Author Thread: How can an angel break my heart!

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How can an angel break my heart!
Posted : 7 May, 2015 01:20 AM

I met a man on this site, chatted for a few months. He was sweet and a Christian. He said he was coming over to my city. Then just a week before his supposed arrival, he stopped messaging me and just disappeared without a trace.

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How can an angel break my heart!
Posted : 20 Jun, 2015 12:45 PM

rambo: speak for yourself!


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How can an angel break my heart!
Posted : 5 Oct, 2015 03:43 PM

Same thing happened to me met Mr. Wonderful I thought in here we've been corresponding for almost a yr. I feel in love with his voice our children had similar names, so many wonderful interests of the same nature, and I had fallen on love with him too. We were planning a life of marriage together. He was scheduled to come to my home state during the later part of the Christmas holidays. Last week he sends me a txt says things have changed btw us, and I haven't been truthful with him, I poured out my <3 to this man, I held nothing back, yet he nonchalantly told me 2 weeks ago that he didn't have one wife, but he had, had 3 and they all cheated on him. So now my <3 is in intensive care by the only one who can hold it and heal it. Jesus you are the lover of my soul. And you will never do me wrong as this one has. And so many others:( You are the best husband that I could ever have:)Isaiah 54:5 and Hebrews 13:5(b). This man forfeited the good and the best woman he could have ever had I would have Blessing his life beyond measure and stood by his side as his helper and best friend and prayer partner,Proverbs 18:22. Ecclesiastes 4:9-12, and I am called by God to be that Proverbs 31 woman to him in every sense of the Word and I was so looking forward to that as God had called me to be.:) I understood my role as a wife and mother to his children. But I know and TRUST that God allowed this so that in His timing and in His way He will bring the BEST Godfearing man of God across my path. And this is what spurs me on to works of Greatness for my Lord and Savior. I will continue to be about my Father's business until that time comes.

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