Author Thread: Uh, Houston, we've got a problem

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Uh, Houston, we've got a problem
Posted : 20 Jun, 2010 01:21 PM

I heard somewhere the other day that there is a plan in works to evacuate all the people along the coast line. If they know that this is true, the methane gas levels being high, that would explain why. The is really scary stuff.

Permian History Methane Gas Explosion From Ocean Wiped Out 95% Of Life

It may not have the potential for a "ELE" (Extinction Level Event) for the the whole planet....but it sure has the potential for CATASTROPHIC PHYSICAL DESTRUCTION of anything IN, AROUND or NEAR the Gulf Coast.

...and YOU thought the oil itself was the only thing to worry about.

Gulf oil full of methane, adding new Concerns

Associated Press Writers= NEW ORLEANS (AP) � It is an overlooked danger in oil spill crisis: The crude gushing from the well contains vast amounts of natural gas that could pose a serious threat to the Gulf of Mexico's fragile ecosystem.

The oil emanating from the seafloor contains about 40 percent methane, compared with about 5 percent found in typical oil deposits, said John Kessler, a Texas A&M University oceanographer who is studying the impact of methane from the spill.

That means huge quantities of methane have entered the Gulf, scientists say, potentially suffocating marine life and creating "dead zones" where oxygen is so depleted that nothing lives.

"This is the most vigorous methane eruption in modern human history," Kessler said.

Methane is a colorless, odorless and flammable substance that is a major component in the natural gas used to heat people's homes. Petroleum engineers typically burn off excess gas attached to crude before the oil is shipped off to the refinery. That's exactly what BP has done as it has captured more than 7.5 million gallons of crude from the breached well.

A BP spokesman said the company was burning about 30 million cubic feet of natural gas daily from the source of the leak, adding up to about 450 million cubic feet since the containment effort started 15 days ago. That's enough gas to heat about 450,000 homes for four days.

But that figure does not account for gas that eluded containment efforts and wound up in the water, leaving behind huge amounts of methane.

BP PLC said a containment cap sitting over the leaking well funneled about 619,500 gallons of oil to a drillship waiting on the ocean surface on Wednesday. Meanwhile, a specialized flare siphoning oil and gas from a stack of pipes on the seafloor burned roughly 161,700 gallons.

Thursday was focused on Capitol Hill, where lawmakers chastised BP CEO Tony Hayward.

Testifying as oil still surged into the Gulf at between 1.47 million and 2.52 million gallons a day, coating more coastal land and marshes, Hayward declared "I am so devastated with this accident," ''deeply sorry" and "so distraught."

But he also said he was out of the loop on decisions at the well and disclaimed knowledge of any of the myriad problems on and under the Deepwater Horizon rig before the deadly explosion. BP was leasing the rig the Deepwater Horizon that exploded April 20, killing 11 workers and triggering the environmental disaster.

"BP blew it," said Rep. Bart Stupak, D-Mich., chairman of the House investigations panel that held the hearing. "You cut corners to save money and time."

As for the methane, scientists are still trying to measure how much has escaped into the water and how it may damage the Gulf and it creatures.

Revelation 8:9

a third of the living creatures in the sea died,

and a third of the ships were destroyed.

(a methane created tsunami would do that quite easily)

Concerned yet?

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Uh, Houston, we've got a problem
Posted : 20 Jun, 2010 01:32 PM

Here are some more videos that tell the truth about what is happening in the Gulf. This is really extremely scary stuff. Please listen and then judge for yourself. Don't hesitate or procrastinate; your government is not going to take care of you. Please, please take care of yourself.





I liken this to in the bible where God set Joseph up as 2nd in authority over all of Egypt for a time when there was famine in the nation. We Christians should be prepared to help others who are in need.

Here is a link to a "Survival Seed" kit that will provide a way to feed many, many people.

Please watch the videos and then order the seeds today. (I am not affiliated with the person selling those seeds in any way.)

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Uh, Houston, we've got a problem
Posted : 21 Jun, 2010 01:51 PM

Here's another video about the same thing but a different source. Please, if you know anyone in FL or coastal AL, MS, TX tell them to get out now. This guy estimates mid-summer for worst, but gases are present now.

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Uh, Houston, we've got a problem
Posted : 22 Jun, 2010 12:48 PM

Yes Mame...this is a diffinate problem...thanxs for the links an the Biblical Script also...These things are spose ta happen an we jus gots ta continue ta do the do...God Bless ya...xo

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Uh, Houston, we've got a problem
Posted : 5 Jul, 2010 10:32 PM

Fisherman's wife



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Uh, Houston, we've got a problem
Posted : 5 Jul, 2010 11:14 PM

phd guy talks about dispersants

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