Author Thread: Is her feelings for me still there or just mind games/wanting attention?

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Is her feelings for me still there or just mind games/wanting attention?
Posted : 20 Feb, 2009 09:23 AM

Ok so back in June, I got with this awesome girl who was 17 at the time and is about to be 18 and I was 19 at the time. Anyways. We were best friends before we dated. But back to the story. The first 2 nights we dated, her parents let me stay over at her house, she shares a bedroom with her brother and he was out of town so I stayed with her in their room. The first night, we just sat up almost all night to get to know the other. The second night, we fooled around a tiny bit. Nothing I'm now proud of but we still did. Then a few nights later, she stayed over at my house. And things went a little farther and we ended up sleeping together. Then we began to do that more often. (we took each other's v-cards). Then, we got into our first big fight and we broke up. Well, we both still loved each other alot. We slept together again while not dating and then I realized the next day I had become a big jerk. SO I prayed to God and told him I'd honor him by not having sex again until marriage and pray with her every night if we could get back together. Well its that was August. The very very end of August comes and we reconcile and get back together she stays over and nothing happens. Well the following weekend, she stays over again and I ended up breaking my promise to God and we slept together. Well, that following weekend was supposed to be her homecoming weekend as we're now in September. One day that week she says she only wants to go to HC as friends because of her parents (long long story) mostly her dad. I was very hurt. That weekend, things were beginning to shape up but the bad part happened. I wanted to pray with her as I did every night and she said "no I am not a holy rolling Christian like you" we got into a fight. I said she wasn't Christian because of something else she said. Then homecoming day comes and I go to apologize and she trips out on me and uninvites me claiming "I called her evil and other things" which I never did. Then we break up and the next week she has a new guy who meets up to her parents expectations and then on Christmas night, while they were taking a break, we slept together and it seemed like we were going to get back together, but then BAM she's back with him. Well she still claims she doesn't know who she wants. And that if she gets with me, her father will beat her over and over again as before. Well I bring up this new girl, and she gets jealous when I say she's like her.

My question to you is does she still have feelings for me and want to be with me after she turns 18 or is she just playing mind games with me?

I apologize for a long boring story its a little bit my testimony now from where I've come from. Please help. Guys can answer too.

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Is her feelings for me still there or just mind games/wanting attention?
Posted : 20 Feb, 2009 11:28 AM

In short? She is yanking your chain, and it is your fault. Jesus said, let your yes be yes, and your no be no, anything more is from the evil one. He said that for just such a situation as this. Instead of just asking God for help, you made a deal and didn't follow through with it.

Now you are reaping what you sowed, deception. You knew how easy it was to give in, and tried to bargain with God. He allowed you to get her back to teach you something. The question is, did you learn anything? Any relationship that starts in this way is doomed.

I know this sounds harsh, but it is really a gentle lesson that won't hurt for long if you repent and move on. The longer you concentrate on reliving it, the more you torture yourself. Repent, confess, move on.



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Is her feelings for me still there or just mind games/wanting attention?
Posted : 28 Feb, 2009 03:49 AM

You know your story is twisted and mangled and Satan has you two exactly where he wants you. You know Jesus is love and his love is pure. Let me ask you something you mentioned in this little excerpt that you love her. What does that mean, because God's love is not summed up in one word only if you want to know what true love is it is patient, it is kind, it keeps no record of wrongs, it does not envy, it does not boast, it is not rude, it is not proud, it is not self seeking, it is not easily angered, love does not delight in evil but rejoices in the truth. He Jesus is that truth he is the way the truth and the life. If you don't have one of the these things at the center of your relationship your love is short of what God would call you to. By the way what about marriage a holy covenant before God which you have now broken by commiting adultery. Because you and her have not saved yourselves. It only gets worse if you don't stop now and repent you must get yourself and your emotional feelings out of the way and submit your life to Christ if you don't there is a freight train that is going to derail you. God loves you but he hates sin and we are called to be separate from the darkness don't be afraid to come into the light, one day you both will bow before your Father and all with be exposed, but then you could be in danger of being separated from the one true Love Jesus Christ that you are trying to fulfill in a dark and kindled world. Relationships are tough because there are few that give it all to God. Why temp your self. If you play with fire you will get burned, and while scars in this life can be mended, there could be one day where the scars will last forever and your soul will cry out. Remember we serve a holy and just God and He will not tolerate mans evil ways forever. There is such a better way to obtain you hearts desire for true love in a woman. But first you must recognize your sin and want nothing more than to give it to God and when you do that. Then he can see that your heart desires true freedom, there is deliverance in prayer, but you think this is the girl for you probably, and maybe she was maybe she is regardless. She is not your wife and one day now you and her both will have to look your true husband and or wife in the eyes and say sweetie I am so so sorry....but I already gave this part of me away but here you can have whats left. I'm not trying to discourage, trust me the road is not over but it is a dead end if you keep going, you must turn around and say ok Jesus I cannot do this and I love you enough to say no more, please help me. If you show him he will pick you up. But if you sulk in your sin and let Satan break you down he will do just that until you are so numb you don't know anything anymore he will steal from you every piece of purity you have and leave you broken and empty and then tell you go head pull the trigger. Is that what you want? Forgive me for being harsh but I am a servant of the Most High King and God would have nothing less from me than calling me to rebuke your sin, but in that not stopping there but uplifting you as a brother in Him Christ. Set your feet on a firm foundation because the one your building will fall trust me I know. Please know I care deeply about you or I wouldn't have taken the time to tell you these things even though I know they are harsh. But the most important thing is your salvation, why would you jepordize that and your friends if you love her then you will be the man called to be and if that means letting her go and praying for her and trusting the LORD to make ends meet. So Be It. Let It Be So. For it is better to enter eternity without these things than to have them and be thrown into the lake of fire. By the way jealousy is not of God not the jealousy you were expressing. Take care you friend in Christ-Brandon

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