Author Thread: Dating Rules

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Dating Rules
Posted : 13 Mar, 2010 06:52 PM

I just shared some dating rules on my facebook so I will do it here too. I would like to know what rules others have too.

Know your boundaries and know your "partner's" boundaries. One person's boundaries may be that they cannot be alone with the opposite sex and another may not even be able to sit next to the other person. God always gives us a way out (His Word), but your "out" may be "stop at the front door!". If you go through that door, there may not be a way back out. KNOW YOUR BOUNDARIES!!!

I like to pray with people I date. It keeps God in the center.

A little risky here, but fatigue is like an intoxicating drink. Inibitions are lowered and can distort judgement at times. Not much good happens after midnight!

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Dating Rules
Posted : 14 Mar, 2010 10:47 AM

Here are two that I have:

Don't be alone with the person you are dating for extended periods of time. :angeldevil: I don't mean you always have to be in a group or that you can't go places together. I mean don't spend hours at a time together (unchaperoned) at one person's house, or don't go to secluded locations together and spend a long time there. While nothing "bad" or "inappropriate" may happen, it just doesn't look good, and it opens the door to temptation.

Don't have sleepovers. :zzzz: Even if you plan for nothing to happen, there's always temptation, and it also could lead others to think that something is going on. If you do spend the night at each others houses, make sure you are well chaperoned by mature friends or family members. As long as it's well chaperoned, I don't think there's a problem with it...though it should probably not be a frequent occurrence!

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Dating Rules
Posted : 14 Mar, 2010 11:21 AM

dear folks, i like the prayin deal too..

ole cattle

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Dating Rules
Posted : 14 Mar, 2010 04:11 PM

Like your post bcpianogal!

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Dating Rules
Posted : 14 Mar, 2010 04:13 PM

Oh boy, It seems like another life time.I do things differently now.

Before I was married I had a different set of rules. I have not dated since my divorce. I a looking for a date to get back in to feeling comfortable seeing ladies. When a guy hasn't dated in awhile he should just go on a few dates I think as friends to get in practice.I have only asked one person since my divorce.

I know what I will not do. Go inside her home if she has no one there. If kids are present I say that is ok.

Unless it is one of you girls on this site I would wait to kiss her.

If it is one of you ladies on this site I might kiss you on the 1st date. :ROFL: Yes, I am still teaseing over that one post.

Chances are if I do not know her well on the 1st date I would not crack any jokes.

I want to keep the campus police out of it.:ROFL:

I would not let her read any of my papers for english class. I wrote the one as if my cat was writing it. Casper, the oldest cat who is 5 years old. We were required to seek advice from class mates. I have since founf out that some of them think I am disrurbed. I thought the paper was funny.I got a good grade. C+

My grammer was a little off.

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Dating Rules
Posted : 14 Mar, 2010 04:26 PM

Don't take it too serious, but do take it serious. I just started thinking about this today. That to me, it's not dating, it's learning, understanding, and appreciating beauty. To know what the answer is you first have to know what the question is, and alot of people don't even know to ask. Don't stop til you find a satisfactory answer to knowing and understanding beauty. If you can do that you'll understand yourself, people, and life. I would rather spend my whole life continuing to grow in recognizing, understanding, and appreciating beauty than to stop and settle for less than what I need and want because of fear of being an 'old maid at ' or not being able to control my desires. Open your eyes. Know and seek what you love, and what is good, and you will be the richest person because you will be fullfilled and happy.

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Dating Rules
Posted : 14 Mar, 2010 06:50 PM

dear dg, rofl @ the campus police hehe

ole cattle

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Dating Rules
Posted : 15 Mar, 2010 09:44 AM

I recently read a book called "The 10 commandments of Dating." It's from a Christian perspective, and I agreed with about 95% of it.

One thing they said, that I had NEVER heard before, was NOT to pray with the person you are dating. They said that while, yes, it keeps God in the center, praying is one of the most intimate things you can do with someone. The put it right up there with...uh, other stuff, if you know what I mean. The authors said that it would be very easy to, after a few dates, end the date with a prayer session, and due to raging hormones receive a "sign from God that you should marry the person" and then rush headlong into marriage without considering other factors. They advocate praying about the relationship on your own, but not together at first. (They didn't mean not to 'say grace' before a meal, or anything like that.) Once you are well into the relationship and are all prayed up on your own, THEN you can pray as a couple.

I know I didn't put it as well as the book did. It made a lot of sense to me, but I had to read the chapter several times before I really understood what they were saying.

What do y'all think about this idea? Has anyone else heard this before? This was an idea that I wasn't sure I totally agreed with in the book...though I do see their point.

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Dating Rules
Posted : 15 Mar, 2010 10:33 AM

dear b c, i dont know of a wrong time to pray ever... with someone else or alone.. to me any times the right time for prayer...

ole cattle

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Dating Rules
Posted : 15 Mar, 2010 12:57 PM

We could probably come up with the CDFF dating guideline / marriage check list book if someone would edit the comments here! lol (and seriously also!)

I have to agree with the point bcpianogal pulled from "The 10 commandments of Dating." 'NOT to pray with the person you are dating.' ' praying is one of the most intimate things you can do with someone.' AMEN - you are 'opening up all the walls', exposing your soul. You can be rather vulnerable then. You've prayed and now you're trusting God to control everything. At that time some people turn off their 'self trying' and just let go. I'll admit, from teenager experience, it's not the time to be tested.

As was said earlier, 'know your boundries'! I'll go further - don't test your boundries. Do it the simple way. There's right (you know it's right in God's site) and there's wrong (you know God would say it was wrong). You're not sure? You hesitate? Then call it wrong, leave it alone. Along the lines of "avoid all appearances of evil'. Don't tempt your boundries, you'll find Satan waiting there. BUT of course you won't recognize Satan until to late.

God bless.

May we all have patience as we wait for God's plan with our futures.

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Dating Rules
Posted : 15 Mar, 2010 07:05 PM

I agree that prayer is intimate. How about praying without holding hands? I usually make it simple like asking God to be in the center and His will be done. I believe it keeps a biblical perspective on the date. If the guy (or girl) had any wrong intentions they may be reminded to stay focused on what is true and right and....

Maybe the results are different for different folks and it may depend on who they are with.

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