Author Thread: Say somthing good about someone: I said my nice thing

Say somthing good about someone: I said my nice thing
Posted : 18 Feb, 2012 03:25 PM

Yes-Please have nice things to say Cause like you'll be sounding so ignorant if you don't have anything good to say_______ make sense__________________Uh and Okay; So I'll have at it with somthing good to say about somebody-----But I gotta sneak it in. Somtimes just sneak it in because They're Trying to Patronize YoO-oooh! :( Like when I went to check for my Police waiver report earlier Friday . Man first thing that clerk asked "Are you on drugs"- I just wanna say,after I spit her out,That is the first time in a long time I seen someone like her,finally feel her Guilt @Police Clerk Tempe police Station-I appreciate you turning it around...and i did bawl at you for the remainder "I'm a Rich Actor (...Who wouldn't ? ) That's how I like 'em said and Done ___-- OUT--___

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