Author Thread: Do you know Sweden ?

Do you know Sweden ?
Posted : 3 May, 2010 07:04 AM

I have lived in USA for 6 years.

As an Swedish living and working in USA did I find out that almost noone did knew about my country, Sweden.

On TV did they not talk abour Europe more than in most case negative matters.

For me did it sounded like TV in USA wanted American people to think that other countries are not so developed as USA.

I got the question one time if we had radio in Sweden.

How much do you know about Sweden and the rest of Europe ?

If people knew some countries was it because they have been in the military and visit it but I doubt that this people know so much about the country as they most are around the habors.

In some countries in Europe is there hotel that have everything inside them so people don't need to walk out from the hotel to buy things.

How can they know about countries then ?

When I lived in Texas did I hear that people thought that Sweden was the same as Switzerland.

People refused to work with me on September 11 every year because I was a foreigner. I said to them that Sweden have not been in war for more than 250 years and we work together with USA in the military.

Tell me what do you know about Europe.

( Sweden belong to Europe and am a member of European union ) :yay:

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Do you know Sweden ?
Posted : 3 May, 2010 08:17 AM

What I know about Sweden:

Capital: Stockholm

Queen: Silvia, born a German

Other big cities: Malm�. Gothenburg, Jank�pping...

Sweden sent the first member of the pirate party to the EP

Sweden joined the EU in 1995 together with Finland and Austria.

Sweden is one of the countries that did not introduce the Euro when it came to existence, together with Great Britain and Denmark.

Neighbouring countries: Norway to the west and north, Finland to the east, Denmark across the baltic sea to the west and south, Germany and Poland across the baltic sea to the south, the baltic states (Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia) and Russia also across the batic sea to the east.

National currency: Kronor; 1 Kornor = 100 �re

Sweden was the home of the well known children's author Astrid Lindgren who wrote books as Emil fron L�nneberga, Pippi Longstockings and I think aso Karlsson on the roof (?)...

Sweden is also home to many well known pop musician, all above Abba, but also Roxette and many metal bands, Narnia being one I personally like that makes Christian metal...

In Sweden, like all Skandinavia, beer and cigarettes are painfully expansive.

There are thousands of lakes in Sweden, ad it is very popular among youth groups to go there canoeing in the summer (I went there with the German YMCA in 1996, it was great!).

Sweden is said to have the best social security system throughout Europe, that would maybe mean: worldwide, and still has a good economy compared to other less social countries in Europe.

I certainly missed a whole lot. Like houses are usually red and white and of wood (I know it's a stereotype)...

But I aso guess this wasn't a question for me. I'm German, I know Sweden (actually this is why I know the Queen better than the King, whose name is Gustav I think, but I am not sure).

Ah, the King and Queen met during the summer olympics in Munich in 1972...

Okay, now I'll stop and leave the rest to some yankees to find out:nahnah:

God bless you

De Benny

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Do you know Sweden ?
Posted : 3 May, 2010 09:36 AM

Your to kindly to those out from Europe and be German is like a neighbor to me as it take about the same time to go by train to Stockholm as go to Berlin with the train for me that live in south of Sweden.

Yes, my questions was for those outside Europe.

But by your clues can some people find out that they was in Sweden on vacation and not Switzerland..... or vice verse :ROFL:

Our kings name is wrong.....but I don't tell the right name here ....:laugh:

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Do you know Sweden ?
Posted : 4 May, 2010 03:52 AM

Let's see... Benny got some of the easy-peasy ones like ABBA and Pippi.

flag is blue with a yellow cross

my rose = min ros

my cow = min ko

I should know more, and I might if it wasn't in the middle of the night... LOL My maternal grandfather was born there.

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Do you know Sweden ?
Posted : 4 May, 2010 03:58 AM

Oh... Saint Lucia Day, which is celebrated during the winter sometime (around Christmas?). Saint Lucia is the one with dug out eyes.

And Sweden is so far North that the sunset and sunrise is back-to-back at the summer solstice, thus the term "land of the midnight sun."

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Do you know Sweden ?
Posted : 4 May, 2010 08:20 AM

Let see what you answered.....

Let's see... Benny got some of the easy-peasy ones like ABBA and Pippi. ( Right )

flag is blue with a yellow cross ( yes, to tell the world that we are a Christian country did we choosed a yellow cross against a blue sky, the flag should be hanged so people can see there is a cross )

my rose = min ros ( right )

my cow = min ko ( right but I wondering if your grandfather said "my rose, my cow" to his cow and not your grandmother ? *LOL* ) Just kidding.

I should know more, and I might if it wasn't in the middle of the night... LOL My maternal grandfather was born there.

Oh... Saint Lucia Day, which is celebrated during the winter sometime (around Christmas?). Saint Lucia is the one with dug out eyes.......... ( dug out eyes ? nope ...with burning candle on her head )

And Sweden is so far North that the sunset and sunrise is back-to-back at the summer solstice, thus the term "land of the midnight sun."

( Sweden is a long country long as it is from New York to Miami in Florida )

( Just now is it snow in the North of Sweden but it was at least 2 months since we had snow in my area. I live in the very south of Sweden and we have about the same weather as Virginia have and the same nature...minus those poison snakes and spiders....we have no animals that can kill us in the nature )

Sweden isn't so cold as people think because we have the Mexican gulf stream coming up and am around our coast so Alaska is far colder than North of Sweden.

Thank you for your answer about Sweden. Ity was good answers ! :applause:

God's blessing

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Do you know Sweden ?
Posted : 4 May, 2010 10:50 AM

LOL... My mother is actually the one who is fond of saying "min ko." She says it in a joking way to people! "Min ros" is her term of endearment for me, although she doesn't use it often.

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Do you know Sweden ?
Posted : 4 May, 2010 03:36 PM

I didn't know Pippi was known in the USA...

Jag hjeter Benjamin, jag �r fran Tyskland...

That's about all Swedish I know. Ah, and �l means beer (not sure about the spelling). The funny thing is: �l is the German word for oil, so when I went to Sweden I was first a bit surprised that people there would drink oil...:ROFL:

There is a famous song in Germany about Sweden by "Die �rzte". Though they paint an image of the country that is not very precise, singing of the beauty of the palm trees, the elephants there, the famines that come every few years and stuff like that. Actually I think they sing of a tropical Island, but name it Sweden...

Okay, it's obviously too late, I start writing silly stuff...

God bless you

De Benny

PS: Are you sure those mousses don't eat people? :laugh:

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Do you know Sweden ?
Posted : 4 May, 2010 03:55 PM

I think I know more german than you Swedish.

I was renting my houses to German people for 10 years.

The money I got of rent houses to German did we spent in Germany around Christmas every year.

My daughter have her oma and opa ( grandparents ) living in Berlin.

Do you mean mouses or mooses ? .... both maybe eat people :laugh:

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Do you know Sweden ?
Posted : 18 May, 2010 10:02 AM

I mean mooses... I know, spelling... Those which were the problem for the Mercedes A class car...

Of course you know Germany better then I know Sweden, after all you say. I've been to Sweden only once in my life, and that was 14 years ago. Some things might have changed... but I guess there are still more trees than people

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Do you know Sweden ?
Posted : 5 Jun, 2010 03:43 PM

Sweden and Russia had several wars in the 1600's.Peter the Great defeated Charles of Sweden. Peter built St. Petersburg on the new land he gained from that war.

I hope this is what you wanted.

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