Author Thread: USA visit-marriage-divorce-back home..

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USA visit-marriage-divorce-back home..
Posted : 17 Oct, 2012 10:09 PM

I am going to write a full story on here regarding my meeting a man on here and talking with him for 1 and half month then meeting and marrying him and finally divorcing him within my 4 month visit..I went through a nightmare with this man who professes to be a internet minister and teaches the Bible.

Will update with full story. Came back to my country disappointed, hurt, emotionally disturbed and memories of spiteful words from a Bible teachers mouth.

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USA visit-marriage-divorce-back home..
Posted : 23 Oct, 2012 04:38 AM

Sorry things didn't work out for you - it can take years to truly get to know someone because they can hide certain things much easier than others, so I'd recommend spending a year or so together (not living together but sharing everyday life events) before deciding that you want to marry them.

Also, if you're no longer resident in the USA you should update your profile to reflect this otherwise you could miss out on contacts from those nearer to you and mislead those in the US.

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USA visit-marriage-divorce-back home..
Posted : 24 Oct, 2012 02:25 AM

Thank you dear friend, you are very true in what you say.

God bless you for your insight.

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USA visit-marriage-divorce-back home..
Posted : 27 Oct, 2012 09:00 AM

married after knowing him a little over a month and a half? did i read that right?

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USA visit-marriage-divorce-back home..
Posted : 29 Oct, 2012 11:25 PM

Yes for one and a half months we talked every single day morning and evening and even prayed together online...we felt very led by the Holy Spirit,he impressed me with his Christianity...and I went to meet him and after 2 weeks we got married... THE REALITY STARTED AFTER THE WEDDING...

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USA visit-marriage-divorce-back home..
Posted : 29 Oct, 2012 11:56 PM


On 14 April,2012 I met a man on CDFF, He sounded too good to be true. We talked morning and evening and even prayed together. We felt very led by The Holy Spirit and enjoyed talking to each other, I plan to copy out all my conversations with him once my yahoo messenger starts working. We talked and talked until we decided it was time to meet.

I already had a tourist visa to the USA so I started making arrangements to travel, sold my car some other expensive things I had and finally booked my flight for 29 May 2012.

I arrived safely in USA and this man came to meet me, little did I realize that he was monitoring everything I said or did which later he lashed out at me with.

We got on well with just one or 2 small arguments. After 2 weeks we decided to get married even though something inside of me was stopping me but this guy wanted things going and later admitted that I should have stopped him.

Everything was arranged well and the wedding went on, but after the wedding we were the last to leave the reception, I did not think it was anything because we both were 2 mature adults not a newly wedded young couple so I took things easy.

As soon as we arrived home the phone rang, twice by a friend and a relative just to check how things were going, we both talked and we ended up talking more then spending time together with each other and everything just went heywhy from there�we argued the night away, with him lecturing me as if I was a 20 year old kid and he went on and on about his family and x wives, I did insist that we go to bed but he wanted to lecture me, I did shut off at some stage and began thinking of other things.

The arguments went so bad that he called his pastor to talk to me by then I had left the apartment and gone to the lounge area because he said it was his house when I asked him to go to bed..he said this is my house you go sleep in the lounge(he lives in a retirement place).By the way the arguments were mainly about not being able to go bed early.

The next day we tried to make it up and I also wanted things to work because we had a christain wedding. That night I was so angry that I tore up the marriage vows and just felt like leaving�he also was thinking of a divorce and putting me on the next flight back home even though he never sponsored me or paid my flight to USA.

Second day after the wedding another argument erupted because I was talking to a lady he did not like and another incident during the previous day he had with a man all made him angry with me, that again turned into such an argument that I decided to leave, I felt I did not need such a treatment so come third day after the wedding I left.

After being away for about a month and chatting again for a while we decided to give it another try. Same thing happened again, lots of arguments and talking aloud even though I had asked him beforehand not to talk loudly because I cannot tolerate high voices, my blood pressure goes up.

I was so disappointed with this man because he never told me that he was partially deaf only said he had some hearing problems, he had problems with his breathe and drooled all the time, he would not shower at night even though it was steaming hot and summer time.

Even though he is a well known Christian Bible teacher he called me so many names and told me satan was on my side and that I was not blessed by God but by satan. So, so sad and disappointing.

He wrote about me to people on facebook that I was not romantic and did not want to romance him, even though I had asked him to give me time to get used to his life style.

He even told a lady friend negative things about me and that woman said he never has anything good to say about you.

He wanted me to do my devotions alone then with him then every single day to do bible study with him as if I knew nothing about the bible.

I came back home disappointed and just wondered if online dating is the right thing and how many people get disappointed with meeting someone personally after dating online.

Both times before I left he threatened me with divorce and deportation even though I came on my own , unfortunately when he started yelling at me I never rang 911 or called the police I was just totally awed at his behavior.

According to the pastor who married us he said this was his 5th wedding and now he has gone to Nigeria to get another wife.He told me about 2 of his weddings but am not aware of the others.

For anyone wanting to know about my marriages, I was married for 28 years and after separation for 4 years I got a divorce.

There are so many people doing his studies online but he has been classed as a false teacher which I just found out by doing a google search.

He also was not attached to any church in his state which I found out after my arrival and has been hopping church because wherever he goes he tries to promote his own studies and the pastors of the church don�t approve of that.

This is a good lesson for me to be very careful with online dating.

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USA visit-marriage-divorce-back home..
Posted : 30 Oct, 2012 08:14 PM

online dating wasnt the problem. You got married with knowing the person fully

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USA visit-marriage-divorce-back home..
Posted : 31 Oct, 2012 02:35 AM

Yes, I agree and do not deny that....I should have not just dated online but got to know him better before marrying.I should have waited at least 6 months to a thanks curious

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USA visit-marriage-divorce-back home..
Posted : 31 Oct, 2012 08:29 PM

Your story illustrates the dangers of getting involved with those who teach falsely. They often use spiritual manipulation to achieve their goals. Spiritual manipulation is very very powerful and intoxicating. It's easy for me to understand how you became a victim to his witchcraft.

2 Cor 11

13 For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.

14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.

May our Lord bless you and heal your heart sister.

Rom 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose

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USA visit-marriage-divorce-back home..
Posted : 31 Oct, 2012 08:59 PM

Thank you truthbeknown, you are right about spiritual manipulation because that was what was happening, bible verses were used as a weapon.I was suppose to follow everything the bible said about marriage even though a woman needs to be respected when its about sex in a marriage.

Thank you again for your understanding, I am healing slowly but sometimes some words just haunt you but God is gracious and His mercy prevails always.

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USA visit-marriage-divorce-back home..
Posted : 31 Oct, 2012 09:10 PM

If I can be of any help or encouragement to you please feel free to contact me here privately. (If you have questions over things that he may have said concerning the Bible, etc.)

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