Author Thread: Is a self defence couse acceptable for christian women?

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Is a self defence couse acceptable for christian women?
Posted : 21 Apr, 2017 01:39 AM

Is it a good idea to think about visiting a self defence course?

Is it against the will of God to hurt a person or is to okay is the person wants to hurt you?

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Is a self defence couse acceptable for christian women?
Posted : 30 Jul, 2017 05:06 PM

I am really quite shocked at the question and responses ?????

you have all overlooked the one question you should be asking !!

what are the spiritual consequences of the martial arts discipline ?

The Martial arts are steeped in spiritual roots and practises, perhaps you ought to peruse some of the online translations, if witches and warlocks developed a fighting form that was effective for women would you partake ???

The old martial arts movies give an accurate glimpse into the hidden world of the martial arts, taught by spirits and entities..... I used to watch Monkey as a child, hmm indoctrination into the spiritual practises of unworldly deities...... well it got my attention, bruce lee, Monkey, Kungfu, the outpouring of eastern mysticism and martial arts...well I wanna piece of that !!!

it took me several years to undo what a few years of martial arts did to me, when one is open spiritually one can accomplish many things, without too much detail, defeat your opponent before it begins, death is always an option, period... codes of conduct are a formality for tribunals and record keeping..... it is my will against yours, you project and enforce your will, and, your actions will follow, my will against yours my preservation over yours, there is no " your will be done", hopefully at least one person will see where this is headed, rebellion, everyone can dance you just need to be taught the tune and form...or kata if you prefer

whatever form of martial arts you pursue you run the risk of opening yourself up to the powers and principalities that operate over it, you don't believe me ? watch a classic martial arts movie (Subtitled) perhaps you could subject yourself to a monkey god or a voodoo spirit ? playing with real hell fire... whose tune do you literally want to dance to ? demonic fighting forms are rife on every landmass, african martial arts ??? forerunner and parent to all martial arts, just take a little peak at early japanese martial arts to find the connection or just look at the african martial arts that predate.

howabout checking out Nimrod, he predates everyone... a hero ? didn't the art and discipline of war come about because of nimrod ?? wasn't he a relation of the first murderer ?

oops a bit too much perhaps, if you got a pit of the stomach moment and you aren't following the correct trail then stay angry, but if you feel a little unclean and convicted then" hey ho " there's an open line waiting, get talking.

if after this little diatribe you are still a little unsure then perhaps you might consider a form of martial arts that has less of a spiritual background or evolution, boxing is just as combative but has a spiritual side that is potentially easier to deal with, one commenter mentioned that martial arts makes men more agrressive, any form of education makes one smarter and quicker in that field, but when one is consumed by it then one has another god besides God, that's the clincher isn't it... who do we serve and to what lengths will we go to to serve ? a dance perhaps, maybe some of you who know a little dance history will have clicked by now....if not read about dancing with relation to the bible and dancing with relation to war and the art of war... a big rabbit hole with many morris men trapped inside....

there is no quick fix to fear or a fallen world, making considered choices that leave you free in your conscience and doesn't grieve the Spirit is the most important, so who of us is without sin ?

I make amends when I am humble enough and get disciplined when I don't, but some things I avoid because I know they taste sweet and I know it makes me feel good at the time, but, they leave me with a rotten feeling in the pit of my stomach, aargh it's that sin thing again isn't it ?? flipping chocolate !!!!

live by the chocolate die by the chocolate....... there's a principle or precept in there somewhere... now where did I leave my machete ?? aah honey that's my AR15, can I have it back please ? swap you for sherman tank ??? WHAT ???? it was specially modified and gold plated and I had it engraved, what ? you complete and utter �$"%$�" that's it I'm really angry !! I need a chocolate bar and a cigarette to calm down ! but before I do that, machete and the ears of a servant of the high priest.......

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Is a self defence couse acceptable for christian women?
Posted : 30 Jul, 2017 07:22 PM

I totally forgot to mention, self defence is based on martial arts, the phrase self defence when referring to offensive actions is a misnomer, even judo is offensive, all forms of physical human struggle are classified as martial, whether it be by hand knife arrow or bullet the intent is the same, subjugation or obliteration.

and yes I have turned the other cheek, it was a southpaw with a 100lb disadvantage to myself, God was there and miraculously, unharmed no broken jaw no bruising..nothing ! but that was God protecting me when he saw that I needed him and he gave me the right words to say to bring about a victory in my life and my attackers life, with total confidence and boldness, fight or flight ? NO he had a different strategy, in hindsight.. fair trade.. at the time total trust and belief in him, he protected me, he spoke through me and most importantly I felt his tangible presence, the victory of the vanquished is sweeter by far !

Most comments here have been pro defensive/offensive response to given and general scenarios, no one wants to be a victim but everyone has been, hurts doesn't it, pride and all, that is normal, it's natural, it's obvious ! we respond we react it's autonomic, especially if you have training, you react and don't realise you have until you have finished your response, it's second nature and then you see what your hands have done, whether it's right or wrong in a given situation is neither here nor there, you have to live with it, how many men come back from war unchanged ? broken ? yes, there is a cost involved, there always is.

War and physical abuse are part of this world, ask any kid if they feel safe walking alone ? I was 35 before I knew enough about myself and who I was in God before I stopped looking over my shoulder; and I could handle myself in most situations, the battle is in the mind and no level of physical training or technique can defeat an adversary there, the battle is won when we actively let go of our fears and trust him to make a way, only trusting Him, I mean truly trusting him in the most dire of situations, we then start to become more than conquerors, I've tested him in it, I know foolish, do not put the Lord your God to the test, but I knew I had license to ask him to see his hand at work.

Some are called to war and some are called to battle, if we are not confident in ourselves and we are not in the right place we are easy meat, first rule of war buddy at your back and watch your buddies back, we are told what the real war is, it's a spiritual one, even though we fight real wars in the flesh the enemy we face has a CV to top all, if only he could get us to fight like he does.

Some situations call for violence, our blood calls for it, but still I find it increasingly harder to justify the cost, I see injustice and murder and greed that costs lives and I feel angry and hate and filled with murderous thoughts towards those that commit such acts, am I not as guilty ? I felt it in my heart, that murderous thought, am I not as guilty ? am I untainted ? unblemished ? no I think not, I find it increasingly harder to justify the cost, eye for eye tooth for tooth, heart ache for heart ache, we truly are a generation that is not so dissimilar to the one that was slaughtering christians in the arena, lions and gladiators

such spectacles, or is that WWE WWF MMA ? who is dancing to whose tune ???

I am not against violence it is a tool, what does concern me is the way in which violence is glamourised, glorified and re-codified for mass consumption, in so doing we taint ourselves our children and our culture, that opens doors that we want kept shut.

Violence is a discipline that brings about a favourable outcome, practise it too often and the returns diminish, ask any parent and they'll tell you "smacking only works for so long !", maximum impact is minimal use, a bit like nukes really.... imagine that, POTUS gets peeved at Chile so he nukes them to keep em warm, err I think not, that's a lose lose situation with no returns no profitable outcome, it's not an enemy won over is it ?

again I come back to what I think is the real question, what is the spiritual impact of such a course ?

we go from self defence thoughts to M.A.D.

whose tune are we dancing to ?

do we have the license and call to do such things ? it's a hard call !

just don't grieve the spirit in your actions.

ps minimal apologies for the length of this...I kept it short, which is way longer than most can put up with......

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Is a self defence couse acceptable for christian women?
Posted : 30 Jul, 2017 11:43 PM

You are confusing normal practical physical self defence with full-on eastern martial arts. You can have martial self defence without any of the shouting and meditation and whatever else. This is something that contrary to popular belief was found everywhere in the ancient world not just the east, the difference is in the east it had the mystical element added to it.

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Is a self defence couse acceptable for christian women?
Posted : 31 Jul, 2017 05:47 AM

Dear Rambo, as I stated in my post, martial arts has it's roots in africa and is rife on every land mass, and as an ex practitioner I think I have an understanding, I come from a long line of fighters, my father was a very fearsome man and so was I, having obtained salvation I soon realised the errors of my ways and my forefathers, I like the way john bevere says it, would you eat a cookie with faeces in it ? no ! what about just a tiny bit ? no !

as I said previously some will accept what I say and some will be offended, it's roots are in the occult all the way back to Nimrod, those that teach self defence generally have to master at least 2 forms of unarmed combat which requires training and discipleship, the clue is in the name"combat", involving oneself with the martial arts or self defence is sitting at the same table, self defence is a misnomer as all forms of self defence are martial in nature, that is why I stated that; should one be adamant that a form of combative training is required then choose the soft option of boxing, soft only with respect to spiritual fall out.

as I stated before I am not one without knowledge and experience in these matters so a position of authority call would be easy, however some of my peers that trained in other martial disciplines and then became christians also stated to me that the spiritual effects of their training caused them difficulty, one doesn't have to stay in a sewer too long to smell pretty bad, some contemplated a drastic exit to be rid of their univited guests, it would be remiss of me not to warn, should I carry the guilt of anothers blood on my conscience by staying quiet ? no ! I've made clear the warning, those that read what I have written and then pursue the muddy waters of combative training will have to give an account and pay the price, do not belittle the effects and influence of the powers and principalities that govern these things in doing so you become an agent of those powers and principalities, perhaps a re-read of my posts may help as what you have stated was covered by those posts.

perhaps a dance with the devil ? my people die for lack of knowledge, perhaps you consider morris men a quaint form of folk dance ? a little research reveals that morris dancing is a form of combat training it is a Kata, and where does morris dancing come from ? perhaps you might find it shocking if you look, I guarantee that you will not percieve as quaint again if you do and you would definitely not allow it into a christian home or setting knowing it's true roots, but then again people will do what people do even if they are warned, that's the nature of sin, sweet in the mouth and bitter in the stomach.

I do expect a little backlash but hey ho I raised the alarm so I am guilt free of your blood or anyone else that reads my posts, there will be no "why didn't you warn them ?" for me there will be no loss on account of your blood or anyone else in this matter, there is enough evidence from more eloquent and learned people than myself on this subject just google the roots of the martial arts and trace it's history, satisfy yourself as to it's spiritual ramifications, you have the free will to carry on as you choose, but you have read my words and they will reappear in good time like a wasp in your ear, how you choose to be stung is up to you.

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Is a self defence couse acceptable for christian women?
Posted : 31 Jul, 2017 05:51 AM

a little leaven ..........

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Is a self defence couse acceptable for christian women?
Posted : 31 Jul, 2017 06:44 AM

In general I get cautious as soon as someone says the roots of this or that come from here or there (particularly when it's africa and promoted by someone with a "noble barbarian" mindset). The proof provided is almost always subjective somehow if you dig just beneath the surface. Most of this "africa is the cradle of mankind" nonsense was formulated to move the centre of civilization away from Jerusalem to somewhere/anywhere else.

As for the spiritual aspect of fighting using "martial arts", how sure are you that the demons drawn to you were not drawn more because of the constant fighting than the method of fighting per se? With the caveat of the more "mystical" the style the stronger the draw. There is also after all a difference between a grounding in basic self defence with light periodic sharpening of skills and long practice in the "art of fighting". As I see it it's not the method that causes the madness but the general act itself and WHY the act is performed, the devil does not care how you become addicted as long as you end up an addict. If you start to love the fighting for fighting sake (which often happens with serious martial artists of any kind) a certain kind of demon WILL flock to you. It works the same way with gaming for example, some people can play or leave as they wish while others become posessed by the game, putting all the blaim on the game itself is foolish as it is merely half the story.... there ARE some really vile and/or deeply occult games though with World of Warcraft (that gets all the publicity) being left far behind.

That said though most actual female fighters will tell you (apparently) that the best trained woman will loose to a untrained muscular man if he manages to get a proper grip on her so physical fighting itself, is as I stated I think, the very last resort and weaker than general common sense in the real world.

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Is a self defence couse acceptable for christian women?
Posted : 31 Jul, 2017 02:29 PM

Yes I am a noble barbarian, there is a long history of looking down on africans and yes I couldn't possibly know anything about any of that, apparently I just come from a white middle class culture and know nothing of the reality of others that speak, so from a position of deference you are absolutely correct.

it's a shame though as I am neither white european nor middle class but out of deference I will allow you to speak for me, that is the way it is done in your european greek culture isn't it ?

you don't know me or from where I come, if you did you would be horrified at the insult you bestow, indeed the sons of the oppressor still impress.

but out of deference you are right and I will always be wrong, may you enjoy your lack of understanding to it's fullest

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Is a self defence couse acceptable for christian women?
Posted : 31 Jul, 2017 03:19 PM

you logic on africa is confusing, what has african history to do with an attack on Judaism or Jerusalem ? is african history less than that of eurocentric history ? is it an attack on your idea of being special ? your statement is telling, but then racism is part and parcel of normality and I totally accept that.

you confuse my mode of speech with the person that I am; I have a pretty high IQ and I would beat an african of greater intelligence in a standard IQ test, it doesn't prove that I am better it just shows up the differences in types of thought, european culture/thought is largely greek, it thinks one way, the indians think another the africans another, we make tests to quantify that which we desire to know, but it is always based on what we know and the way we think, so an IQ test will tell how greek I can be in problem solving it doesn't really give a true measure, the african would hands down beat me in an african IQ test for the very same reason, back to the ROOTS again..., here is the point, you think you know what you say is true but from my perspective as one who straddles the divide, you are regurgitating the same old same old and my history and experience disagree as does a lifetime of questions and looking, it's amazing what you can find when you look, you pay a high price but the more you learn the more you understand things are not that which they seem to be, history is written by the victor and the agenda is set and skewed by those in control, your history books are written for you, for general consumption, your views are shaped for you by your culture, sadly a lot of it is not true, it's based on a narrow view and many many lies, to the victor the spoils and Dhimmi status for the downtrodden.. but then we are in the end age and Jesus said it would be so, unfortunately a lot of believers are in nimrods camp....

it is a shame that european christendom has moved away from the ways of the early church fathers and has departed from the principle and precepts that begat and predate them, to which they the early church resolutely clung, you would not recognise the mindset of the early church because you live here in the here and now and you don't have anything to question from whenst you came no history or connection with that past, you have a modern state indoctrination from the cradle to the grave, you have modern society modern thought, you haven't been soaked in that culture, what you know is what you know and what you know is true.... I wonder what the early church would think of your advocacy and on what truths you stand ??

but then I know nothing perhaps I am a simpleton from a simple town and know nothing of how a butterfly struggles from the cocoon of it's former self.

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Is a self defence couse acceptable for christian women?
Posted : 31 Jul, 2017 03:47 PM

informative and peer review backed information starting point

Quote "The Arts are no longer considered remnants of old cultures, but valid and effective methods of achieving spiritual growth. The Martial Arts were actually formulated for this purpose all along".

and even more damning

of course you are free to believe or not, what substance you attribute is up to you

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Is a self defence couse acceptable for christian women?
Posted : 31 Jul, 2017 11:36 PM

All this flowery rhetoric is not helping you. You assume too much about me or my thinking, honestly you seem to be regurgetating much more than I am. At least I speak clearly, directly and with my own tongue. Everyone is oppressed by something, blaiming your imagined opressors for everything wrong in the world is running away from the problem instead of actually trying to fix it.

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