Author Thread: A Calvinist THREATENS to continue Name-Calling if men do not bow to him! PLEASE READ: This is the same vicious spirit which reigned at Geneva and was responsible for the slayings of 57 men and woman, who refused to bow to Cauvin, "the Pope of Geneva!"

A Calvinist THREATENS to continue Name-Calling if men do not bow to him! PLEASE READ: This is the same vicious spirit which reigned at Geneva and was responsible for the slayings of 57 men and woman, who refused to bow to Cauvin, "the Pope of Geneva!"
Posted : 28 Nov, 2011 09:13 AM

SirJames writes:

"You don't want me saying AWM stands for a WACKO man?

Then quit writing crazy stuff!"

Here is the PROOF that this man is vile and wicked.

He states that his obedience to the Word of the Lord, is not predicated on his [alleged] love for the Lord, but on whether I yield unto his threats and intimidations!

Notice the use of the word "THEN", as in "THEN QUIT WRITING CRAZY STUFF". He is stating through this accusation, and his unrelenting wickedness in calling others names, that he will cease, but only if the one who is the brunt of his attacks, bows to his commands; as though he is God.

Only God has the RIGHT to command obedience of men; those who would seek to practice this Divine Right are known as "ANTICHRIST", for they are inserting themselves into the Lord's RIGHTFUL place, as the ONLY ONE Who can command men!

"THEN" according to Webster's Third International Unabridged Dictionary means:

"at that time, soon after that: immediately after that, following next after this in order of position.

Another word which is suitable to demonstrate that this man's conduct is based on his obtaining his will, is the word "PREDICATE".

"to affirm of the subject of a proposition : make (a term) the predicate in a proposition"

His proposition to me, has as its "predicate" that I obey him!

He has lost his mind!

He is stating in the threat of continued vile and wicked conduct, that his behavior is "PREDICATED" on something other than the Word of God.

This is the same damnable monstrous hypocritical heretical spirit of the damned which reigned at Geneva.

There, he admits by this statement that his behavior is not based on holiness and obedience to the Word of God, but that it is PREDICATED on the threat..that if the one who is unwilling to yield to his will, does not listen to him, he will continue in it.

This is what caused Jean Cauvin to become a mass-murderer. He threatened true believers, who refused his damnable threats, and Cauvin, with the help of those hypocrite Christians at Geneva, murderered slews of saints.


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