Author Thread: OUR Will or God's Will??

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OUR Will or God's Will??
Posted : 7 Jan, 2011 04:21 PM

Our Will OR God�s Will?

The deceptiveness of �free will� is found in its so-called simplicity: IF �we choose� to obey God, we can; and if �we decide� to rebel against God, we can do this too. The problem with this thinking is that in what �we can do� to please God, this is WORKS, and therefore NOT the grace of God at work, so that we could be willing to be doing under HIS workmanship, NOT �ours�.

At this present time, there are but a FEW who are acting according to the election of grace (Rom 11:5). Note that this election process is of grace: Now if it is �by grace�, [God working] then it is no more �of works� [�our own work/choosing�]; Otherwise it is no more grace (11:6). Grace by works is because we have not obtained election by grace without works: Most herein found are blind to their contradiction of being �in works for grace� (11:5-7); And this is because God has given them a slumbering spirit (11:8); And this is so that they could be entrapped (11:9); And this is because they cannot hear what they need to hear, and see what they need to see (11:8). These believers have stumbled unto falling into darkness (11:11-10).

Those who love this darkness of being into �Their Own Works� rather than the light of being in God working ARE IN CONDEMNATION (Jn 3:19 and 21). Whatever we are into which we have done for �Our� justification [�our will, way, words, or works�], and we have fallen from grace/God�s will, way, words, and works (Gal 5:4). Unless we can acknowledge God�s will, we do not get repentance to be in this truth, so that we could be recovered from the devil�s will (2Tim 2:25-26). The faithful saying is (NOT by �our will�) but dead with Him, so that we could live with Him, and suffer with Him, so that we could reign with Him: Deny this, and He will deny you! (2:11-12). NOTE He cannot deny self (2:13); IT IS �WE� WHO ARE TO DENY �SELF� (Matt 16:24).

Whosoever wills {is in �their own will�} loses the ability to come after Jesus unto losing their soul (16:25-24 and 26); Beware of this leavening doctrine of the Pharisees [free will] (16:11-12). IF you believe in God by �your choice/choosing� then you are trapped into worshipping God in a place on this earth, in your body when God says He does NOT dwell in temples/churches that have been made with �men�s hands� (Acts 17:24-25). God is commanding everyone everywhere to Repent of This IGNORANT worship! (17:30); Because God says we MUST worship Him in spirit, and in truth (Jn 4:24-23). Humanity has fallen from God�s will be done in spirit into man�s will be done in body! The fall is from being IN spirit (Is 31:3).

Disciples are known for their love towards one another, in the truth, AND in the actions of love including affection, and esteeming others above yourself because the Royal commandment is to LOVE...

(Rom 12:10, Gal 5:13-14, Eph 4:2, Heb 10:24, 1Pet 1:22, 1Jn 4:7)

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OUR Will or God's Will??
Posted : 7 Jan, 2011 07:31 PM


Since God lives outside of time how do you know God doesn't elect those who will choose Him?

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OUR Will or God's Will??
Posted : 7 Jan, 2011 11:35 PM

of course I am open to discussion :rolleyes:, providing we can reason out of the scriptures and not our opinions... :yay:

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OUR Will or God's Will??
Posted : 7 Jan, 2011 11:38 PM

The meaning of God's election/choice is that those whom He chose before the foundations of the world, He makes these choose Him, because we would never choose to follow after Him in "our own will/strength... :glow:

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OUR Will or God's Will??
Posted : 7 Jan, 2011 11:44 PM

Since God lives outside time He would know before the beginning of the world who would choose Him.

The question is:

How do you know God did not elect those He knew would choose Him?

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OUR Will or God's Will??
Posted : 8 Jan, 2011 05:53 AM

It all revolves around the particular character of those whom He chose. Did He know in advance that we would accept Him? Yes. The case for single predestination is pretty strong, as of course God is outside of time and is omniscient, knowing the future perfectly.

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OUR Will or God's Will??
Posted : 8 Jan, 2011 07:42 AM

Hi Silver,

I thought I was the only reformed believer here. LOL. Good to see I have a couple of people here that believe as I do.

Reformed theology/Calvinism are both misleading terms. This is the theology taught by the Apostle Paul, later by Augustine, and all the way to Calvin, who basically just put it all together to be easier to understand. Modern Calvinism has many changes from the original. Arminians originally believed in most of the tenants of Calvinism, especially the total depravity part. Wesley changed all that, and moved the free will doctrine to the radicalized theology you see today.

Jacobus Arminius, the founder of the free will theology, was denounced by everyone as a heretic. Wesley came along and adopted it, along with the Darby belief in a pre-trib rapture, and started the theology known today. Wesley was also denounced as a heretic.

The free will doctrine became popular with the rise of the Charismatic Movement in the late 1800's. However, it did not become mainstream until the mid 20th century.

The whole Movement is now being taken over by the Dominion/Kingdom Theology Movement which takes the emphasis off of Christ and puts it on man.

Just a little history about both sides,


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OUR Will or God's Will??
Posted : 8 Jan, 2011 08:45 AM

And when we KNOW that ONLY GOD HAS SOVEREGIN WILL, we will understand that MAN DOES NOT HAVE FREE WILL, because man IS NOT SOVEREGINT. God has not given man such power over him/herslef as to have FREE WILL to do anything. This would make man equal to God in power and authority. But God has given man FREE CHOICE to choose his path to go left or right, to reject or receive, to discern the difference between good and evil, and to know up from down. Man isn't smart enough to have FREE WILL and has no pwoer outside of God.

If you believe that man has FREE WILL, then why is it that when you decide to do things your way, it never turns out as YOU had planned? And then we have so many witneses in the Bible of how God turned things aorund when He had commanded a perosn to do one thngs, and their FREE WILL told them to do another, and God setpped in...

Just ask Job, Jonah, Pharoah, even the apostles/disciples, Daivid, and many others. Ask yourself! What can man sop and start at wil, Nothing, not even himself in the mornings, it is God who gets all of us going, so how can anyne thing they have FREE WILL over what they do or don't do?:rocknroll:

As it is written, man makes many plans according to his own heart desire, but it is God who has the final and last word in the matter, and will either let it stand or cause it to fail... paraphrased by ella :ROFL:

But this is why we are taught in James to always say, If THE LORD SO PERMITS, tomorrow we will do such and such. becasue tomorrow may not come for us, and if it does come GOD may not permits us to do anything, whether its such and such, or dis and dat:excited::ROFL:

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OUR Will or God's Will??
Posted : 8 Jan, 2011 09:20 AM

Hmmmm, no one is willing to answer my question?

This is getting rather suspect...

Here it is for the third time:

Since God is outside of time He knows who will choose Him before the creation of the world. How do you know God did not elect those He knew would choose Him?

* This poster has said anyone who does not believe in 'election' is a "condemned, false worshipper out of Gods will" THEREFORE : My question deserves a answer! And if it can't be answered, I say this is nothing more than a person trying to cause divisions in the Body of Christ......I have a answer for that!

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OUR Will or God's Will??
Posted : 8 Jan, 2011 09:29 AM

ET!!!!!............Yes!!! I knew someone could understand...You stated the truth perfectly sister....Amen...Nothing else needs to be said on this topic...:yay:

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OUR Will or God's Will??
Posted : 8 Jan, 2011 09:49 AM

???????!......just like I figured...... :rolleyes:

It is one thing to hold a belief that is not spelled out 100% in the context of ALL scripture. But it is quite another to condemn all others who do not hold your belief. The next step would be to cut the heads off of people who don't agree with this belief, except that has already been done by your predecessors.

The point is :

It is ok to believe in election, but to condemn people solely because they do not, is, quite frankly, from the pit of hell.

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