Author Thread: My beliefs on how christians should show we are truly God's servants

My beliefs on how christians should show we are truly God's servants
Posted : 20 Jan, 2009 08:46 PM

This is my beliefs on how we as christians should show the world that we are God's servants. By the way we act, dress, talk, and portray ourselves as christians.

First off on this subject I want to start with how christians now these days are following worldly standards, and not being strong enough in their faith to set themselves apart from this world. I see christians just following what the world says is right, and not what the Bible says is right and just in the eyes of God.

To me as christians we should learn to control our worldly desires, and just try to make God proud of our choices in our life here on this world. Of course we cannot accomplish this without god's help, and it also determines if we want to set ourselves apart from the world. The way we accomplish this is through our actions, and the way we talk, dress, and portray ourselves in our every day lives.

Now portraying ourselves and our actions as christians are basically the same things. Do we as christians show others respect, honour, love and compassion? Or do we let others see that there is no difference between us and the unsaved people of this world? We as christians should be the ones that show this world the love of God, and treat others with the love and compassion God has for us.

We should greet others with a smile and an open heart. We need to be modest, humble, and caring for those around us. Christians now a days worry so much on do others like me, and do I fit in with my unsaved friends. We never stop to think is what I am doing right or wrong. We are so focused on this world and fleshly desires that we never stop to think is my actions and worldly habits pleasing God, or is it what "I" want to do with "my life." We have two choices in our lives to make. We can choose to be a servant of our flesh, or a a true servant of God. We as christians should want to choose God above all things, and give up all our fleshly desires and habits.

The way we talk and dress also says if we are trying to be God's servant or follow the worldly ways. If we walk around and talk like the world talks we are not showing others that we truly belong to God. That means we have not fully submited ourselves to God's will. As christians we should not use profane language, and swear like the world does.

The way we dress also lets the world know we are trying to please God or ourselves. Are we dressing modestly, and conservativly? Or are we dressing with what the world says is in style, and right? There are ways men should dress, and women should dress. I will not get into the specifics on this post, because I have higher standards than most people on this subject, and its not my intention to offend people with this post.

Above all we should be dressing modestly and conservativly. We should not wear clothes that make others lust after us. We should always consider is what we are wearing for me or to get others to lust after me. We should try to please God in what we wear because what we wear says alot about us, and shows others that we are different from this world

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My beliefs on how christians should show we are truly God's servants
Posted : 21 Jan, 2009 07:08 PM

Amen, my young brother!

In the song My Jesus by Todd Agnew there is a question posed, if Ephesians says to imitate Christ why do we look so much like the world? I agree with you that we should look and act differently than the world does. We are supposed to be a light in the darkness, set apart, not just blending in to be accepted. Stay strong in your convictions and keep your standards high.

God bless, Lydia

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My beliefs on how christians should show we are truly God's servants
Posted : 6 Feb, 2009 11:03 AM

Brother Jacob,

I hadn't posted here because you said it so well, but I did want to tell you, good job. You show a great passion for God's word, and that is an admirable quality to possess. You are going to be a great blessing to some blessed young lady.

Did you hear that girls, line up. LOL. I am sure they already are. Stay blessed.



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