Author Thread: One kind of healing

One kind of healing
Posted : 7 Nov, 2011 09:49 PM

The first night I was in Israel in a hotel in Jerusalem did I get a visit by God.

I waked up at 3 in the night and went to the window and looked out on the empty streets and was saying thanks to God for have bringing me to Israel.

Just when I sat in the bed ready to lay down did I see red glowing number 20 in the air. First did I thought it was the number on the door in the room only but I saw it was moving to go from big to small.

It was number 20 hanging in the air.

At that day on the airplane did I come to sit with the only Pastor for the pilgrim group and he had bought a new Bible and I asked him if there was red text in it.

That made me very fast understand that 20 was about the red text in the Bible so I looked in mine that have red text.

The red text is where Jesus are talking.

I counted to the 20th time he was talking and it was about the woman that had been bleeding for 12 years that touched Jesus and Jesus said : " by your faith are you whole "

For one week ago did I come to know that I am going to be grandmother for the first time.

I don�t know exactly but it is very close to when I saw the numbers and when my daughter in law was pregnant.

She is only 23 and my son is and "old man " ..he is 36 so he is old for to get his first child.

I thought God was talking about my body to be healed but it was about my family to be healed because my son doesn�t like me but I am close to his wife.

Maybe will my son and I be closer and in that way will it be a healing....I think our family will be healed from old anger with this little baby. Amen

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