Author Thread: Beware of scams-I just got taken!

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Beware of scams-I just got taken!
Posted : 3 Jan, 2009 10:12 AM

Hello everybody,

I want to share brieflly an experience I had, and hope none of you go through what I did. I fell for one these Nigerian scams-romance style. I had met someone on another christian dating site, and everything seemed fine. she sent pictures and everything seemed good. She said she was living in Nigeria because her late husband was killed there in a car accident. She said she was a christian and attended a baptist church. I suspected something was up, but did not follow through. She said she was from Missouri originally. My desire to meet that special someone overtook the logic that was needed to see through this. Over a period of time I sent her some money to help her along, and it was her desire to come back to the United States. she played me for a fool over a period of a few months,then threw her "ace of spades" at me. She said she had an insurance policy she was going to cash in and had her "agent" send me several thousand dollars in moneygrams of which i was to deposit then send her through western union to come here. turns out the checks were all bogus, I checked some fraud sites, and eventually found her using somebody else's picture, which is what i learned they like to do, use somebody else's pictures to make you think they are your "dreamboat', when in reality they are nothing but low down scoundrels who prey on people. As it is, I have to pay the bank back several thousand dollars to the bank.

Hard lesson learned- believe what the bible says- proverbs 3:5-6-"trust in the Lord with you heart, lean not unto your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will direct your paths." obviously I did not. So please be careful in all these areas, and please pray for me.

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Beware of scams-I just got taken!
Posted : 24 Dec, 2012 11:46 AM

Beautiful and awesome advice. It never ceases to amaze me why and how people fall for th�se scams. I have learnt from experience that most people who claim to be christians are not matured in the Word of God. God's Word is the perfect light for our path, giving us understanding, and helping us see our correct path of action.

Christians should beware of the fleshly wrappings. It gets too dangerous out there, without the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

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Beware of scams-I just got taken!
Posted : 24 Dec, 2012 11:47 AM

Beautiful and awesome advice. It never ceases to amaze me why and how people fall for th�se scams. I have learnt from experience that most people who claim to be christians are not matured in the Word of God. God's Word is the perfect light for our path, giving us understanding, and helping us see our correct path of action.

Christians should beware of the fleshly wrappings. It gets too dangerous out there, without the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

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