Author Thread: National Day of Prayer Ideas

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National Day of Prayer Ideas
Posted : 8 May, 2010 08:15 AM

A dear spiritual mentor helped me organize my communities first NDP rally on Thursday. We are praying to make this an annual observance and working to elect it through our local Ministerial Alliance....even if it is deemed, "unconstitutional". We held a prayer rally at our courthouse flagpole, a balloon lift with individualized prayers attached to each balloon, followed by a traditional service at my church. My question is,... I'm looking for ideas on what other churches have done to celebrate the observance as well as some pointers on what has worked in the past.

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National Day of Prayer Ideas
Posted : 9 May, 2010 01:47 AM

Bless you my Sister. I am truly surprised how unconcerned even those in the flock of Faith are about this issue and other issues closely related that are going on today as this nation is quickly being sold softly into conforming against the Faith and Principals this Nation was built upon.

It is important to protect our rights as free Christian people, for I truly believe it will not be long at all and much of this will change into something we do not recognize as the America we know and love.

Things we so take for granted like voting, the right to own arms, and to protect our families and property from illegal searches and seizure.

I would not at all be surprised to see the day where professed non Christians will be able to break into your home and execute you and your family, take your property and assume your land, and there will be nothing you can do about it, if you survive it. Nor will those around you say a word for fear of being next.

I think when the planes flew into the WTC, our days of innocence ended, yet I think we refuse to believe it and keep looking back instead of looking forward. If we refuse to recognize the enemy, it will make him no less our enemy.

After WTC bombing, we for the first time became concerned about international terrorism. Now we are becoming concerned about home grown terrorists. How long before it is unacceptable to be a Christian because being a Christian will insight terrorist to act against places Christians frequent, work or recreate?

We should all be praying for the leaders the Lord has placed where they are at for this season, that His Guidance be their Beacon of Decision in our Leadership of this Land built on Christian Principles.


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