Christianlady43 is Single in Canberra, Australian Capital Territory


If God is for me who can be against me

Female | 43
Australian Capital Territory
Last Login Date
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Christianlady43 is Single in Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, 1
Eye Color
Body Type
Hair Color
Looking For
A Marriage Partner
Church Name
Church of God of Prophecy
Church Attendance
Every week
Church Raised In
Do you drink?
Willing to relocate?
Possibly, who knows
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Do you want children?
Want Children
Education Level
4 Yr College Degree
My Profession
Jesus, the Word of God, family, watching TV series, movies, and traveling
About Me
I’m Natoya, I'm from the Caribbean Island of Jamaica, currently living in Canberra, Australia. I like to spend time with people I enjoy being around. I like to share my testimony, which usually takes me into sharing the gospel in an interpersonal way. Based on how i live my life and was raised, I consider myself to be a Proverbs 31 woman. I like going to restaurants, and taking a trip somewhere with family, by myself and / or friends. Someday, I hope to tour Europe, visit Bora Bora and the Maldives just for the fun of it, and to be able to know I've been there. I believe I can handle myself in the kitchen, I'm honest, understanding and a Christian who believes in Jesus Christ and daily seeking and trying to live my life according to the principles of the Kingdom of God.

Don't be shy to connect with me, be decisive, and be that brave man who can take a risk. But, if you never reach out, you'll never know if I could be your lady to help build you up and serve along with you in the Kingdom of God. Note: I don't bite (smile).

I'm desiring a gentleman of the same caliber of spirituality who loves, worships, and believes in Jesus Christ, our Lord and saviour. He must understand that we are Kingdom Citizens according to the Word of God...the scripture states that we must; " Him first, the Kingdom of God and all shall be given to you..." That's because we are princes and princesses, and He's here to take care of us. All He's desiring of us is to seek Him. I believe God desires a Godly (spiritually), genuine, trustworthy, loving, caring, understanding, honest, and decisive mate for me and for you, too.

I'm desiring someone who is an effective communicator, a good listener, don't smoke, use expletives or is disrespectful verbally, emotionally or physically. Honesty and genuinity are the only path to true success in anything we do.
First Date
I would like to have my first date at a restaurant where we can dine as two mature people while having clean, mature, honest and meaningful conversation to get to know each other
Account Settings (To message Christianlady43 you must meet the following criteria.)

Age between 42 to 55.
Must not Smoke.
Must not Drink.

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