Author Thread: Harry Potter vs. Narnia

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Harry Potter vs. Narnia
Posted : 25 Jan, 2010 09:36 AM

I'm interested to know what people think about the Harry Potter series vs. what they think about the Chronicles of Narnia. I have read both and have come to believe that they are both fictional stories and both have a conflict of good vs. evil. Also, I have been told that the Chronicles of Narnia are supposed to be somewhat based on the Bible, however, having read through them, there might be some silmilarities but I don't believe that reading the Chronicles of Narnia anymore so makes you a believer of God's word that reading through the Harry Potter series makes you a devil worshipper/ witch/warlock. So just to re-emphasis my question....

What do people/you think about the Harry Potter series vs. what do people/you think about the Chronicles of Narnia?

Interested to see the responses, thanks

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Harry Potter vs. Narnia
Posted : 25 Jan, 2010 10:31 AM

Having read both of these series more than once, I think I'm qualified to at least give an opinion!

Personally, I absolutely love the Chronicles of Narnia. They are some of my all time favorite books. They are good, wholesome, and yes, to some extent allegorical. They are also very entertaining. I would let my future children read these books with no hesitations. These books could even be used as discussion starters for family devotions.

The Harry Potter books are also good books. They are entertaining, well-written, and I don't think that they are evil. They are just fantasy. However, I think I would want any future children to be older before reading those books. There is a lot of darkness in the last couple books...yes, good wins and evil is defeated, but there's still a lot of darkness. I think it could be disturbing to a younger child.

So, in summary: I have no problem with either series. I just think that perhaps the age of the audience should be considered.

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Harry Potter vs. Narnia
Posted : 25 Jan, 2010 10:54 AM

Fair enough...I can agree with your deductions!

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Harry Potter vs. Narnia
Posted : 25 Jan, 2010 10:27 PM

While I love fiction, I'm not much of a fantasy fan.

That said I liked The Chronicles of Narnia alot.

Harry Potter was just 'eh'. It was amusing, but I have other things to amuse myself with. Just not my bag like other fantasy stuff.

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Harry Potter vs. Narnia
Posted : 14 Feb, 2010 09:30 PM

i believe that both are very good fictional stories and both authors deserve the kudos that they received when the books were published. i liked harry potter because it was an escape from the mundane every day life. (which is what most fictional books are meant for) and i enjoyed the Chronicles of Narnia just as much.

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