Author Thread: How do you decide who to marry?

How do you decide who to marry?
Posted : 22 Jun, 2013 10:26 PM

I would like to hear your preferred method for choosing a significant other. What is important to you? What are your criterias? Would you just run into a random person, have a great conversation, become friends and get married? only to find out later that you are very different? I mean really how do you decide who is the right person? Would you marry someone who was sexually abused as a child? Would you marry someone who has lots of emotional problems? Would you marry any random guy or girl in a church? Of course, many will say, "No, I want a man who is a man of God" or "woman of God." All right. How do you define a man of God? LOL

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How do you decide who to marry?
Posted : 21 Nov, 2013 06:42 PM

My base criteria in finding a partner is not a super long list. The man must be a Christian who takes care of his faith life. Also, I believe that my future spouse is not a tobacco user. Those are the things that are going to get me interested in a guy in the first place. Past that, as we develop a relationship and get to know one another, I am going to be looking to see if our core beliefs are similar or match up. Is he open and honest with me? --And the one I�ve learned the hard way- is God happy with my choice for a relationship?

These things you mention in the original post, asking whether I would marry someone who has been abused/has emotional problems/et cetera, the answer is sure. There is no perfect person on this Earth. We have all been through different things, and hopefully learned what we can from them.

As for how I define a Christian, or �man of God� as it was put � this is someone who actually does pray regularly �not just when he�s in a heck of a lot of trouble. This kind of a man spends time nurturing His relationship with God, and at least tries to do things the way God wants Him to, because it is important to him. He walks by faith, not by sight.

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