Author Thread: Wear Your Mask

Wear Your Mask
Posted : 3 Nov, 2020 01:03 PM

There are so many things in life that are hard right now, but wearing a mask isn’t one of them. This is what healthcare workers are wearing for every patient, for the majority of 8-12 hours a day. We are stressed, tired, and frustrated with the physical barriers between us. We come to work and ask “what’s new today?” because practices are frequently changing and it’s hard to keep up. We are grateful to have work, and happy to provide care that is so essential, but it has been made exponentially more difficult. You can imagine why it makes me crazy to see people continuing to not wear masks and flout social distancing guidelines, giving excuses that make no scientific sense but support their flawed logic. Hospitals aren’t profiting from covid, in fact many have cut staff and benefits because of the cost of overtime and retaining staff in the early shut down. Hospitals are filling up and there is not an endless supply of healthcare workers and beds to provide care. An NO, we are most definitely NOT rounding the corner. It isn’t a conspiracy, it’s science. So wear your mask, wash your hands, and go support small businesses.

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