Author Thread: guys who make you a list of requirements

guys who make you a list of requirements
Posted : 16 Nov, 2011 02:04 PM

I don't know but i think that is a tad bit over the top

no one is perfect it kind of makes me want to say, take me for who I am love me for who i am in my present not condemn me and shut me out for my past. What if a person makes an effort to feel guilty for what they did in their past and changed? i knew of a youth pastor that denied a woman to help with the youth because she wasn't a virgin. I really think that's over the top, why not forgive her and let her make that step to changing her life style? give her a chance to know god don't throw her out on the curb like gutter trash for the rats to nibble on.

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guys who make you a list of requirements
Posted : 16 Nov, 2011 03:19 PM

I hope the pastor realizes what he's done and lost. As long as she isn't advocating losing your virginity, the church *needs* people who are willing to teach others in saying "I sinned, God rescued me and I want to help you avoid my mistakes". The power of the gospel doesn't lie in words on a page, but in transformed lives and truly grateful people who recognize their need for a saviour...

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guys who make you a list of requirements
Posted : 16 Nov, 2011 04:06 PM

Exactly, it just shocks me when people shun someone away just because they don't meat a certain requirement.

like here is a list of everything i hate about a person

(long list of your faults go here) God forgives and has a way of forgetting it and just saying I love you anyways. Christianity isn't about throwing someone aside in judgment, because they've sinned and aren't up to that persons expectations . I've had someone grill me like i was taking a quiz and if i answered one thing they didn't like they said oh sorry you're a sinner i can't be seen around you like they're free from sin, which they aren't . I don't know it just frustrates me and makes me feel looked down on when it happens to me

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guys who make you a list of requirements
Posted : 16 Nov, 2011 07:09 PM

There are those people in the world that do think they're perfect, and I by no means is not one of them. It does get frustrating when people think they are better than other people and are not willing to be seen with someone just because of small things.

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guys who make you a list of requirements
Posted : 17 Nov, 2011 08:21 AM


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guys who make you a list of requirements
Posted : 17 Nov, 2011 01:08 PM

Don't worry that they call you a sinner*. They've forgotten the parable of the tax collector and the pharisee in the synagogue!

*Obviously, the sins you do commit you need to take seriously and deal with.

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guys who make you a list of requirements
Posted : 17 Nov, 2011 02:13 PM

which i have, my sins are something i feel guilty about and i work towards fixing it

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guys who make you a list of requirements
Posted : 18 Nov, 2011 09:36 PM

it sounds like you are trying to "fix" feeling guilty about your past on your own. then you ma feel guitly about feeling guilty and the cycle goes on.

First feeling guilty is from satan. If it is from satan, it is a spriritual warfare, not a mental one. when one feels guilty, they feel shamed. God does not want you feeling in such a manner for it destroys and comes inbetween your relationship with Him. Anything like this that hinders our relationship with Him is not from Him, but from satan.

satan knows the Word of God and uses bits and pieces of it to attack us, just as he tempted Jesus. Recall satan said to Jesus, "it is written", but satan just used a piece of God's Word to temp Jesus. Jesus came back with the full truth of God's Word. The full story. recall also that satan tempted Adam and Eve with bits and pieces of God's Word.

satan used to be in heaven and knows the Word of God. Satan also knows who Jesus is, what His death on the cross actually did. and so on. He mightly knows the Word of God. However, when satan attacks us, he does not attack us with the whole story; just bits and pieces of it.

When satan attacks you with feeling guilty and shameful of your past, proclaim, yep, but that is just a bit and piece of God's Word, Now that I have accepted Jesus Christ and am a child of God, I have All His promises and blessings. I once was bond to you in false hope, false love, false joy and pleasure, false peace, etc.. Now I know the whole story the whole truth. I am His now. then Rejoice, sing, praise, and worship in His presense for awile. Dwell in His sweet presence. Finish it with praying for someone you know that has not accepted Jesus Christ and is living with satan's false hope, love, joy, etc, so they may have the full truth and not just living with satan's bits and pieces.

Remember, when you are talking to someone and they are making you feel guilty or shameful of your past, it is not the person that is doing it, it is satan using that person. satan is behind the scenes and a spiritual battle is what is actually going on. Yes, this can even happen in a church. recognize it for what it is and turn your eyes to Jesus to help you still have and show His love for this person.

Praise God! We can proclaim His promises because the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Thank You Jesus!

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guys who make you a list of requirements
Posted : 27 Nov, 2011 10:23 AM

My mom actually spoke a analogy to me yesterday that i think befits this...

People today seek that person whose beautiful by others standards, have the new mercedes, etc but behind closed doors don't live up to that expectation.

The main person you keep pushing to the side, telling their not good enough because your sites set on the Jones' are the main people who could pick the world up on their shoulders and have you carry.

It's not right how things have become

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