Author Thread: To speak or not to speak now that is the question....????

To speak or not to speak now that is the question....????
Posted : 13 Aug, 2008 01:17 PM

I do believe there is the power of life of death in what you speak...Now lets all speak nice words....:purpleangel:

Seriously, though, God has put me in the corner, sent me packing to my room and made me cry for the things that have slipped out of my mouth. I'm thankful that those powerful lightening bolts haven't come my way.:excited:

Other than the Bible, the only source I have to draw from is personal experience so please don't think I think I'm a "know it all" because I am the farthest one from that...Just ask there!

When I was in Bible College I was in charge of a vesper prayer service with new freshmen coming in...Well I was a little full of myself at that time in my life. I was a music major and to be in the college Chorale was the best of the best, not just the Choir. In order for you to be in the Chorale you had to audition every year and it was based on the competition. Since I was in it the year before, I just believe d I would be a shew in. So I spoke these words to my young sisters in the Lord..."If I don't get into Chorale this year it will be alright... Well guess what....I was beat out by a freshman!!! Ouch! It was amazing how many freshman stopped me and said..."Remember what you said in that vesper service...!'( Pride goeth before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall !) God spent a whole year reformatting what He wanted to do in my life. Since I wasn't in Chorale, I took an alternate class...Sign Language. God had a plan all along. I loved it and began to incorporate the signs and music. I then changed from a music major to an education major. God restored back to me the opportunity to sing in the Chorale for two more years but I learned an invaluable lesson about the power of the tongue. Like a child, God chastised me but loved me through this growth period and blessed me with more because I received his chasitisement, humbly. One of the biggest blessing I got in my life was when a deaf man gave his heart to the Lord before he died and I helped lead the way. I have interpreted for the deaf, put signs to music and am now teaching my kindergarteners signs as they learn the other basics. I had to share this with someone because you may be out there and have let words run amuck. Ask God's forgiveness and guidance. As with anything else, we all need to put a watch before our lips that we might strive to always speak life to those around us. He just may change your heart and/or direction of your life. He did mine.


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To speak or not to speak now that is the question....????
Posted : 13 Aug, 2008 06:02 PM

What was the question again ?

I think the cat got my tongue.:goofball:


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To speak or not to speak now that is the question....????
Posted : 13 Aug, 2008 06:26 PM

Really a discussion on the power of words...Do you feel that you have to be careful what you speak on yourself or someone else. I don't know if I'm clear. In the instance I spoke of in the post...I blatantly made the statement but I didn't like the consequence God gave me. God did turn it around for me and gave me something wonderful but I still had to face all those freshmen and smile in spite of my pride and hurt for a whole year. Not easy for me at that time in my life. I have heard people speak sickness and get sick just as much as I've heard people speak healing and saw them healed. James speaks of the tongue but I'm really not talking about that aspect of it. Have I totally confused you?

I hope not. Can the words we speak "on" (not about) ourselves or others truely have a positive or negative effect just because we spoke them? Whew !!!!:prayingm:


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To speak or not to speak now that is the question....????
Posted : 14 Aug, 2008 12:00 PM


He that rebuketh a man afterwards shall find more favor than he that flattereth with his tongue.

Proverbs 29:11

A fool uttereth all his mind: but a wise man keepeth it in till afterwards.


I do believe death and life are in the power of the tongue;

and for that reason,many times we just need to be quiet.

Great Post, by the way !


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To speak or not to speak now that is the question....????
Posted : 14 Aug, 2008 04:53 PM

Thank you and you are absolutely right about the tongue.


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To speak or not to speak now that is the question....????
Posted : 16 Aug, 2008 04:19 PM

I have been meditating on your question on the tongue. Normally, I am quick but I don't quite know how to say:

"Yes, I believe when we were made by the creator and in the image of the creator, who spoke all things into existence, and gave Adam the breathe of life. One attribute, I believe HE passed onto man is the ability to speak life and blessings into existence and death and cursing."

Have you ever thought it was perculiar that Jesus breathed on the disciples and said, "Receive ye the Holy Spirit". I have always wondered about that event, it's purpose, was something restored to man in that act and all that He imparted?



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