Author Thread: 3 Blind Ladies and a dying mother

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3 Blind Ladies and a dying mother
Posted : 31 Mar, 2013 12:54 AM

I want to tell my friends on here about what is going on in my life. I moved from Alabama to California in late December. I moved because my friend Larisa mother had a stoke in October. I am caring and helping for three blind ladies. (all sisters).

I am asking for prayer for Mary. She is knocking on death door. The daughters and I have gone and said our good-byes to their mom. If any of you know about protein levels, She levels are dropping by 0.2 every couple of days. Last Sunday, the levels were at 1.6. A normal person has a 4.0. The O2 levels are also dropping. The family feels that we need to let her go.

The father is having a hard time coming to the grips that he is losing his wife. He has told the family and friends that she is going to rise up out of her bed and travel over seas. We (The Family) do not want to break his heart. So we are not saying much to him...

Besides all of the sad things we go through in this life. I am so thankful the small things that are getting done with the family. I am learning to be quiet and pray more. I would like to have prayer about my part in all of this. I question God, "What should I be doing for this family". I am praying with the Ladies. We all have started to plan things out. The songs we want to sing.

Thank you all again for your prayers.

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