Author Thread: The Inaguration

The Inaguration
Posted : 23 Jan, 2009 01:39 PM

Praise be unto Jehovah, God of all. Hi. Do you remember the Beatles album " Sargent Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band"? There was a song on that album called Eleanor Rigby, and as I milled through the crowds at the inauguration, a line from the song began to play in my head-"Look at all the lonely people, where do they all come from"? There were almost 3 million people there, and as I moved among them, I was overtaken by a feeling of profound sadness; Everywhere I looked, there were people-Black, white, red, yellow. Conservative, liberal, straight, gay, Jews, Gentiles, Buddhist's, Catholics, Muslims, Atheist's. People gathered to witness history. As I studied the faces that streamed by me, I saw a common expression; Hope? Joy? No. The expression that prevailed on inauguration day was..........Desperation. All the lonely people, where do they all come from? We live in a country, a world that lies on the brink of destruction. You don't have to read the book of Revelation to see it, just watch the news. As Barrack ABM was sworn in, everyone, myself included, cheered wildly. For what? Personally, I cheered because he is black. Of course, there were those that grew up under the tyranny and shame of Jim Crow, and I see why they cheered, for indeed, this day was a long time coming. Most everyone else cheered because of President Obamas representation of change.The multitudes were gathered to believe something, to receive something, to take part in something. Change. America is desperate for deliverance, desperate for change, in deep need of hope. I saw in the eyes of the people that I met that day a desperate hope that this day, this event, this man would change things. What saddened me is the knowledge that in the grand scheme of things, if you were without a savior, and headed for hell when you woke up that morning, you most likely went to bed the same way. Likewise if you were unemployed, homeless, bound by addiction, stuck in a loveless marriage, etc. We must realize that, yes, that was a great day, and yes, we bore witness to a great event, but President Obama is not The Messiah. Who knows, he may not even be a good President. Time will tell. One of the most striking images of that day was that of the vendors-They were everywhere. At every turn, they were there, selling buttons, hats, t-shirts, posters. Selling history. Selling change. Sadly, the whole scenario reminds me of church; We show up, looking for something, we press in, seeking change. We listen to meticulously prepared, powerfully delivered "speeches", clap and cheer, hoping that our experience, hoping that the man that facilitates our experience will somehow, without any personal effort, sacrifice or commitment bring about change in our circumstances. But it is not the man on the platform, nor the man behind the pulpit that all of us need look to for change, in fact, they cannot deliver this change that we seek. The Lord Jehovah, The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is the only source of true change. Not merely change of circumstance, but a change of heart, a change of life.... It is my prayer that all of us cease to be mere witnesses of history, and become partakers of History. Go in peace, and serve The Lord. David.

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The Inaguration
Posted : 23 Jan, 2009 01:53 PM


That was a truly inspiring post! I love that you have the honesty to say you cheered because he was black. To be honest, that is the one consolation I have been clinging to through all this. I believe it is long overdue for this to happen, but I wish it were not a liberal that was elected, but I would have felt that way no matter what color he was.

You are right also about our Father being our only hope. That is one of the reasons so many people turn from God when their Pastor fails, they put their faith in man instead of God.

Beautiful post brother.



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The Inaguration
Posted : 24 Jan, 2009 09:26 PM

Hi David,

That was a good post. But it is Jesus Christ that is the only way we can have God the Father and yes He is our only hope. I have been amazed at how so many people seem to be placing so much hope in a man that will be controlled by the "powers that be". It almost seems like "Idol" worship in some cases.

But what was also sad about that day is that America witnessed a man who has had his Birth Records sealed, his college records sealed and refused to turn in his medical records. He refuses to allow anyone see them! Why? Because he knows he is not a Natural Born Citizen as demanded by the US Constitution making him unqualified to be President and his records would reveal this truth. He is a Fraud and he knows it obviously or else he would have allowed us, the American people, verify his eligibility like John McCain had to do. The "Certificate of live Birth" placed on a site that Obama is part of, was proven by three experts that it was a forgery that it was clearly "photo shopped". If he was a Natural Born Citizen then all he would have had to do was have his alleged "VAULT Birth Certificate; (Long Form) as well as his college records released to prove he is qualified and that would be the end of the argument. He would silence the accusations. Of course this seems so easy to do and would be unless of course he had something to hide, which is does.

Myself, being a former Police Officer and having investigated almost every crime known to man, recognizes criminal behavior. When you have something to hide that would reveal something that you know will incriminate you, then you hide it. If you are innocent then you have nothing to hide. Keep in mind that Obama has no right to keep this information hidden as it is necessary to prove his qualifications.

Obama's Paternal Step Grandmother is on audio testifying that she was there and witnessed Obama's birth. Oh that was in Kenya Africa by the way. The Government of Kenya has even recently erected a monument commemorating Obama's home as Kenya Africa. is a good web site that exposes the truth of this and many other things that every American should learn.



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The Inaguration
Posted : 24 Jan, 2009 11:35 PM

Hi Walter4 You,

I like what you said and it all true...but graunented If "Sentor McCain pull that off that he wasn't "American Citizen" they would of pulled him off "The Ticket" so fast it wouldn't even be Funny...but hate to say this but it true "Liberals" always get away with everything they really do... Extreme liberalism is so dangerous and they think they have "A Prefect Record" and they badmouth "Conservatives" because of our godly standards.That is why I can't and will not be "A Democrate. I do wish Brack Obama and his wife "Michelle Obama to sense The Precious HolySpirit Gudiance in this "Office" "I do wish them The Best However,Will They Listen To The Guidance Of The Precious HolySpirit Or No....("That The Question Here)

~May God Richely Bless You And Your Family Walter 4 You In A Special Way~:applause:



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The Inaguration
Posted : 25 Jan, 2009 11:11 AM

Hi Lynda,

Thank you! You know what is even more sad?

That "Christians" also voted for Obama when he stands against so many things that are godly and righteous and stands against what our Founding Fathers fought and died for.

Examples: Obama is for Partial Birth Abortion not to mention abortion in general. That is reprehensible and to think that someone would vote for him who claims to be a Christian is unbelievable.

He also has voted in favor of every piece of Anti-Gun legislation. He even tried to get center fire ammunition banned. That would eliminate every gun except a .22 caliber. He wants to ban guns and make no mistake about that. He was one of the most liberal Senators ever. It is also disheartening that Christians voted for him simply because of his color placing a man's color above the values and righteousness of God!

"Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force [firearms] you are ruined... The great object is that every man be armed... Everyone who is able may have a gun."

-- Patrick Henry



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