Author Thread: A sad day in the pathetic life of Pat Robertson and the 700 Club

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A sad day in the pathetic life of Pat Robertson and the 700 Club
Posted : 14 Jan, 2010 03:21 PM

Pat Robertson says Earthquake Result Of "Cursed" Haiti's Satanic Pact. Personally, I think he needs to check himself into a clinic. Seriously he does. His evil reign of extreme conservatism will come to an end.

I would start boycotting from watching the 700 club if i were you.

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A sad day in the pathetic life of Pat Robertson and the 700 Club
Posted : 16 Feb, 2010 04:40 PM

dear alt,

i just made a statement to your post.. that dont give you the right to abuse me with your insult..

your words here

strongly recommend that you read the four gospels of Christ. It's will be a life changing experience for you.

mine here

not cool friend.. and needs to stop..

so please no more insults ..

thank you for your cooperation..

ole cattle

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A sad day in the pathetic life of Pat Robertson and the 700 Club
Posted : 16 Feb, 2010 06:53 PM

Actually, Pat Robertson raises hundreds of thousands of dollars for Haiti yearly. He has a huge burden for the haitians. He has missionaries posted there in Haiti working with them. Haiti is his baby, so not sure what in the world is going on.

The media will do anything to make us look bad.

I am sure the statement was taken out of context. Just like the devil, he loves to twist things to bring chaos and confusion and it worked. Just another reason to make the world look at us funny and call us hipocrites.

Of course we all make mistakes, that makes us human, right?



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A sad day in the pathetic life of Pat Robertson and the 700 Club
Posted : 21 Feb, 2010 11:17 AM

Hey Stephen,

Hmmmm have you actually read the forum instead of a title? odd

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A sad day in the pathetic life of Pat Robertson and the 700 Club
Posted : 21 Feb, 2010 11:18 AM

I agree stayingalive, its called the great commission of Jesus Christ.

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A sad day in the pathetic life of Pat Robertson and the 700 Club
Posted : 21 Feb, 2010 11:20 AM

i'm not throwing insults since i'm not using a profanity but i do apologize if you think my posts has offended you. I'm just trying to bring my point across.

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A sad day in the pathetic life of Pat Robertson and the 700 Club
Posted : 21 Feb, 2010 11:22 AM

Hello River of life,

For some "outsiders" without any media influence, they can still be offended because they already have a negative view about Christianity. People who are searching for God wants to look for people who practice what they preach.

Talk is cheap.....

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A sad day in the pathetic life of Pat Robertson and the 700 Club
Posted : 24 Mar, 2010 07:50 PM

i feel that Rob Pattinson's comments must have been taken out of context. i'm sure that if paparazi folloewd me around 24/7 they could portray me as the villain as well.

and let's be honest... he is what is selling papers right now. he may not have even said it.

who's to say what God's intentions are? He will work all together for good. This must have been His will or he would never have allowed it. Remember that without pressure there will be no change. Perhaps this is the pressure the country needs in order to make changes toward the right direction.

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A sad day in the pathetic life of Pat Robertson and the 700 Club
Posted : 15 Nov, 2010 09:58 AM

I did not read all the posts, just first and last page.

Did not God destroy Sodom and Gomorrah because it was an evil place? God is the same today, yesterday and tomorrow. He never changes and yes, He is a jealous God. Without a doubt in my mind, if a nation turned it's back on Him, he would destroy it.

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A sad day in the pathetic life of Pat Robertson and the 700 Club
Posted : 15 Feb, 2011 06:44 AM

So, I realize i am months behind but i just read this entire thread and had to post.

Sarcasm itself is not sin, you are correct. But, the motives behind the sarcasm could be sin. Your sarcasm was in response to comments that you deemed offensive or ignorant. It was more of an arrogant boastful sarcasm as if to say " I know more about my bible than you so read it before you come back and post again" sarcasm is ok as long as its in a joking and light hearted manner. Its all about the attitude of the heart.

As for the whole argument about Haiti, it is a useless quarrel. Not a single one of us are in any position to decided whether God did or did not bring about the Earthquake in Haiti.

2 Timothy 2:23-24"Don�t have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments, because you know they produce quarrels.And the Lord�s servant must not quarrel; instead, he must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful."

Titus 3:9"But avoid foolish controversies and genealogies and arguments and quarrels about the law, because these are unprofitable and useless. "

As far as being friends with homosexuals or party goers or anything else along those lines here are a few verses for you

Proverbs 22:24-25 "Make no friendship with an angry man; and with a furious man thou shalt not go:Lest thou learn his ways, and get a snare to thy soul." KJV

Proverbs 22:24-25 "Do not make friends with a hot-tempered man, do not associate with one easily angered,or you may learn his ways and get yourself ensnared. "NIV

Jude 22-23 "Be merciful to those who doubt; snatch others from the fire and save them; to others show mercy, mixed with fear�hating even the clothing stained by corrupted flesh. "NIV

So, the bible is very clear on how to handle these situations. We are to love them yes, but be tolerant of their sin? No. We are to love them and guide them with scripture and prayer. We don't want to get trapped so much in love that we forget to share and become tolerant.

Was Jesus tolerant? No. He loved the people but he was blunt about the truth. He was radical.

Matthew 21:12-13 "Jesus entered the temple area and drove out all who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves. �It is written,� he said to them, ��My house will be called a house of prayer,but you are making it a �den of robbers.�NIV

John 4:16-18 "He told her, �Go, call your husband and come back.� �I have no husband,� she replied.Jesus said to her, �You are right when you say you have no husband. 18 The fact is, you have had five husbands, and the man you now have is not your husband. What you have just said is quite true.� NIV

In both of these verses did Jesus hate the people he was talking to? No. He loved them, he had compassion for them. Did he however, tolerate their sin? No. He was very upfront and told them what was going on.

The bible also says in 1 Timothy 5:20 "Those who sin are to be rebuked publicly, so that the others make take warning" NIV

This doesn't mean to go and be rude and yell at someone but we are to let them know what they are doing is wrong.

So, to wrap things up our response is always love, biblical love. not this new age phony tolerant love. If we are Christians we are to strive to be like Christ. So, if we are to be like Christ then how can we disregard all of these things?

I hope I have been helpful, God Bless :glow:

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A sad day in the pathetic life of Pat Robertson and the 700 Club
Posted : 6 Nov, 2013 06:56 PM

Wait a second... is Haiti the only country that practices evil?

Hmm, interesting since in this the good ol USA, gay people are getting married among a plethora of other evils...not to mention the general passivity that the Christian population has towards it.

I think when it comes to evil, no one country is exempt.

I am not Haitian, but I am certainly not going to judge them and decide how God metes out justice.

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