Author Thread: Anoter Gospel

Anoter Gospel
Posted : 11 Dec, 2011 07:24 PM

When you read Galatians chapter 1, Paul is upset with the Galatians and their listening to the Judaizers... what were Paul�s belief about someone preaching another gospel, outside of what he had preached to the new converts at Galatia?...

In other words why was this so important to Paul that they (we) not listen to "ANOTHER GOSPEL"? and what did Paul mean by "another gospel"?

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Anoter Gospel
Posted : 11 Dec, 2011 07:51 PM

Galatian Christians have turned from their freedom in Jesus back to the rules of Old Testament Judaism. Some people tried to compel Christians "to live as do the Jews".

Paul argued strongly that noman is justified by the law in the sight of God. The just shall live by faith. Old Testament rules don't control Christians' lives but God's Spirit should. Walk in the Spriit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.

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Anoter Gospel
Posted : 12 Dec, 2011 11:44 AM

�Galatian Christians have turned from their freedom in Jesus back to the rules of Old Testament Judaism. Some people tried to compel Christians "to live as do the Jews". "Paul argued strongly that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God. The just shall live by faith. Old Testament rules don't control Christians' lives but God's Spirit should. Walk in the Sprit, and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh."

The thing that gets me fired up the most is the stupid commits like � �live like the Jews.� I just wrote about not sinning in another thread so I need to control my ager against such �Christian� sayings. However, OUR LORD came against the rabbinical law not against HIS LAW!!!!!!!!!!!!

I wonder, did your god change? Did your god only write your New Testament or did He write the Old too? Did it pass away or did Y-shua come to fulfill it? Is the Law the flesh or is it more than that to G-d since He wrote it?�

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Anoter Gospel
Posted : 12 Dec, 2011 11:23 PM

The Judaizers were trying to regain the converted Christian Jews and Gentiles back into bondage of the law, by telling them that they could have both the gospel of Jesus Christ, as well as the false teaching of the law. Paul knew that the teaching of circumcisim was a false teaching that was not according to what he had taught them as to how the Galatians were saved by God�s grace which was through faith alone to their salvation. But the law of circumcism was what the Judaizers taught which was suggesting to the Galatians that they could also be saved through the same faith plus their works.

Paul believed that anyone preaching or teaching another gospel other than the true gospel of Jesus Christ, which did not declare that a person is justified by faith alone unto salvation, was misleading and wrong, and this flase teahicng perverted the true gospels of what Jesus accomplished through His suffering death on the cross.

When you read the chapter as well as the book of Glatians, you will see that the false teachings of the Judaizer was in serious error, and Paul took this very serious and pronounced a curse upon those who were willfully teaching and perverting the gospel of salvation in error, because they were preaching salvation outside of Jesus' death on the cross and this is what Paull calls "another gospel" other what he taught about Jesus.

This also applies to any religion that does not teach the truth about Jesus and we find this throughout pauls and the other apostles' writing, that we are not to even listen to anyoen who does not declare Jesus as Lord and as being the Son of the living God. 1 John chapter 5, tells us not to even allow a person into our home who is not teaching the doctrine of Jesus Christ...becasue hearing another gospel that is not true will corrupt our minds and lead us away from our faith.

The cross set us free and redeemed us from the curse of the law, which kept us in bondage until Jesus came and died for our sins. No one was or is able to keep the law, this is why God sent Jesus. Although the law is holy and its purpose is to point us to our sin and cannot bring us salvation, but it brings us to repentance as Paul states in Romans chapter 7.

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