Author Thread: If you love jesus you dont want to sin

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If you love jesus you dont want to sin
Posted : 12 Dec, 2011 09:56 AM

George said to me

To elisha:

Are you 'SINLESS'

In this life will you ever be 'SINLESS'

Are you 'TRYING' to perfect yourself in this life,or are you trusting that Yeshua is perfect,and that He is perfect before YHWH on your behalf.

Arminian thinking puts a yoke of bondage to rules and regulations by which to be living in order to become righteous,holy,and sanctified.

To be righteous,holy,and sanctified apart from trusting in the RIGHTEOUSNESS,HOLINESS,and SANCTIFICATION of Yeshua being IMPUTED to you,

This then is works rigtheousness.

Yet,IF a person is trusting Yeshua to have Justified them,

And is trusting Yeshua to being Righteous,Holy and Sanctified before YHWH on their behalf;

This truly is Faithing into Yeshua.

This is Salvation by Grace through faith.



Elisha says

No George I am not sinnless WHY? becasue I was born a sinnier I slip up as everyone does but I strive for hollieness and there is no WILL FULL SIN in my life! When sin is revealed to me I ask for help to cut it out to crucifie it! I trust in Jesus for my salvation but that is just part of this great thing called born again if you are born again there will be a change there will be and inward distain for sin! George I will say to you again if you stilllove your sinand are trying to use the blood of Jesus as a license to sin at wil then you are not saved! When you get saved you will hate sin!

The Bible says BE YE HOLY AS I AM HOLY (I being GOD)

Thew BIble says Be Ye PErfect somewhere in the Gospel Of Mathew

The Bible says faith with out works is dead!

If you have faith you will hate sin and there will be fruit in your life.

to answer your statement again about a sinless life being a burden that is something that someone still living in the flesh not walking in the spirit would ay , yourunderstanding of scripture is blurry! The light yoke and easy burden comes from living free from sin! If you still have willfull sin in your life then you still have the burden that is heavy and hard thats what The Lord means he does not mean to go sinand dont worry about it thats border balsphemy his blood was precious he is precious to me! I know that my own rightousness does not save me! But I also no that sin is displesing to the one who loved me enough to die for me and if you truly love him, you dont want to sin! Thats the bottom line

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If you love jesus you dont want to sin
Posted : 12 Dec, 2011 10:45 AM

This is the simplest thing I have discovered in my walk with G-d. I get to heaven because of Him. He gave me His law to know what holiness is. The more faith I have in His ability to change me from glory to glory the more I am able to follow His perfect law� which is holiness. I can not do it on my own but somehow He enables me to keep His perfect way. Sadly, some days I miss the mark more than others� I do not believe any human will ever know how deep His precious law is. But I am most grateful for the days that I didn�t just go off the deep end!! It is His great, Y-shua�s, great grace and His all mighty salvation that will bring me into the world to come. But I don�t ever have to be in question if I am in sin or not, or what is right or wrong, because He said what holiness is in His perfect law.

Law: Torah

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If you love jesus you dont want to sin
Posted : 12 Dec, 2011 10:54 AM

Amen, God's work in his children is a wonderful thing to see.

Praise God for his sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit.

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If you love jesus you dont want to sin
Posted : 12 Dec, 2011 11:05 AM

George stated ~ Arminian thinking puts a yoke of bondage to rules and regulations by which to be living in order to become righteous,holy,and sanctified.

*** Arminian thinking ???...This is a Dig Arminian and a Typical Calvinistic comment...Why do some people say these things ???...Just gota put it [ Differances ] into a Group...a Class...a Denomination...ifin a Person is Truely Truting in JESUS...there is NO Seperation IN HIM...

*** "If you love Jesus you dont want to sin"...YES !!!...we do not Want to Sin...we Turn Away from it...we are not Perfect as ONLY Our LORD and Savoiur Jesus is...When we fall...and ALL do...We have Hope and Reasurrance that with a True Repentant Heart...We are Forgivein and can Move Forward in Righteousness...Thank you Father GOD...xo

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If you love jesus you dont want to sin
Posted : 12 Dec, 2011 12:01 PM


Because some insist of walking as in the traditions of men, adding to and taking away from the word of God, denying the commandments's of God, making the promises of God of none affect.

These tactics are there to be a stumbling block to many.

The key Elisha is truly in knowing him as one of intimate fellowship, and the more you know of his love for you and his hatred of sin because of what it does to mankind, the more and more you will hate sin itself.

I heard this saying the other theology is not but man's tudy to know the scripture but never coming to know the God of the word, consequently not knowing the word of God.

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If you love jesus you dont want to sin
Posted : 12 Dec, 2011 12:33 PM

"the more you know of his love for you and his hatred of sin because of what it does to mankind, the more and more you will hate sin itself."

I can not think of a better way to word it.... For what it is worth... It was said rightfully, and perfectly!!!!

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If you love jesus you dont want to sin
Posted : 12 Dec, 2011 03:36 PM

:prayingm:Newness of Life

What shall we say then? Sahll we continue in sin, that grace may abound? God forbid. How shall we, that are DEAD to sin, live any longer therein?

Romans 6:1-2

If a person is born again, he/she does not want to live in Sin.

And, the Bible clearly teaches to come away from Sin.

If we do Sin, then Repent to Jesus for forgiveness.

If a Person is born again, then they will have NO problem

repenting because the HOLY SPIRIT will convict them.

So, if you have a problem with Repenting of your Sins.

You better ask JESUS to help you with that problem now.

No One is sinless, but when we are born again we become

Christlike and follow JESUS not the World.


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If you love jesus you dont want to sin
Posted : 12 Dec, 2011 05:08 PM

amen sister angel!! amen amen amen

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