Author Thread: A Word Of Deliverance

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A Word Of Deliverance
Posted : 5 Apr, 2013 07:13 PM

I had to send this email out to share this word we received this morning. You may be saved or unsaved but it doesn't matter because this word is for everybody. We are in seasons of prayer at our church so we meet every morning Mon.-Wed. at 10 a.m. for prayer. Every time we come God has sent a word to help us move forward. This morning Chief Apostle told us God is trying to get us to graduate and move to another level. Then he asked us a question.. What are you imparting into someone else's life?? Who is willing to be life impacted ( or have their impacted) by what you say?? To be life impacted (or to be impacted in your spiritual life) brings steadfastness... To be death impacted brings about death( anything that is not like Christ will have a deadly impact on your life). Then all of a sudden God took him in another direction and a fiery anointing came over him. In a voice that we knew was God he spoke four words that seemed to brake every shackle that had my life bound in areas I did not realize. WAKE UP YOUR SAMSON!!!! ( I can feel that same anointing even as I type the words.) Then he said it again,WAKE UP YOUR SAMSON!!! Then my spirit began to shake as if the holy ghost himself had grabbed me and shaken me so I could wake up. He said if you don't wake up, there is a Delilah waiting to cut your hair and take your strength. Standing right beside her is a Philistine that is waiting to put your eyes out.Samson was in the valley of Sorek and it is so dangerous in the valley because it is the place where you are most vulnerable. The Philistines tried but they couldn't kill him. Samson committed suicide but he didn't have to die, God didn't push those pillars or rocks on him. He was too strong to die (by the hand of the enemy) but to blind to do God anymore good. You cannot accept your darkness. What if God is telling you today is your day of Faith.... this is your day , don't let nothing take it away. WAKE UP YOUR SAMSON!!! You can pray, Lord teach me to wake up my Samson before I meet Delilah. I'm sleepy , help me to wake up before it's to late because I don't want to lose my sight.Lord don't let me sleep the sleep of death.........

This word is so real.....the enemy is out to kill us but sometimes we kill ourselves because we have gone blind or become deaf to the spirit of God.

I think Jonathan Mcreynolds song No Gray sums it all up ( click the link and listen) ...

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A Word Of Deliverance
Posted : 21 Apr, 2013 11:00 AM

Thank you for that word, because lately physically I have been so tired and ony wanting to sleep and work, sleep and work but there is so much to do. Yes, I evangelise, work and sleep, but need to get my life in order with work on my home.. thank you for sharing..

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A Word Of Deliverance
Posted : 27 Dec, 2013 04:12 AM

great. ill remember this

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