Author Thread: In a First, President Backs Gay Marriage

In a First, President Backs Gay Marriage
Posted : 9 May, 2012 03:25 PM

5/9/12 ~ MSN ~ Headline ~ In a First, President Backs Gay Marriage ~ In a landmark statement Wednesday, Barack Obama changed his stance & became the first US president to endorse the right of same-sex couples to marry.

*** Why did he change his stance ???...:rolleyes:...Is it to Gain the "popular" Vote or to allow the Vote to "popular" the Gain ???...either way...In a First...I've ever seen a President of the USA to Sway to Wishy~:angeldevil:~Washy...:prayingf:...What yall think about this ???...xo

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In a First, President Backs Gay Marriage
Posted : 18 May, 2012 03:35 PM

Well said is 2 real life examples...

A lady I know married a man 20+ yrs ago...they divorced...she met a lady...fell in love...they live together now...GOD did not create her or the other lady this way...they both have chosen this life style...they both profess to be Christian...I personaly do not see it in thier life style...

2 men I together for many years now...they say they were born this way...they are not professed Christian...they are professed Atheists...

A cousin of mine...married with one kid...divorced...announced he was gay...had many intangelments with both male & female...He never said he was born this way when I ask him...He said I like variaty...he is dead now...of Aids...

Another cousin...married...1 child...divorced...into drugs and alcohol now serving jail time for assaulting a man/women (he/she trans~exual) in a basement of a Church...He believes himself gay or bi-se~xual and its because the other cousin mentioned above mole~ested him when he was a kid...

I do not for moment believe GOD created any of them this way...I do believe they have made very poor choices in life...

No matter what people tell me about all this...the Finale Authority is always what does the Scripture and Word say about it...Comes down to ya can either except the Truth in the Word or ya can except a Lie of the World...So...the phase Love the Sinner and Hate the Sin makes purty good sense to me...xo

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In a First, President Backs Gay Marriage
Posted : 18 May, 2012 03:44 PM

I do believe genetics play a part in someone's sexual preferences, like they do in many areas of our lives; and if we were mere unreasoning animals that would be acceptable. As it is, we're not though - we have the ability, even the responsibility, to think through consequences and act according to what we know to be right and wrong rather than what we feel. I sympathise with those who feel attraction for the own sex, and simply having those feelings is not a sin nor should we shun people who have them.

Saying someone was born that way is simply a carte-blanche for any and all shortcomings. Yes, they may well have been, but that's because humankind are no longer what God intended them to be and all of Adams' descendents are defective in some way because of the fall. If we allow something on the basis of being "born that way" then you have to allow everything to everyone also "born that way". You may have heard of some European political group (Dutch I believe) that wants to allow sex between adults and children. You may not think it's the same argument, but statistically some of those children will be willing partners in which case how do you say that homosexuality is acceptable but this is not, when both are between consenting parties?

Paul was right when he wrote of the "thorn in his flesh" and doing things he shouldn't whilst not doing the things he should; clearly there was something in his person that kept tripping him up, but he never once sought to blame God or make excuses by saying that's how he was made, he just acknowledged it was a problem for him. Likewise I've got no condemnation for people who prefer their own sex but refuse to act on it, and even none for those who have acted on it but accept it is wrong, however I will not tolerate someone saying it's not wrong when the bible very clearly says it is.

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In a First, President Backs Gay Marriage
Posted : 18 May, 2012 05:06 PM

Ok. First off i myself am against gay marriage. So the answer is no i do not support the sin of homosexuality. What i said was Obama has some major courage for coming out saying this during an election year. You gotta admit.....that took guts.

But though i oppose gay marriage i dont have the obsession with it that alot of Christians do. God is not trying to mobolize us to stop gay marriage. We should stand on our own convictions, not try to make our own convictions law. Funny thing (and this is why i no longer label myself Christian) , christians dont want the government to help the poor yet they want the govt to outlaw everything they themselves dont like. Gay marriage....... You want a law. want a law. Border want more laws. But when the govt steps in to provide for poor folks oh no you cant have that.

Im not buying it. If Jesus were alive today the last thing he would be is a Christian. I myself am a Follower Of Chirst

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In a First, President Backs Gay Marriage
Posted : 18 May, 2012 07:08 PM

"What i said was Obama has some major courage for coming out saying this during an election year. You gotta admit"

What you said was, you "support and applaud" what he did. How is it courage to simply promote something that others disagree with? He has a huge base that supports gay it didn't take much courage at all. I strongly suggest you take a look at what true courage is...maybe from examples in scripture....Maybe followers of Christ not backing away from truth even to the point of death. It's sad what some view as courage nowadays.

"But though i oppose gay marriage i dont have the obsession with it that alot of Christians do. God is not trying to mobolize us to stop gay marriage."

While some take it to the extreme and exercise a form of's not wrong or obsessive to speak out against gay marriage. It is wrong to support and applaud those who promote it. Why would God not want us against gay marriage? It destroys the family structure that He has authored...It's not a small issue as you would like to claim.

"But when the govt steps in to provide for poor folks oh no you cant have that."

Liberal cliches....Christians believe they are to help those in need out of the goodness of their heart. They do not believe it's the government's job to take their money and force them to give it to who the government thinks deserves it...You've got it all backwards

"Im not buying it. If Jesus were alive today the last thing he would be is a Christian. I myself am a Follower Of Chirst"

Of course he wouldn't because "Christian" is simply a label for someone who follows Christ. Christ is the whole point of scripture...why would He follow himself?

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In a First, President Backs Gay Marriage
Posted : 18 May, 2012 07:17 PM

I DO support what Obama did. It Did take guts whether you want to admit it or not. Its an election year and 33 states have banned gay marriage so Obama is not doing himself any favors in the vote department by saying he supports gay marriage.

And what do you mean liberal cliches? Jesus said feed the hungry not " feed the hungry unless you do it thru a govt program", and Jesus didnt say " feed the hungry but for my fathers sake dont use the government to do it." good try though homie:buddies:

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In a First, President Backs Gay Marriage
Posted : 18 May, 2012 07:23 PM

And how do i have it backwards. You dont want the govt using your tax dollars to help poor folks but you want the govt to step in and outlaw everything you dont like. And yet you conservatives still have the nerve to claim to want small govt. Yea you want small govt in your own lives but you want the govt right smack dab in the middle of everyone elses life.

Also regarding gay marriage we are not doing christ any favors by trying to get it outlawed. GALATIANS 2:21:buddies:

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In a First, President Backs Gay Marriage
Posted : 18 May, 2012 07:39 PM

You support what Obama did. Obama supported gay marriage. You support gay marriage...It's simple math. The fact that it's an election year is exactly why he did it. It didn't take guts...Liberals and moderates have been wanting a president to do this for a long time. He is strengthening his base who were looking elsewhere to do his failed fiscal policies...If you think it was so damaging to him...then how do you explain how someone who is against gay marriage(supposedly you) supports his promotion of it. Even your own opinion on the matter flies in the face of you saying it was damaging to him.

"And what do you mean liberal cliches? Jesus said feed the hungry not " feed the hungry unless you do it thru a govt program", and Jesus didnt say " feed the hungry but for my fathers sake dont use the government to do it." good try"

That's not what I said...Jesus speaks on the heart. Our heart should be to help the poor. We do not believe in being forced to give the government our money to decide where it should and shouldn't go. We believe that we can better do that for ourselves. Being forced by the government, takes the heart completely out of the equation and is no long what is described in scripture. Whether you like it or's a weak argument to say we should be for BIG government because Jesus said to help the poor.

"And what do you mean liberal cliches?"

I mean you all make this claim all of the time that conservatives are against helping the poor. It's a silly claim at best. At worst, it's a flat out lie.

"You dont want the govt using your tax dollars to help poor folks but you want the govt to step in and outlaw everything you dont like"

Wrong...marriage has been clearly defined for thousands of years. It's not the government's job to come in and redefine it to make people comfortable while they live in sin. Same with abortion...the right to life was established thousands of years ago as well as it is God who forms the child in the mother's womb. The government doesn't get to come in and say who deserves life and who doesn't...

"Yea you want small govt in your own lives but you want the govt right smack dab in the middle of everyone elses life."

Wrong...I supported Ron Paul. Do your research. By the way...many of the conservatives you speak of are not believers...

"Also regarding gay marriage we are not doing christ any favors by trying to get it outlawed. GALATIANS 2:21"

Because of grace we are to live righteously...not live righteously in order to obtain grace. You cannot reconcile your interpretation of this passage with the scripture I already posted from Romans 1

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In a First, President Backs Gay Marriage
Posted : 18 May, 2012 07:54 PM

It doesn't take courage to stand for sin, it does take courage to stand against sin.

It is a sad state of affairs that states have to enact laws to protect God's institution of marriage. We wouldn't need laws if it wasn't for those who want to force their lifestyle on others. Christians, followers of Christ, are not forcing our lifestyle, we're trying to protect it.

With the action by Pres Obama, who also arbitrarily declared that the US is not a Christian nation, our nation is on a rapid path to destruction - decaying morals are the downfall of every nation in history.

More conservatives directly support the poor than most liberals...look at the charitable donations of the nation's leaders. Give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he'll eat for a lifetime.

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In a First, President Backs Gay Marriage
Posted : 18 May, 2012 07:55 PM

Holdingouthope its very rare that i get a chance to debate a cop. So i actually find this intruiging. I wont harp on your profession cuz im sure ylure not on this site to talk about it.

But i wanna flip the script for a minute and ask you what you think of the Scott Walker situation going on in my state. Walker has turned nearly an entire police force against him here in wisconsin. No small task considering wisconsin cops in thr past were nearly all conservative. But he turned them all into democrats. But anyway im curious do you support scott walker? Cuz police departments are some of the hardest hit employees by his policies

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In a First, President Backs Gay Marriage
Posted : 18 May, 2012 08:00 PM

I'm not familiar with that situation and I don't think we should turn the thread in that direction either.

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