Author Thread: Country girl comes to Chicago

Country girl comes to Chicago
Posted : 3 Jun, 2012 01:15 PM

4 years ago, there was this girl from high school whom we started talking. She was amazing. She was from the countryside of northern Indiana, and decided to take the train to Chicago for the first time. She was maybe 2 years older than I was, but we knew eachother in highschool. She was a writer. Serious writer.

I headed downtown at 6 am, to meet her at the station and welcomed her. We explored the city, I showed her some key spots, then we went onto my campus, and I played for her some songs I have written. She sat next to me on the piano bench, and kissed me. Then again. That was my first kiss. We had a great day, then that night we went into Millenium Park, the lit up city in the background, and walked and talked, we sat down holding eachother in one another's arms, and kissed, rocked back and forth, it was the most amazing thing I ever experienced. I never wanted it to end. I looked at my phone, and we missed her train home.. so we took public transit to Midway, on the southwest side of town. We missed her bus to get back to Indiana from there. So her dad had to come and pick her up. I sat with her until 1 am, in the empty airport. She wanted me to kiss her again... for some reason I didn't. She drove off with her father, and I walked back into the empty airport, rode the 'L' back to my apartment on the northside of the city, it all seemed like a dream. She later told me, she didn't have feelings for me like she thought she did. That day, I experienced what it was like to love, and be loved. I hope and pray that soon, I will live that day, for the rest of my days with somebody special.

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