Author Thread: Should I stay or go?

Should I stay or go?
Posted : 6 Jul, 2010 03:49 PM

I have had a few conversations with folks on this site about the periferal links on this site and their non-Christian nature.

Now I see there is a link to "Browse thousands of Gay Singles" .

Since I have not met nor do I contemplate meeting any guy serious about a relationship this new link causes me GREAT concern.

I enjoy the forum area but I have to think that staying on this site compromises my ability to witness to any one here about their walk. How can I convict another or minister to them when I am condoning an unholy life style?

I welcome any thoughts on this subject. Peach

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Should I stay or go?
Posted : 7 Jul, 2010 11:36 AM

These ads are what makes this site free for us. The companies that own several of the Christian sites also own secular dating sites. Maybe they might get a deal if they advertise all of their sites on here at the same time.

How does having these links here make it difficult for you to witness on here?

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Should I stay or go?
Posted : 7 Jul, 2010 06:19 PM

Who exactly is a gay pick up site aimed at on a Christian dating site?

When I first joined here I got really inspired by several of the posts in the forum area. I referred this site to others knowing that not everyone here is at the same point in their walk with the Lord but seeing that we can all be uplifted by the exchange of knowledge.

I now question referring this site to any Christian. If they happen to be someone struggling with homosexuality then that link seems to say we "Christians" are okay with that lifestyle.

I know they have to advertise to keep the site free so using that excuse maybe we should open up links for satan:devil: worshipers dot com or abortions for all dot com here too. Where do we draw the line?

I know a lot of people here won't agree but I would rather pay $10.00 or $12.00 per month to keep those sort of ads off a Christian site.

Just my radical thoughts on the matter.Peach

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Should I stay or go?
Posted : 7 Jul, 2010 09:44 PM

Hi Peach,

I think a lot of us are disturbed by many of the advertisements on this site. My answer to staying or going has to do with the question, "Why am I here?" When I first started on this site, it was to meet a potential partner. Very quickly, I found a new purpose. I've been a member of several different dating sights. This is the ONLY one where I participate in the forums. Not only have I made friends, but feel that I can make a difference in other people's lives. I have a special place in my heart for single moms. I hope that by my posts, the young mothers here know that I am eagerly willing to be of help. If I can help make the single parenting years any easier for them, than it was for me - PTL! Also, I think that there is an unspoken sorority that creates immediate bonds among abused women. If I have helped one abused woman to progress in healing, it has been worth my time here. I have found a gentleman from another site, but will be on these forums until God tells me that my ministry here is done.

How do I cope with the ads? I can't go to the mall, grocery store, even the library without seeing unrighteous material. I must live in the world, but not of it. And God has sent us into the world to reach the lost and hurting. He doesn't clean them up and send them to church for us to pat on the back. Jesus spent time with the gluttons and tax collectors and said that He did not come to heal the healthy, but the sick.

The question remains, "Does God want you to be here? If so, why?"



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Should I stay or go?
Posted : 11 Jul, 2010 12:29 PM

Peach, last year I had a couple of gay girls in my class at school.I could have ran and changed classess.I did not. When the semester was nearing the end I wrote a paper and we exchanged them in class.I wrote about the passover feast an how it told the life events of the life of Christ.One of the gay girls read it.She said it was the best paper she read of mine. We are here for what??????

Are we here for the unsaved too,they do come here.Why do you think that is???? Well, they need Jesus.:peace:

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Should I stay or go?
Posted : 12 Jul, 2010 04:38 PM

First let me thank all who took the time to respond to this post.

I guess this particular advertisement does not bother any one else here. I will take one more stab at trying to clarify my concerns about that ad especially.

I am not opposing to witnessing to non-Christians no matter where they are in their life or what temptations they are facing.I don't run from anyone's lifestyle in fear of witnessing to them (unless my life is in danger); I believe in loving the sinner not the sin.

Let me put this thought to you. If someone struggling with homosexual temptation clicks on this site and they are hearing from the Christian world that that is not an acceptable lifestyle for Christians. Then poof up pops an ad that can link them to gays looking for hookups. Do you not see that this site as a Christian dating site may have just given them the excuse they needed to pursue that life? I can see the justification forming - well if a Christian dating site advertises for gay hookups then how wrong can it be to follow my urges?

There are many on this site very opposed to alcohol and I am sure there are recovering alcoholics here trying to live a sober life. Would we put the temptation of advertising for Jack or right in front of them day after day? Do you not see that is exactly what this site is doing to those fighting the temptation of homosexuality?

Remember "I am my brother's keeper" and let no man do

anything that leads his brother to sin.

Again I ask the question why not let satan advertise here as well? I believe that Satan is his head off saying "those Christians here will overlook anything under the justification that it is a free site and they have to pay for it some how".

I believe that God does not subscribe to the idea of the means justifying the ends. If that were the case then we could lie, cheat and/or steal to lead others to Him.

All said in God's love, Peach

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Should I stay or go?
Posted : 29 Jul, 2010 09:43 AM

I think you have a point regarding the gay ads, they do "link" the struggling member to look and be curious, and then eventually try the site advertised. They say do not go near the fire if you don't want to be burned, but if the fire continues to flicker each time you are on the site, then it is

possible the temptation to go nearer is there. Personally, I think the site owners should rely on their conviction as children of God, as Christians, because the God we profess to have in us Himself commanded "Be holy, for I am Holy."

As to the need for funds to stay on the internet - God is Faithful. If the site is and instrument of God's Word and a source of inspiration for others here, then I believe God will provide.

The fact that it bothers some of us to see these suggestive ads is already an indication that the Holy Spirit is telling us to speak out. Compromise is a thin line between right and wrong.

Thank you for bringing this out and all the other posts here on this topic are relevant and informative. I pray we all learn to use Wisdom and Discretion.

Sincerely in Christ,


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Should I stay or go?
Posted : 29 Jul, 2010 01:42 PM

Hi Carmi,

Welcome to the forums!

I would like to take this opportunity to say that I personally haven't seen those ads for a while and hope that means that they have indeed been removed. I'd like to thank the administration for adding the devotion links, religious stationary, and toy ads. It makes many of us more comfortable here.


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Should I stay or go?
Posted : 31 Jul, 2010 03:03 AM

Thank you springrose10 -

I agree the ads have not been here now, that's good. Today I also realized CDFF has an awesome opportunity to be a channel of encouragement and inspiration to some who just happen to browse the site and may be touched by the posts here. I pray God use each one of us on this site in many unexpected ways.

More blessings to CDFF and praying for all of you,


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Should I stay or go?
Posted : 1 Aug, 2010 03:27 PM

Hello all!

@Rose - You asked why am I here? When I first discovered this site I was sincerely searching for a mate. As I got more involved in the forums I came to realize that there were areas of my life that I had put on the back burner and the discussions here were motivating me to re-evaluate those areas. So it ended up being a growth experience and that in turn strengthened my witness to others. It refocused my mind and heart on the Lord. I still see this as a vehicle to grow and learn but I have always been one of those people who feels others pain and struggles. The ads I referred to hurt my heart. It does appear that some of our comments on the forum may have jolted the owners of this site to review whether they were appropriate for this site.

@carmi - Thank you so much for stating your views in a way that perhaps led others to see the point I was trying to make. You said it much more eloquently that I did.

Thanks to all for your support and respect. I am sure some of you offered prayers for me in my struggle and I thank you for those as well. I have not seen that ad in the few times I have visited here since the original posting of those ads. I truly did not want to leave this site and I hope the message got through to the administrators of this site. So for now i will be around.

Love to all, Peach

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Should I stay or go?
Posted : 1 Aug, 2010 05:04 PM

Glad you feel free to participate. Glad you stayed.


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