Author Thread: the Prophetic Savant!

the Prophetic Savant!
Posted : 18 Nov, 2011 06:22 PM

The Prophetic Savant

by Chip Brogden

sa-vant� (n.): 1. a mentally defective person who exhibits exceptional skill or brilliance in some limited field; 2. a person who is highly knowledgeable about one subject but knows little about anything else.

��the prophet is a fool, the spiritual man is mad�� (Hosea 9:7).

�What then is genius? Could it be that a genius is a man haunted by the speaking Voice [of God], laboring and striving like one possessed to achieve ends which he only vaguely understands?�

A. W. Tozer

(*The use of the male pronoun in this writing is for convenience only. We mean no partiality to our brothers, and no disrespect to our sisters.)

The prophetic savant is a person afflicted with a heavenly autism, making him nearly incapable of normal relations with those around him. Accused of being aloof, cold, and distant, he is apt to hide himself from people, withdrawing into a world of his own. He never seems to be all �there�.

Even if he forces himself to come down to Earth for a moment, those around him may have the sense that there is an unspoken dialogue going on somewhere inside of him, a secret communion carried on beneath the surface that never allows him to be fully �in the moment�.

How do we explain this? As a prophetic savant he sees, hears, and relates to the world differently than the rest of the population. They have not seen what he has seen; they have not heard what he has heard. And so he finds very little camaraderie, very little sympathy or understanding, no one with whom he can open his heart and share his soul, because he no longer speaks the same language, and they no longer speak his. Of course, he may have surface-level exchanges with anyone: he is approachable, not haughty, or high-minded. He may even be personable and likeable. Yet there is something so other-worldly in his demeanor that he is more often frightening than friendly, in spite of his best efforts. He is a spiritual autistic, and no matter how hard you try to know him, he is generally unknowable, and to a certain degree, he resists all attempts to know him.

If a prophet is anything, he is extra-terrestrial � above the Earth. He walks the Earth with others, but he is not of the Earth. He is from beyond; he is from above. If we trace his history we will find that he may or may not have had a normal childhood. He may or may not have come through extraordinary experiences. But at some point in his life, either as a child, or as a young adult, or as an old man, something from another realm broke through the thin membrane between Heaven and Earth and took hold of him. It may have been a burning bush, or a Voice crying out to him from beyond the veil, or a Heavenly Vision which brought him briefly into contact with something and Someone that he could not completely fathom.

However it happened, for one moment at least, the clouds parted and the veil was rent, and he saw something that is unseeable; he heard something that is unhearable; Heaven itself was opened up to him, and he saw into another world. The thing he saw and heard now burdens him like a mantle that has been draped over his shoulders. He feels its weight, for it is with him day and night, whether he is eating or drinking, working or resting. It is the impression that everything around him is a lie, and what he has seen and heard is the Truth, and this Truth is not static, but it is living, growing, and increasing within him from the day it comes to him in the form of a seed.

For a long time he struggles to find words and vocabulary to express the inexpressible. He cannot explain why he feels the need to try and express it, but for some inexplicable reason something drives him to open his mouth, or take up his pen, and make it known. Whatever it is, it will not permit him to savor it or keep it to himself, and it seems intent on coming to the surface and interrupting the normal course of his life. This process can be frustrating and painful, so much so that he may give up several times, content to simply walk in what he has seen and heard and leave it at that.

But try as he might, he cannot run away from what he has seen and heard, and he cannot deny the compulsion to bring it forth. On the one hand he cries out for a �normal� life, while on the other hand he knows he cannot deny what has been revealed to him. When he does achieve some modest success in articulating something of Heaven he is pleased for a time, but soon grows impatient with it, and eventually is dissatisfied with it altogether, because it cannot do justice to what he has seen and heard. And so the process begins again, the continual search for words to more perfectly express what he is trying to communicate (and a subtle fear in the back of his mind that he may never be able to adequately express it), which leads him to invent words which may have never before existed, or to look for Spirit-inspired words in some unknown tongue that can be translated into something others can understand.

The prophets of old correctly called it the �burden of the Lord�, for it is like a woman who must live the rest of her life being in perpetual labor, delivering the same child over and over again. What relief there is only comes in discharging the burden, but that is not to say it ever really leaves: it merely allows the prophet time to catch his breath until the next contraction doubles him over again. The burden is with him the rest of his life, and he never fully discharges it.

Even when he tries to be disobedient to the Heavenly Vision and flees from the presence of the Lord he is pursued and hunted down like some kind of a wild animal who has gotten loose, knowing it is only a matter of time before he is captured again. The Voice never leaves him, the Vision never lets him go. When he refuses to speak then the fire which is already kindled only burns hotter, until he ends up doing what he has resisted doing all along, just to relieve himself of the unbearable tension and inward pressure. He cannot extinguish or quench the fire no matter what he does, he can only be obedient and find temporary relief, until the next word comes, and then off he goes. He may beg God to send someone else, and may protest his inability to speak, or to write. But he is already ruined for anything else, and even when he denies the Lord Who called him and returns to his former occupation, it is all dull and lifeless, and he meets with nothing but frustration and failure. There is no way to escape it. He knows he is called to something Higher, even when he is clinging with everything he has to something Lower.

Like a wild horse, he resists the dealings of the Lord and must be broken before he will obey. Eventually he learns not to resist the Lord, but to cooperate with Him. He becomes pliable and bendable in order to survive. His very life now is bound up with what he has seen and heard. He cannot be disobedient to the Heavenly Vision, and if it means he dies, then he dies. If it means a renunciation of everything he once believed, then he renounces it � reluctantly at first, then cheerfully. If it means suffering the loss of all things, then he lets them go.

Over time the one who has seen and heard becomes the very essence of what he has seen and heard. The Man becomes the Message. He bears the Testimony in himself, and becomes one with it. He needs no preparation to speak; indeed, preparation does nothing to help the message he brings, and it often gets in the way. His whole life is the preparation, and since he is the Message, it is with him constantly. He can no more separate himself from the Message than he can separate his head from his body. If there is an �On/Off� switch then it was long ago turned on and then disabled so that it can never be turned off again. After many seasons of God�s dealings he finally perceives that this is what the Lord has sought for all along, not just to GIVE him a Message, but to MAKE him a Message; to gain for Himself a Messenger and capture him completely, embossing the Message into his very being.

And so he goes about his daily business, constantly haunted by that Voice, torn between the menial task at hand which calls for his physical and mental exertion, and the Higher Calling which seeks his undivided attention. He knows he should do all things, great and small, as �unto the Lord�. But he also knows that Heaven and Earth are locked in mortal combat over him while he stands there in the middle, torn between the two, desiring to depart the Earth altogether and be with Christ, but knowing that it is more profitable for his brethren if he remains. Heaven calls him to rise up, but Earth tells him to keep his feet firmly planted. His heart is constantly breaking and longing to go, to ascend, to rise up, to stop seeing through a dark glass, and see face to face, without the distraction of the natural, the fleshly, the temporal, because he knows the Earth is not his home. Yet he struggles with the fact that Earth is where he must live and work. This accounts for why he may sometimes seem difficult to be around.

As a savant he possesses insight and skill which others do not possess. But it is a gift, not anything of himself, nothing of which he could boast of. If you were to ask him if he considers this to be a blessing, he would probably say it is more like a curse, because it sets him apart from others even when he tries his best to be hidden and to blend in. He cannot read the Scriptures as others do, for after only a few verses the Heavens are opened up to him again and he is lost in its depths. A single passage may keep him occupied for months as Heaven unfolds it to him, and he cannot tear himself away from it.

His preaching is affected, because he cannot decide in advance what he will say, and even when he would like to bring forth something new and exciting, he usually ends up saying the same thing, like, �Repent!� He often does not say what he wants to say, and does not say it in the way he would like to say it. If he wants to be serious, he finds himself . And when he wishes to be friendly, he finds himself screaming at the top of his voice to a startled congregation of people, who wonder how this fellow was ever allowed access to their inner sanctum in the first place. When he leaves a place he almost never sees the result of his labor, and only eternity can reveal the true significance of what was said. For now, it is all hidden, and he has to live with the fact that his fruitfulness will never be measured in terms that human beings, including himself, can see and appreciate.

He cannot go through the motions of religion like most mortals. It is a dead, shallow thing to him because it cannot compare to the reality of what he has already experienced. He finds it difficult to listen to another person preach when he knows they have not yet ascended to the heights nor plumbed the depths that he has already navigated. And when he tries to lead them into these heights and depths himself he is often misunderstood or rejected altogether. So either he attends the meeting and suffers in silence, or stays home and suffers in solitude; but either way, he suffers.

His seeing is affected by a sort of �spiritual dyslexia�. While others view things from a one or two dimensional viewpoint, he sees them through several dimensions at once � forward, backward, reverse, upside-down, right-side up: life and death, light and dark, Spirit and flesh, Heavenly and Earthly � which often puts him at odds with his more pragmatic and doctrinally-correct brethren. He is so at one with what he has seen that he speaks of it as having already happened, because he has, in essence, already experienced it and lived it. It is the Prophetic Tense, which calls those things that be not as though they were. In his world, the world of the Spirit, they exist already. We call it �prediction� because we cannot yet see it with our natural eyes, but he simply stands outside of Time and views Past and Future as one unbroken and continuous Present.

His hearing is affected so that he is increasingly sensitive to his surroundings, even though it seems as if he is not paying attention. He is listening, but he is listening inwardly. He no longer trusts his natural ears, because the Heavenly Voice and the inner witness are more reliable. Thus, he is able to hear God speaking, while the rest of the crowd says, �It thundered!� or �It was an angel!� He is also able to hear when God is not speaking, and does not get carried away with the multitudes who claim to speak, see, and hear things from God when they have not heard or seen anything from Heaven. He cannot bear to listen to them.

His concentration is affected in such a way as to make him appear obstinate and unyielding to others. The truth is that he is actually quite flexible and pliable before the Lord, but before man he is as solid and impenetrable as a rock. No amount of persuasion or argument from man will move him � but the slightest touch from the Lord will bring him to his knees. Having discovered the One Thing that is needed, he will tenaciously and ruthlessly shun the �many things� which crowd in to seek his attention, for he sees everything else as a distraction. Indeed, he is quite willing to sacrifice the good in favor of the holy. And when the Lord has him focused on a particular thing he is as a beam of light fastened upon a singular point until everything melts before it.

Even his praying is affected, for he can no longer pray as he wills and for what he wants. He seemingly has no will of his own. Instead the Heavenly Voice bids him to pray with a Heavenly perspective, and all too often the Heavenly perspective is at odds with the Earthly perspective. So when his brothers and sisters pray for blessing and increase, he finds himself praying for destruction and decrease; and when they are resisting and praying against something, he finds himself asking God to perform the very thing the rest of the world is against.

To the rest of the world, the autistic savant is a bit of a retarded genius, an unfortunate mixture of idiocy and brilliance, caught up in a world of its own. The prophetic savant bears a similar stigma. But if you engage him at all, you soon discover that he sees all of this as absolutely normal; the way it is supposed to be. He no longer wishes for a normal life, because the life he has now IS normal: he has lost his own life in exchange for a new life. He lives in the Heavenlies while he walks on the Earth. He does not think of himself as special, as anything other than a regular person, but often wonders aloud why others cannot see what he has seen when it is all so self-evident and plain. To him, maybe; but the rest of us are blinded by the Light he exudes without knowing it.

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the Prophetic Savant!
Posted : 18 Nov, 2011 07:09 PM

AWM are you aluding that you are a spiritual savant? could be except for the he is aproachable not high minded part.

You cant see how you act like you know so much but you dont even go to church!''Honey if you are born again YOU WANT TO GO TO CHURCH!!!

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the Prophetic Savant!
Posted : 18 Nov, 2011 08:02 PM

There is no part of that post this scriptural, it is carnal in nature, and the harvest of that seed is corruption.

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the Prophetic Savant!
Posted : 18 Nov, 2011 09:00 PM


I merely placed the article of the Prophetic Savant, for someone to read; because the Lord told me to. It is for someone, I am sure.

Now, for this nonsense of "going to a church". That is absurd. There are many references to the church, some mentioning that it was in the winderness. This is not referring to a building, it is referring to a people separated unto God:

"This is he, that was in the church in the wilderness with the angel which spake to him in the mount Sina, and with our fathers: who received the lively oracles to give unto us:" [Acts 7:38]

This scripture is referrng to Moses being in the church in the wilderness, which were the Israelites. It is stating that Moses was in the body, the church, when it was in the wilderness. The Word of God never refers to the church as a building.

In this passage, the church is descibed as being able to hear; and everyone knows a building cannot hear:

"Then news of these things came to the EARS of the church in Jerusalem, and they sent out Barnabas to go as far as Antioch. When he came and had seen the grace of God, he was glad, and encouraged them all that with purpose of heart they should continue with the Lord. For he was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and of faith. And a great many people were added to the Lord. Then Barnabas departed for Tarsus to seek Saul. And when he had found him, he brought him to Antioch." [Acts 11:22-25]

Here the apostles assembled with the church at Antioch; and there is no way it can be stated that they joined themselves to brick and mortar:

"So it was that for a whole year they assembled with the church and taught a great many people. And the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch." [Acts 11:26]

In this verse we read that prayer was "offered to God by the church". A building, people, cannot pray! Wake up!

"Peter was therefore kept in prison, but constant[a] prayer was offered to God for him by the church." [Acts 12:5]

I do not mean to clash with you, but you are merely quoting what you learned elsewhere.

The word "church" is used 80 times in 79 verses, and not one time in all of those verses will you find that it is used to mean a building.

Look at this verse, and notice how it uses the word to denote the believers Paul was persecuting.

"As for Saul, he made havock of the church, entering into every house, and haling men and women committed them to prison." [Acts 8:3]

It cannot mean "a singular institution", for it states that Paul was making havoc of the church [singular] by going into numerous houses, hauling men and women to prison.

And in this verse we see the apostles "gathered the church together". You cannot gather a building together.

"And when they arrived and gathered the church together, they declared all that God had done with them, and how he had opened a door of faith to the Gentiles." [Acts 14:27]

And in this verse, we see the term "feed the church". You cannot feed a building, people!

"Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood." [Acts 20:28]

And finally, "Greet the church". You cannot logically greet a building!

"Greet also the church that meets at their house. Greet my dear friend Epenetus, who was the first convert to Christ in the province of Asia." [Romans 16:5]

Wake up and quit listening to these snakes, the parasitical pastors, which are no pastors as all, as they harvest your ignorance, and convert it into capital and revenue, through the trick of getting you to buy into taking care of buildings, which are owned by Caesar, aka Satan and his financial system.

These organized religious institutions are getting men to come, spend their lives pouring money into these monstrous state owned facilities.

Here is why you are suckers for the Luciferians. They get you to trade your lifeforce to them a percentage point of interest at a time. Here a little, there a little, soon, as you are not, you are completely enslaved to this whoredom alleging to be a church.

"Come out from among them and be ye separate, and touch not the unclean thing"

If you only worshipped in houses, you would not be forfeiting part of your life, part of your money, taking care of a builing and a fulltime minister, which is nothing but a business.

This is how great the deception is, which deceiveth the whole world.

Caesar, aka Satan, has deceived many throughout the world, by causing them to believe that a building is a church, and this Luciferian government of men, has tricked you into thinking that you "go to a church", so they can tax you, control you, and destroy the pure gospel, which would never hold for it for one second.

It is absurd to tell people, "I am going to church" or "You need to go to church!"

The church is people, called out of the world, not stupid, who enjoin themselves to a real estate scam to fleece the flock over revenue.

Let there be no more nonsense about "you need to go to church". I am the church!

a wise man

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the Prophetic Savant!
Posted : 18 Nov, 2011 10:00 PM

I think its most important if there is an understanding as to just what the word SAVANT means , in case there are those who do not know the meaning of the word..

BUT, Firstly, it MUST BE ESTABLISHED THAT "'PROPHETIC SAVANT" is a man coined phrase and is not biblical nor can be found in the word of God. Secondly, if AWM is going to quote Scripture to justify his new age carnal thought and try to connect waht God says to this foolishness as being spiritul insight from God, he should used the whole passage, and not half of the passage. This also applies to the author of this article who has tried to make this phrase spiritual and of God. What Hosea has said has not one thig to do with the prophetci savant...

This is what the passage of Hosea has to say: Hosea 9:7 :The days of punishment are coming, the days of reckoning are at hand. Let Israel know this. Because your sins are so many and your hostility so great,

the prophet is considered a fool, the inspired person a maniac.( NIV)

Thirdly, in these articles you will find the definition of the word SAVANT, and as with all of man's carnal worldy wisdom, the word Prophetic has been added to the word Savant to give a form of spirituality, and describe prophets as savants..

The Savants: Genius through Disorder

March 23, 2010 By Jim H

Kim Peek (Savant) and inspiration for the movie Rain Man...

Being considered a Savant in a particular area gives the individual recognition as the subject matter expert who is above and beyond his respective peers.

A Savant is someone possessing exceptional skill in a particular area, such as art, literature and mathematics. They are a rare breed; only 100 individuals recognized as Savants are alive today. But what is most interesting, is that half of all Savants are autistic, and the other half have some other type of mental disability, such as a brain injury or retardation.

It is perplexing to think that a disorder can cause a person to excel in a particular subject. But just as a blind person�s other senses are considered sharper than someone who can see, medical experts believe Savant�s disorders rewire the brain�s memory and data processing to an unimaginable level. Thus allowing the person to excel in a particular subject, but with shortcomings in other basic functions.

Some of the most brilliant minds in history are considered Savants. Individuals such as Thomas Jefferson, Albert Einstein, Michelangelo, Charles Darwin, Hans Christian Anderson, Arthur Conan Doyle, Ludwig van Beethoven, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Andy Warhol, Vincent van Gogh, Isaac Newton and Socrates, among many others.

Would we have the Declaration of Independence, the Theory of Evolution, the Theory of Relativity, the brilliant symphonies of Mozart and Beethoven if it were not for mental disorders?

Even with today�s medical progress�, the brain is still a great mystery. Defective wiring of the brain or a traumatic head injury caused a select few individuals to significantly advance our knowledge in art, music, literature and mathematics.

Some in the medical community explain Savant�s brain wiring as not being able to filter what we normally find as unimportant or forgettable. A Savant retains everything they see or hear. They retain everything that interests them and are able to recall it from memory without errors.

Savants are a rare breed, and here is a snapshot of five Savant geniuses alive today.

Daniel Tammet (b. 31 January 1979): Tammet has the ability to �see� numbers and feel their texture. He has the ability to recite the pi from memory up to the 22,514 digit. Tammet learned the Icelandic language in one week and even invented a language.

Matt Savage (b. 5 July 1992): Taught himself piano at age 6. Now an accomplished musician and composer.

Stephen Wiltshire (born April 24, 1974): An autistic mute and accomplished artist who is able to draw what he has seen from memory in the finest of details. After viewing Rome on a helicopter ride, he drew the entire city on a 15ft mural.

Alonzo Clemons: Suffering from a traumatic brain injury at an early age, Clemons has an IQ of 40 to 50. His sculptures of animals are in the finest of detail and have sold for over $45,000.

Tony DeBlois (b. 22January 1974): An accomplished musician. Learned to play piano by age 2 and currently plays 20 instruments. He prefers Jazz, but can play any type of music.

References: Savant Syndrome � Wikipedia

Struck by Genius: National Geographic

Another article of the word SAVANT and its meaning:

What is Savant Syndrome?

Savants are people who despite serious mental or physical disability have quite remarkable, and sometimes spectacular, talents. This is an exceedingly rare phenomena, although there are several well documented cases (see Sacks, 1986; 1995; Treffert, 1989), and recently the Academy Award winning movie Rain Man has led to the term savant being much more widely known. Savant syndrome is perhaps one of the most fascinating phenomena in the study of human differences and cognitive psychology. It is often claimed that, because of the extraordinary abilities involved, we will never truly understand human memory and cognition until we understand the savant.

Savant syndrome was first properly recognised by Dr. J. Langdon Down, (n.b. he also originated the term Down�s syndrome). In 1887, he coined the term "idiot savant" - meaning low intelligence, and from the French, savoir, knowing or wise, to describe someone who had "extraordinary memory but with a great defect in reasoning power." This term is now little used because of its inappropriate connotations, and the term savant syndrome has now been more or less adopted. Another term, autistic savant, is also widely used, but this can be somewhat misleading. Although there is a strong association with autism, it is certainly not the case that all savants are autistic. It is estimated that about 50% of the cases of savant syndrome are from the autistic population, and the other 50% from the population of developmental disabilities and CNS injuries. The estimated incidence of savant abilities in the autistic population is about 10%, whereas the incidence in the learning disability population (which is very much larger) is probably less than 1%. Nevertheless, in order to understand savant syndrome, it is helpful to know something about autism, also it is important to realize that there is some confusion over these estimates of the incidence of the syndrome which stems from the different ways in which it is defined and described.

Side note from There are many different kinds of savants, and many levels of savant ability. Savant Syndrome should be regarded as a �spectrum� diagnosis, encompassing many levels of competence.

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the Prophetic Savant!
Posted : 18 Nov, 2011 10:58 PM

@ AWM I will say it again we are not idiots we know the church is a reference to the body of Christ but you want to split hairs, now in these times Assembling is what the bible called it its the same thing we just call it going to church becasue its tradition or becasue its just what people call it, why does it matter what we call it ? it is still asembling and the bible says to asemble has nothing to do with a buliding as I have said before our buildinghas a tin roof we have to yell when it rains and a concrete floor!

You insistance on this subject shows the level of understanding that you have or at least the level you are demonstrating, you split hairs to make it look like we are wrong but when you do that then you are changing the spirit in which the word was wriiten just cause it dont say go to church that dont mean a thing becasue it does say to assemble

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