31 you must meet the following criteria.)

Age between 38 to 99.
Must not Smoke.
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