Author Thread: Around The Corner...

Around The Corner...
Posted : 5 Jan, 2011 09:49 AM

Around the corner I have a friend, in this great city that has no end.

Yet the days go by and weeks rush on, and before I know it, a year is gone. And I never see my friend's face.

For life is a swift and terrible race, but he knows I like him just as well, as in the days when I first rang his bell, and he rang mine, but we were younger then, and now we are very busy, and tired, older woman and man.

Tired of playing foolish games. Tired of trying to make a name. Just plain tired of everything.

Tomorrow I say, "I will call on John." Just to say hello, and to show him that I'm thinking about him.

But tomorrow comes and tomorrow goes, and distance between us grows and grows.

Around the corner, yet miles away... "Here's a telegram Ms."... "Oh, no, John died today!"

And that's what we get and deserve in the end, when we are too busy to STOP and call or send a letter or card to a family member or friend.

Around the corner, a vanished friend...

This is a New Year, and 2011, should be new beginning for everyone. Old things have passed aways, behold, start it off by making all things new in your life again. Take time to make contact with those family members and friends you have not heard from for eyars, or who may live AROUND THE CORNER. Be the first to seize the moment to reach out and touch them. Let the past 2010, be in the past, and ask God to jump start your hearts all over again .


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Around The Corner...
Posted : 5 Jan, 2011 10:45 AM

I don't know if that is a true story....but it was for me 10 years ago, and I still remember it today.

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Around The Corner...
Posted : 6 Jan, 2011 12:31 AM

Thank you ET for the sad but very nice poem. Right away I put the effort to get in touch with a friend I know I cared so much but was vanished in my busy years. We just end up just like the good ole days. :yay::bouncy::ROFL:

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Around The Corner...
Posted : 6 Jan, 2011 09:04 AM

Hey 2sparrow,

Yes, and no... my girlfriend sent this to me last year. This has happened to me a few times, just as it has happened to everyone as you state it happened to you. And now, I try very hard to make that call whenever God places a person's name in my thoughts, I stop whatever I'm doing and make the call.

Two years ago three days before Thanksgiving, I had planned to call my girlfirend, because the week before, she had contacted me saying she would be stopping by my house within the week, but she had been busy.

A week past, and she hadn't come by, and for two days, I kept saying I would call her and asked why she hadn't popped in. The night I did decide to call her, before I could make the call, I received a call, telling me that she had left a wedding that evening, and gone to the hospital. I never saw her again until her funeral. The headache she was experiencing at the wedding, was bleeding on the brain, and she went into a coma, and died.

Right, Mercy, this has happened to me as well, when I've taken the time to place the call, there is much laughter and joy like old times when hearing from someone you have not heard from for a while.

I would say, The moral of this poem is to take the time to make the contact with a person when God places someone's name in your thoughts...even f you don't like them and haven't spoken in months or years, because we never know, it may be their last time speaking with us, or our last to here on earth... we never know.:glow:

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