Author Thread: What of never marrying?

What of never marrying?
Posted : 8 Nov, 2009 04:35 PM

I am disabled and may realistically never marry. Are there any supplements that would make being single more manageable?

I think God would create something in nature given all the people who will never marry.

I am depressed but my question is genuine. Thanks.


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What of never marrying?
Posted : 8 Nov, 2009 07:53 PM

Adam, do not lose hope my Brother. We are all damaged in so many ways, your disability is just a little more obvious maybe than someone's alcoholism or gambling or rage, but that does not mean that God's plan for you is any less significant than another person's plan.

You express yourself eloquently, and that is a gift. You should know better than most that the body is temporary, but it is the soul, the spirit within you that matters so much more.

You are young. Pray for Patience, and ask the Lord for Direction in your life, for I truly believe if you use the gifts He has placed in you, that this journey might not be so hopeless as you actually believe.

Take a look at reality tv. You see "little people" that have found each other in the midst of a very Big World. You find morbidly obese people that are so far gone that they are confined to their homes, and often to their beds, and you see devoted spouses caring for them. I see ministries, check out "Life Without Limbs", and people up there preaching that have CP. I can think of one preacher I have seen on John Hagee Ministries, and he has a wife and family and has lived his whole life with CP. Wish I could think of his name, but he is amazing, and not because he has CP, but because he refuses to believe what the devil tells him he is because he knows that God doesn't make mistakes. He allows challenges that we might grow, but He doesn't make mistakes.

Start looking at yourself differently. Instead of looking at your limitations, look for what the Lord has given you to use. What can you give others? What in your message needs to be heard?

From your own experience, you know things that other people do not know. What does that mean? How can you use that to Glorify God and Lift other up? Who can you lift up?

Seek His Mission for you in your Life, and remember, this thing is fast coming to a close, and the Lord is gonna fix that broken body, and its gonna be so much easier to find that "true heart" once you remove all the distraction of the dark things that constantly preoccupy the focus of the earth. This is the last leg of the race my friend, and it isn't about how fast you finish, but how well. People like you will be near the front of the line, I really believe that, for our God hates suffering, that is clear for Jesus Healed. He will heal us all, starting with the most broken among us, I really believe that, and it is not so far away My Brother, so do not lose Hope. Put your hope in Him for He will carry you, so follow Him, and chase after His Heart, and you will be surprised who notices, and LIKES what they see.


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What of never marrying?
Posted : 10 Nov, 2009 12:15 PM

Hi Adam,

Sorry for your pain~~I have some disability too~~from a ruptured disc and fibromyalgia. I prayed for wisdom some years ago and God led me to eating better and nutrients that are helping my body to heal.

I understand your depression and feeling like you never may marry but~~God said He would give us the desires of our hearts, right? I don't need a man to complete me and I am willing to go it without one. It's kind of like Abraham~~be willing to lay it down but yet He sees your desires and will meet them. :angel:

There is a book called "The Maker's Diet" by Jordan Rubin that changed my life and has helped me feel much better. You may like it?

The supplements that I find are crucial are: Vitamin D3~B 12 drops~Magnesium malate/citrate 2 capsules 3 times a day~calcium citrate 1000 units a day~Whole food vitamin daily~zinc and vitamin C~1000 or more of C~vitamin E~MSM 2 of those 3 times a day.

I take more but those are very important.

I also avoid flour/bread/pasta etc. most of the time as it hinders good health. High proteins/raw veggies/ soups/ and organic as much as possible.

I drink lots of pure water and kombucha~which I make but you can buy it at the health store. Excellent ancient Chinese tea that helps everything.

God bless and keep the faith~~:purpleangel:

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What of never marrying?
Posted : 10 Nov, 2009 11:38 PM

ive recently found that the cure to loneliness is to seriously and wholeheartedly give your whole self over to Christ- he IS the LOVER of our soul, he is the comforter and companion; i would love to find the right guy and someday get married, but if that never happens, im ok too! god comforts with fellowship! when im depressed and lonely: I GO TO CHURCH! theres so many people there that love and care.

when your heart is in tune with God's, and you've developed this dependant relationship ONLY with him, and arent distracted by romance of the flesh, THATS when your heart is complete! no man or woman can satisfy like our savior, no one can ever complete us like he does, so dont ever feel like you're incomplete because you're single! embrace Gods love, and He will provide.

i dont know if this helped at all, but its just what ive been going through lately and wanted to share.

God Bless.

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What of never marrying?
Posted : 10 Nov, 2009 11:47 PM

dear free, welcome to the forums..

ole cattle

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What of never marrying?
Posted : 11 Nov, 2009 03:19 PM


I worked at a homeless shelter in Chicago. I was let go because I was telling everyone to go to Phoenix where they could be warm.

There are several beautiful girls in the shelters who are down on their luck for various reasons.

It is a field that is ripe for harvest and there are many volunteer openings.



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What of never marrying?
Posted : 17 Nov, 2009 06:40 PM

Yeah justjoey I actually have the "maker's diet" book in my closet. I'll go fetch it. Thanks. I am taking vitamin d and just started b-12.

Thanks everyone for the answers.


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What of never marrying?
Posted : 6 Dec, 2009 09:45 AM

Hi Adam,

Thankx for being open and sharing ur feelings on here that takes a lot of courage to do so. You seem like a great man and to Jesus u mean everything to him cuz he gave his life for you.

In honesty we all get depressed at different points in our lives look at Job. I know if I didn't have my Jesus to walk beside me I would be a wreck but Jesus completes me.

I understand the fear and anxiety of wondering if ul ever marry cuz I share those same feelings now. You don't have to have a disability and still can go thru life never marrying. I know Christians on here will say "Embrace ur Singleness be happy" I think many are being hypocritical and just giving the quote unquote what they think is the politically correct christianan answer.

There is nothing wrong about wanting to marry and not like being single even when God has placed us in that position. I hate being single, don't like going to restaraunts by myself, to church by myself and spending Thanksgiving with family and friends without a mate. It's very depressing inside for me but I keep a happy face on and don't whine about it much except here and to my Mom. Although I'm sad inside bout not having husband yet I still have a blast with life. I have so many laughs with my friends, love my family and centering my life around Jesus. Jesus really is my happiness and I know he is preparing me for my husband. Guess needed some extra one on one time with Jesus is way I look at this.

We can be angry sad, depressed and not sin. This is what Job was able to do when he passed the test.

I will pray for you to find a wife to love you just the way you are if that's what you want.



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