
Posted : 15 Nov, 2013 07:23 PM

Let God be the center of the relationship. No other weapon will prosper against you. God protect, bless, and nurtured the seed of Life you sow. God strengthen your heart desire as He is the foundation the life that you both are going to build. A very good Christian Family.

I don't think I can have a good Christian Family if my husband is not a Christian. I need my King be the pilot of my family as He will bring our family more closer to God. I just hope I can find Him here in this site.

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Posted : 4 Jul, 2015 08:34 PM

you don't know the scriptures very well, Jesus plainly teaches us himself that there was a certain rich man who went to be in the torments of hell upon his death, and he even requested that Lazarus come and put a drop of water on his tongue because of the heat. Please read Luke 16, hell is a real place

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Posted : 19 Jul, 2015 01:34 AM

so many people responding to your post with 'negative hate'.

If the LORD might use me.... might I suggest you consider JESUS, in every intimacy of writing HIS words into your heart Charline.

HE is, after all, called the 'husband of the bride (all believers)' and we are all preparing for the 'wedding feast' when he comes back to get us.

Jesus presents two sides if someone reads his word and life in the Gospels closely... he reflects to us men NOW to love a wife GOD's way.

And.. he does also reflect how to 'depend upon the Father' .. as today We should be depending on HIM.

But as well, he does reflect 'attitudes and behaviors' that he expects every woman to have towards the man GOd will entrust her to respect and love; and no other.

... do not judge by age, face, means, country, culture, church denomination (but stay away from cults like LDS, etc.) and... rather... prove with GOd's Word and the Holy Spirit's guidance IF one man you are interested in has the WORD of GOD, and the LOVE of God in him...or not. This is very important.

And ifyou want a BONUS of VERY slowly many times about the book of RUTH in the Bible.

Here you have 2 people of very different cultures, languages, dress, habits, foods, and histories.. and ages and races...whom GOD chose to be His 'perfect match for marriage'.

I want to help you to 'look with the LORD' at just WHY a young girl, a widower of about 23 years old from one nation.. was GOD's choice to marry a very old man in his 50s from another nation.

WHAT stands out about each of them is...their humility, their selfless devotion, how they gave secretly and opening to others, and how they looked at the SOUL with God. Neighter were 'tied' to any culture or nation.,.but were 100% dependent on God.

Proof that this successful marriage was BY GOD.. is that this couple are listed in the family history of JESUS on Mary's side in the Gospels.

...look at how they 'choose GOD' when it cost her everything....and how Boaz chose 'GOD's way of loving others' when it cost him curses by Jews who hated the Moab people. Look at how unselfish they were, how positive they spoke to each other, how 'respectful' and 'honorable' each was towards the other.

What a great match by GOD for one terrific marriage...and baby!

I hope this encourages you as you seek JESUS for a 'husband who's GOD is his LORD JESUS and His words in his heart....and not his pants'.

Smile.. take courage...but be busy in the WORD to improve how you HEar and step out in faith as the Holy Spirit says... (as Ruth did).

don't validate GOD's plan for you by 'family and friends'... Act by faith and TRUST GOD!

Thank you.

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