Author Thread: Dating a married person that is separated and or in process of divorce.... need opinions on this subject. Honest responses please.

Dating a married person that is separated and or in process of divorce.... need opinions on this subject. Honest responses please.
Posted : 25 Feb, 2009 06:15 PM

I just need to know what other peoples opinion on this subject is. I personally am legally still married, we are separated and are in the process of a divorce. What are some of your opinions on dating a married man or woman in this situation. If the man or woman says to the other their marriage is over, are your free to start dating? Or do your have to wait until your divorce is final?

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Dating a married person that is separated and or in process of divorce.... need opinions on this subject. Honest responses please.
Posted : 29 Jul, 2011 06:47 PM

ok, you asked, so here is MY opinion......

I feel that the Lord would want you to wait until the divorce is over. People can change their minds and get back together in relationships. God can make a way, where there seems to be no way. I think he would have you stay out of that relationship just in case their is any chance of reconciliation. It could be a hinderence for them reconciling. God hates divorce and if there is a chance to mend that marriage, he would like that. So forever what this is worth, I say, wait until afte the divorce and have nothing to do with that person for now.

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Dating a married person that is separated and or in process of divorce.... need opinions on this subject. Honest responses please.
Posted : 5 Aug, 2011 05:25 PM

I have mixed feeling on this topic. I think first, you do need to pray. Secondly, How long have you been separated? Is your spouse dating and would it complicate your divorce? The reason I want to know if he is dating is...if he is dating than he possibly wouldn't have the right to complicate the divorce. And finally, I feel there shouldn't be any rush in jumping into a relationship. Even if you have been separated for a while. I think we all know if we are doing the right thing or not...most of us anyway. Good luck to you! I hope you have a blessed life:glow:

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Dating a married person that is separated and or in process of divorce.... need opinions on this subject. Honest responses please.
Posted : 7 Aug, 2011 08:56 AM

:purpleangel:My response is based on personal experience. Separated, NO, NO , NO. Still married HELL no. Isn,t there a commandment covering that? And last, wait for at least one year after divorce. People need time to rebalance thier mind and get back in the dating world. Your asking for heartaches if you play that game. Divorced over one year has a better chance of sucess. You ever hear of " on the rebound"? Remember, thou shall not covet !.:purpleangel:

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Dating a married person that is separated and or in process of divorce.... need opinions on this subject. Honest responses please.
Posted : 22 Aug, 2011 11:21 PM

To date a married man or woman who is separated and in the process of divorce is not a wise decision. I find no grounds in the scripture for this action, you are not divorced, and I think that one would be choosing out of emotional need over what God wills in the situation. If your prepared to date already, even if it has been some time, then I have to wonder whether you have God's will or your will in mind. I certainly understand the desire, but not the action or decision. I know what it is to be in the process of divorce and to be divorced and even when it is legally has to consider what God thinks of divorce and the grounds He gives for finding new relationship with someone else...

If you haven't worked on your part in the failure of the relationship then you haven't begun to get ready for the next relationship. Even if our spouse was the one who broke the relationship ..each of us has our part and contribution to consider. No divorce is a one way street...if you didn't directly have a hand in the destruction of the relationship, which most of us do, then more than likely you were not ready as an adult to enter into the relationship in the first place. Your choosing mechanism was and is faulty and some real help from a counselor is needed. Being and becoming healthy takes time and effort and is intentional.

We all make mistakes...most often because we do not know ourselves as well as we think and we often skip past obvious warning signs when caught in the infatuation of someone new. A third party is invaluable.

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Dating a married person that is separated and or in process of divorce.... need opinions on this subject. Honest responses please.
Posted : 4 Sep, 2011 09:00 PM

Since I have been on this site,,I have come across two contacts that were separated. That I have wrote to..One was not honest on his profile saying he was divorced..The other has been honest..I feel when you are married you should not date..I feel in Gods eyes that would be wrong..because you are still accountable to your vows...Being now divorced myself for 2 yrs..There is so much emotional baggage and you need to heal.. So if that is not given time to another said you are gonna take that baggage into another relationship..I know i don't want to be a shadow of another woman's memory..So for me I just wouldn't date a married man...:glow:

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Dating a married person that is separated and or in process of divorce.... need opinions on this subject. Honest responses please.
Posted : 4 Mar, 2012 07:37 AM

A married person that is separated is still married. It is against God to be dating someone who is already married and belongs to another wife or husband.


Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral. (Hebrew 13:4)

God hates divorce. But is is ok if someone has be unfaithful and also if that person is an unbeliever and that unbeliever chooses to divorce. If it was an abusive situation, then I believe God would not want that person to stay in with that person for safety reasons.


Has not the LORD made the two of you one? You belong to him in body and spirit. And why has he made you one? Because he was seeking godly offspring.[a] So be on your guard, and do not be unfaithful to the wife of your youth.

�I hate divorce,� says the LORD God of Israel, �and I hate it when people clothe themselves with injustice,� says the LORD Almighty.

So be on your guard, and do not be unfaithful. (Malachi 2:15-16)

Also, if someone is in a process of divorce, one, they are also still married. And, two, even once they had a divorce, need to recover from that previous marriage. Depending on the length of their marriage. Also, it would be a good idea to find out the truth as to why the person is divorcing and if that person will be reliable to pay their child's support if children are involved.

If a person chooses to date a married, "separated" or someone in the process of getting a divorce, that person better stop it, otherwise fear God. God is a God of mercy. But, he is also just and that person should honor God if that person is truly a follower in Christ.

I personally am not sinless, no man is. Let us aim to please Jesus, and honestly ask for his forgiveness when we do mess up. God knows our true nature of our hearts. Let him be the judge, not me.

In Christ.

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Dating a married person that is separated and or in process of divorce.... need opinions on this subject. Honest responses please.
Posted : 6 Mar, 2012 04:01 PM

I think God wants u to wait until u are divorced because marriage is ordained by God. If u choose to date another b4 u r divorced then that means u r committing adultery no matter what the reason for the separation. Until the marriage is legally ended then it would def be wrong in the eyes of God. Plus, it takes time for people to heal and emotionally be ready for another relationship with someone. This time varies, some longer than others. So my advice is to wait on being divorced legally b4 dating again...there are many aspects of life that need focused on during the separation besides dating...u will c...:) God Bless!!!

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Dating a married person that is separated and or in process of divorce.... need opinions on this subject. Honest responses please.
Posted : 19 Aug, 2013 05:12 PM

NO, Never, Ever, Ever ~!

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Dating a married person that is separated and or in process of divorce.... need opinions on this subject. Honest responses please.
Posted : 28 Nov, 2013 04:48 PM

My personal opinion is I would NEVER date or talk to on a "dating" site, unless it is final and over with. As soon as I see "separtated" on their profile, I just click on the next one. But that is only my opinion. If your still in a contract with God, I just don't understand how He would want you to move on. Hope this helps. :angel:

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Dating a married person that is separated and or in process of divorce.... need opinions on this subject. Honest responses please.
Posted : 1 Mar, 2014 10:49 PM

Haha so funny. I love the corrections

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