Author Thread: could use some prayer....

could use some prayer....
Posted : 8 Sep, 2009 11:03 AM

dear folks, id had trouble with the hay baler and one of the tractors.. so got a good friend to come pick em up and fix em as i had a lot of hay already cut and was ready to bale.. so the guys worked quickly for us to get them back.. beins it was the holiday weekend ..well got em back and got that hay baled and then yesterday i was cutting more hay.. went to get off the tractor to get some nabs to snack on and in their hurry theyd not secured the top step on the tractor so when i stepped on it it came loose went out from under me. i fell headfirst into the tire banged my arm up good and my head took a good hit on the tire.. then hit with all my weight on my one knee , broke my knee where the thigh bone connects to it.. and bruised up my ribcage .. i ask you to pray for a speedy recovery.. i go back to the surgeon on friday to see if it needs an operation or not.. and that since i was just starting my second cuttings that we are able to get help to get all the hay cut and baled and home this year.. thank you all, and i thank GOD it wasnt worse than what it was.

. ole cattle

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could use some prayer....
Posted : 12 Sep, 2009 05:02 AM

Hmmmnn I dont know about hay balers and tractor but i add my prayers brother... that the Father sends help and healing to your bones. Stay blessed in Christ.

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could use some prayer....
Posted : 12 Sep, 2009 06:15 AM

dear zoe, dream and aya ,,, thank you all so much..such wonderful people.. im tryin to wean myself off the pain pills. i sure know exactly where my knee is broke now hehe.. my ribs hurt worse than the knee though so far.. ifn i stay still it dont hurt so bad.. but with me that almost impossible less im sleep hehe..

ole cattle

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