Author Thread: "I Am Looking For A White Man"

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"I Am Looking For A White Man"
Posted : 23 Aug, 2012 12:43 AM

Okay this question is not just meant for whites only. Whenever I read profiles from women in Africa, I tend to see a number of profiles with �I am looking for a white man.�

This really makes me laugh.:laugh: Because what exactly are you looking for in a white man? I am not trying to be rude, but aren�t values universal?:goofball: Is it that they want their children to be more light skinned? I don�t read profiles of men but from the men that I have interacted, those who insist on getting a white girl can be categorized into two groups:

a.) a young guy looking for an older white woman to spoil or

b.) a young man who thinks that he needs to �conquer the world.�

Of course there are other reasons, but these two are the ones that are most common among black men in Africa.(IMHO.)

I have learned the following things about women who specifically mention that they want a white man:

a.) The white man will take her child ( if she already has one ) unlike an African man.

b.) The white man is likely to give her a visa ( I don't understand why they don't just say I want an American or British or whatever.)

c.) The white man would give her money without being stingy

So, my question is this: why would anyone want a spouse that is SPECIFICALLY NOT of his/her race?

If you are white and you see such a profile, what is the first thing that comes into mind?

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"I Am Looking For A White Man"
Posted : 23 Aug, 2012 05:37 PM

Times like those, I wonder what might have happened to bring her to say that. Or maybe to say "Must not Smoke," "Must not Drink," "Age between this to the other." Sometimes, she gives her story on her profile. Other times, one would need to ask.

Yeah, I thought that values aren't bound by such things. Still do :D.

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"I Am Looking For A White Man"
Posted : 24 Aug, 2012 06:32 AM

Ive always wondered about profiles that only say "Must not smoke". Not just here, but on other dating sites as well. Would they prefer a drunkard? I know I would never date a woman who drinks. As my grandmother once said, "A woman who drinks will do anything". I would much rather marry a smoker than a drunk. Even if I didnt smoke occasionally, a smoker is much better than a drunkard. Smoking doesnt lower your inhibitions, drinking does.

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"I Am Looking For A White Man"
Posted : 24 Aug, 2012 08:04 PM

And there are the in-betweens too, eh? Drinking isn't limited to getting drunk (happily!). Smoking isn't limited to tobacco (and is sometimes prescribed by doctors?), just as 'race' isn't limited to African and Caucasian.

I wonder how many women who say that they "want a white man" would just as easily go for a man of maybe Middle/Far-Eastern, or New World, descent.

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"I Am Looking For A White Man"
Posted : 25 Aug, 2012 10:02 AM

^Blood, you are funny:laugh::laugh::laugh:

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"I Am Looking For A White Man"
Posted : 25 Aug, 2012 10:42 AM

I have must not smoke and must not drink since i consider both of them to be wrong. I also find it repulsive (culturally) when i see a woman smoking/drinking.

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"I Am Looking For A White Man"
Posted : 26 Aug, 2012 11:28 PM

Thank-you :D.

Mind if I (being the social drinker and all) ask why you think that?

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"I Am Looking For A White Man"
Posted : 17 Oct, 2012 03:38 PM

The answer to your question is really quite simple.....IGNORANCE.

Here is your question again-"So, my question is this: why would anyone want a spouse that is SPECIFICALLY NOT of his/her race?"

Answer=IGNORANCE. Ignorance about race. Ignorance based upon foolish myths of stereotypes. Ignorance about Christianity. People can be racist against themselves as well as racist against others. The core of racism is ignorance and stupidity. The people who have profiles like that you have indicated display what I call, Assimilation Stockholm Syndrome....those who display it need to get their respective heads out of it.

Race is a MYTH based upon a 17th century European theory promoted initially by Darwin/Evolutionists and it then adopted by pseudo Christians. Scientist would group people into at least 16 groups not the 3 or 4 groups most commonly used to group humans. Therefor the most commonly used system of human classification called race is a myth. It has been proven to be a myth by geneticists. The Human Genome project(a group of the most highly regarded scientist in genetics and anthropology) found that race as it is most commonly called simply doesn't exist.

Only the ignorant believe in "race" as it is most commonly used. Yes, there are a lot of very ignorant people out there.:peace:

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"I Am Looking For A White Man"
Posted : 17 Oct, 2012 03:39 PM

The answer to your question is really quite simple.....IGNORANCE.

Here is your question again-"So, my question is this: why would anyone want a spouse that is SPECIFICALLY NOT of his/her race?"

Answer=IGNORANCE. Ignorance about race. Ignorance based upon foolish myths of stereotypes. Ignorance about Christianity. People can be racist against themselves as well as racist against others. The core of racism is ignorance and stupidity. The people who have profiles like that you have indicated display what I call, Assimilation Stockholm Syndrome....those who display it need to get their respective heads out of it.

Race is a MYTH based upon a 17th century European theory promoted initially by Darwin/Evolutionists and it then adopted by pseudo Christians. Scientist would group people into at least 16 groups not the 3 or 4 groups most commonly used to group humans. Therefor the most commonly used system of human classification called race is a myth. It has been proven to be a myth by geneticists. The Human Genome project(a group of the most highly regarded scientist in genetics and anthropology) found that race as it is most commonly called simply doesn't exist.

Only the ignorant believe in "race" as it is most commonly used. Yes, there are a lot of very ignorant people out there.:peace:

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"I Am Looking For A White Man"
Posted : 18 Nov, 2012 06:02 AM

It's up to someones personal preference if they feel attracted to a certain type of look then let them say so!

I don't want to waste my time talking to someone who won't like my physical look even though it's less important!

If someone doesn't want a smoker or drinker which I don't because it is intoxicating the body which is sin, it doesn't mean I am against the person it just means I am against the sin and want someone who is equally yoked with me.

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"I Am Looking For A White Man"
Posted : 21 Mar, 2013 09:09 AM


why u have to care what they want. mybe they thought white is actracive

i been once with asian and once with caucasian.

and to be honest white mostly boring cause they cant dance, they cook sheety food, too flirty and dirty.

but not all white man like that. :bouncy:

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