Author Thread: Strongholds in our lives...

Strongholds in our lives...
Posted : 11 Aug, 2008 09:34 AM

Strongholds in our lives can be good or bad depending on what type of stronghold it is...In Samuel 23, David is running from Saul on a constant basis. Allegorically speaking Saul reminds me of Satan in this passage. David is building one stronghold after another to prevent being captured by Saul.

I am sure that David grew weary of the battle. Just like we do in our spiritual and natural lives. It is so amazing how God puts people in our lives to help us see the big picture and know that what we are fighting for is a worthy cause. Jonnathan was David's friend and confidante. He was David's encourager and kept David reminded of his goal and that he , Jonathan, would be besided him till the end and the end would be victorious. In David's quest to do good and bring salvation to those encircled by the enemy, Saul was always out to destroy him. In this particular chapter we see David in the wilderness (which we sometimes have to go through) , running around a mountain with Saul hot on his heals and hope almost gone but how (I believe) that God created a diversion (David's prayer) with the Phillistines, which diverted Sauls attention off of David and what seemed to be a hopeless situation became a way of escape. The mountain was labeled Sela Hammahlekoth "rock of parting or escape." I feel that David's carnal stronghold (evil) was his fear of Saul but when he gave it all to God then God became his spiritual stronghold (good) and his salvation.

I want this day to be entrenched with the the stronghold of God in my life. For him to be my high tower and protector in the time of trouble...a place to run into and be safe is more than I can sometimes comprehend but so necessary for my existence. Let not evil strongholds keep us away from the arms of God and keep us running in circles in the dessert. Today is the day to break away from those influences ( evil strongholds) that keep us caught in a web of deceit because we might not have tomorrow! I just wanted to share and pray for you. God spoke this so strongly to me and I love Him so much. May you be blessed today with all the good things of God and may any battle you have to face this week become victorious through the God of our Salvation, Jesus Christ, our Rock of Escape!

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Strongholds in our lives...
Posted : 14 Aug, 2008 08:01 PM

I am not doing math on this one, it's up on Hedgedweller's question for olympic gold/medal guess. This required hand/eye co-ordination through point/clicking and counting clicks. (Scratching my head) Counting is that math.:goofball:

I like Math, though, totally objective (except statistics which they manipulate with their questions, yuch!) Yep, and YEAH Math has a right answer and just one.

EX: 1+1=3

Oops, that's the result of the reading of Song of Solomon.


Perhaps, a night at the local camp or funny farm is in order for me.:goofball:

BTW: The children come back tomorrow for 4 days.


I' ll catch you, really, I promise. You can stop spinning, I am getting dizzy:goofball:

:prayingf:BTW: I think you are doing great foruming: your quick, sharp, humorous, and have scriptures. I love those verses you have been sharing. I admit you scared me at first, but you seem to have a merry heart.

:party:I know you all need to know MONDAY's me birthday, so, please be nice to me, I'm aging 47. :goofball: I better check my friends to see if I'm too old for their criteria? :goofball: I know vain, self-centered, ... but it's my birthday:goofball::party:

Okay, I am getting convicted the subject is (drumroll please)


So, do you think perhaps all this humor, laughter, joy. gladness, and comradarie (SP) could be examples of strongholds provided by GOD to protect HIS people?



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Strongholds in our lives...
Posted : 14 Aug, 2008 08:19 PM

There are exactly 86,400 seconds in your birthday; enjoy every one of them,Susan++++ Happy Birthday:party:


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Strongholds in our lives...
Posted : 14 Aug, 2008 08:35 PM


I don't want to scare anyone; unless it's necessary in order to pull them out of the fire !


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Strongholds in our lives...
Posted : 15 Aug, 2008 06:06 AM

Laughter has pulled my soul out of alot of "deep-holed" experiences. It also increases your endorphins (not sure spelling it right)...but it's healthy for you.

Happy Birthday to you...

Happpy Birthday to you...

Happy Birthday dear Susie Q...

Happy Birthday to you....!!!

(ahead of time) this way you get to celebrate longer...

YEAH !:dancingp:


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Strongholds in our lives...
Posted : 15 Aug, 2008 06:55 AM


Clint Eastwood: "the good, the bad, and the ugly" I scared!:excited:

:rolleyes::laugh::ROFL: Just funning! You have great stamina!


How about a canopy of thanksgiving, praise, and worship?



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Strongholds in our lives...
Posted : 15 Aug, 2008 12:26 PM

That kind of canopy would provide a much needed refreshing.:glow:


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