Author Thread: Why do women on here not usually write the guy first?

Why do women on here not usually write the guy first?
Posted : 30 Dec, 2008 11:33 PM

I know in society men are supposed to be the dominent ones but still sometimes I wish if a woman was interested she'd let me know.

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Why do women on here not usually write the guy first?
Posted : 16 Jan, 2010 07:03 PM

I usually find that guys do not respond to winks. They will view your page like 3-10 times after I send them a wink, but not say anything. Men are strange lol

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Why do women on here not usually write the guy first?
Posted : 10 Mar, 2010 09:46 PM

O contrair...mona mi! LOL. I always write first....don't have time to wait on the bashful. I would never ask a guy out first, or approach him that way, but writing is a softer way in: ladies, introduce yourself, read their profile, tell them the highs and lows (be brief, u know their attention, and go for it. Most important of all: This is a Christian website first: Use good discernment, and let the Lord be your guide. Still need help? Pray, get out your bible, and God will reveal your answer.

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Why do women on here not usually write the guy first?
Posted : 23 May, 2010 10:16 AM

I totally agree...

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Why do women on here not usually write the guy first?
Posted : 9 Jun, 2010 05:17 PM

It doesn't matter if you are a man or a woman, if you are interested in someone, speak up!

If they are interested in you they will answer. If they don't answer, then you can assume they are not interested.

You got nothing to lose by making the first move.... so take a chance!


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Why do women on here not usually write the guy first?
Posted : 18 Sep, 2010 04:13 PM

I agree 100% !! :peace:

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Why do women on here not usually write the guy first?
Posted : 12 Nov, 2010 07:10 PM

i 'm a filipina. in my culture, guys usually chase women.if girls do,it turns them off. one of the signs that the guy really love the woman is to chase them. but i don't know if it works exactly in here.

when i view someones profile it means i would like to know him.

when i sent winks it means i would love to hear from him.

but when i add him as my fave it means i really like him and i consider him as one of the best man i love to be with...

but,,,when all of the above doesn't work i 'll be the one to write him first assuming that he is shy. but if it doesn't work again, it means he don't like life must go on.

but i prefer to be chased. i believe that God created them to be like that.

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Why do women on here not usually write the guy first?
Posted : 29 Dec, 2010 05:00 AM

I put "If your interested, send me a wink". right under my screen name on my profile? WHY? Because All the women I have pursued in my life, have left me within 2years. And I always asked them why. Their responses were 1) They were just using me to get them through a rough spot in their life. 2) They were just not interested in me after getting to know me, but would not elaborate on that. So I am so done with pursuing someone without first know that they are VERY interested. To relate this to the man`s ability to be the spiritual leader of the house, is like quoting the Bible out of context. Besides its high time women got with the times of today. Its not a lack of respect issue either!

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