dear folks, i just read where obama was quoted as saying to the gay rights folks.. that he will change the law and allow them to comeout in the military and also to change state laws to allow gay partners to be able to obtain marriages and the rights as a married couple..
this man is going against all that GOD moraly asks of HIS people. proposing and promising to make the law changes to allow all of this..
its against biblical.. and should be stopped.. cast your vote and let your christian views be held up. speak out on said subjects..
I think there might be some misunderstandings here. I'm feeling compelled to post to, hopefully, bring about some common ground. DISCLAIMER: I am speaking with a kind voice and in no way am I intending to offend anyone.
I think everyone that has posted has valid points.
As I read manofgod's posts, I felt like he was trying to show how 100 years ago, we did not have the problems we have today and (to me) it seems it's his opinion that life would be better if we could revert to that sortof lifestyle. Local communities helped to take care of the local people; it did not have to involve the national government or taxes, etc. I beleive manofgod knows that this cannot happen in the blink of an eye. I agree with this idea. People seemed to have more of a sense of responsibility about themselves.
Insurance didn't exist, so seeing a doctor was a totally different experience; they bartered. As far as medication goes, I've often wondered if we haven't been unknowingly harming ourselves with all the preservatives and such we've been consuming all our lives...we've come a FAR way in medical technology since then, but what have we done ourselves? I haven't treated my body like a temple, that's for sure. But enough about that.
A child that was in need of medical treatment would receive it (I'm sure there were cases when they didn't) Back in those days, they lived a more "Godly" life and I believe would have been more afraid of repercussion from God if they didn't. (the doctors) Abortion did not exist. (BTW, I live in Kentucky, aka the Bible belt, it might not have been the same in other geographic locations)
The local government was more important than the national government. Local people would have been able to "get to know" the politicians running for election, so they would have been able to make a more informed decision when voting....wouldn't that be great!!??
I think "assistance" is a wonderful short term aid, but I also think there needs to be a better system of checks and balances. But, on the other hand, when judgement day rolls around, God will know who tried to help others and who tried to help himself.
I agree that we should stand up for what we believe in, but we are also not supposed to cause each other to stumble, so there is a fine line there that we have to walk. We have the right to vote for whomever we deem most capable for the job and we can do that in private. If the opposition gets elected, we have to trust that God has a plan in mind. This has been very hard for me to accept because I was strongly against Obama. If he is to usher in the antichrist or anything to the liking, we will have to deal with it no matter what.
Yeah explore r,thats the problem with you liberals,you dont want to take the time to read anything,your just driven by your emotions.thats why we have a radical socialist in office now!He promised you lots of stuff!Use logic,reason,and stop being so emoitionaly driven,in a word GROW UP!
I received something in the mail today about this issue.The abortion changes and it said to write our senators and Reps and tell them to vote against it.I am going to do that.If you oppose this new law write your politicians in DC.
I gave you the address to the prez.Write him and tell him how you feel.Talk is cheap.Actions speak louder than words.
I have read the instuctions sent by the administraters before I get in to this area.It is above the topics area. It says, Insults will not be tolerated!!!!!!! We are christians here right. So,stop calling me a liberal.And mocking my views on health care. You can disagree in LOVE.People become annoyed at insults. I do not believe there are any liberals here ok. I have traveled over seas I know what a socialist is.God is not a member of any party.
Christians can be Republicians or democrates and socialist and still go to heaven.Over in eastern Europe many christians our members of a socialist party.I do have some who I know.
We are not the judge,god is of that.These people in eastern Europe have used goverenment finds to rebuild the churches the communist destroyed-Fact.I was there and saw the evidence.