Author Thread: Deception and divorce

Deception and divorce
Posted : 24 Feb, 2009 05:04 PM

Hi everyone,

I just wondered what your thoughts are on this one. Suppose that you met and married someone and found out later that they had deceived you about who they are. Or that they had left something out about themselves that they knew would have been a deal breaker. Do you think that God would want you to stay in the marriage? Would it be sinful to divorce?



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Deception and divorce
Posted : 17 Apr, 2009 03:57 PM

God did not choose to divorce Himself from us but to re conciliate.

Two become one. Hosea's wife was extremely unfaithful by human standards. Dave has an excellent point about Rachael, Leah and Jacob.

Although dlmartin also has a point about legalism. The Bible only gives three reasons explicit for divorce, Bible Scholars attempt to argue that God's house is a house of peace and order and use this as the further reason for divorce. This though of course is widely open to interpretation and can simply be interpreted as this is not what I want; I should divorce - i would argue by the worlds standards that is in fact wrong not to divorce under these circumstances. I am not sure if today's society is a good example to use, personally I tend towards divorce as never acceptable except for the reasons that are explicitly given in it, yet there is of course cases of abuse. We would only use cases of severe abuse as a justification. A response to this is that Hosea had a wife that caused him extreme harm, yet it is clear that God did not bless divorce. But we are not under law but grace. However when does formalized reasons for divorce under justification of peace and order themselves become the law. For instances my husband or wife has been deceptive and this has broken the bond of trust that essentially holds us together and enables us to have a relationship of meaning; as there is a transcendent meaning; and secondly that they are actually going to follow through on what they say they are going to do. God's house may be a house of order and peace under grace - but remember that God is loving, merciful and gracious, but God is also just, and his grace and mercy cannot be separated from his just(also his justice from his mercy).

I cannot talk of marriage as I have not been so, but I can talk of extreme deception by the worlds standards with grace and mercy I have been able to forgive those people and come to accept them for who they are, including bad.

For instances back to the abuse, apparent there are Chinese pastors that hold that it is never acceptable and if the relationship is abusive then prayer is the only option that God has given us not divorce.

Remember we are to give freely that which has been given to us; mercy and grace amongst other things which brings forgiveness.

God did not choose to divorce Himself from us, but instead reconciliation.

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