Author Thread: which comes first?

which comes first?
Posted : 6 Mar, 2010 07:19 PM

which would you say comes first. certainy; that that person is the one you want to marry? not nessessarily love at first sight OR weighing the odds; doing checks and balances?

...and if you are the thinker type, would you bypass your intellectual nature and lean on your certainty?

for me i think it would have to be a mixture, im somwhat of a thinker, hence my choice to mix the two options lol. i figure that my certainty would stem from that person's outward expressions toward me; actions, conversation, and quite possibly some other quialities which would manifest themselves as feelings(of warmth :glow:). whereas doing checks and balances are the equivalent of learning from my mistakes and making the concious decision of whether or not to repeat. just my thoughts...

what do you say? which comes first?


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which comes first?
Posted : 10 Mar, 2010 09:10 PM

i don't think anybody knows :goofball:

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which comes first?
Posted : 11 Mar, 2010 08:15 AM

Remp is one knows! I've actually given your question a lot of thought, but I still am not sure of my answer. I suppose I would love to just see someone across the room and fall head over heals in love, meet the person and be even more head over heals in love, marry the person and live happily ever after...but that seems to be a thing of fairly tales.

So, I guess I would do a mix, like you said. I obviously want there to be some immediate attraction when I meet a person, but the whole online dating idea allows me to get to know the person a bit before the physical aspect is thrown into the mix. If I find that the person is not compatible with me online, I will probably not even put myself into the position to find out if there's physical attraction. But, if our online communication has been very good and we seem to be very compatible based on that communication, I'm going to want to find out if there is physical attraction as well, and the compatibility may contribute to that attraction!

I hope that made some sense. It's a hard thing to put into words.

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