Author Thread: Please pray for my step-dad Danny

Please pray for my step-dad Danny
Posted : 19 Apr, 2014 09:40 PM

Please pray for my step-dad Danny. He is not saved and has bi-polar manic depression and is an alcoholic. Right now he is saying and doing all he can to make the family upset. He does this on purpose so that he has control and Danny loves control. Danny gets an emotional high off of making us upset and then he'll switch gears and say we can be happy again just so he can be in control and that's all he wants is control. Danny has done this multiple times in the past. He is verbally abusive always calling us 80% and he is very condescending. He refuses to listen to anyone except when they are giving him a compliment or telling him hes right and I mean that literally. Danny literally believes he is always right and knows everything and has control over everything and everyone. When he's angry which is basically all the time he yells, slams doors and basically throws temper tantrums. The tantrums can get pretty bad though. Sometimes he'll back us into a literal corner so that we physically can't get anywhere and he won't move at all until we say the words "yes Danny." He will not allow anyone to say the words "no" or "maybe or "can't." He especially doesn't wanna hear anything about Church or GOD and when anyone tries he either shouts and screams and bangs things till the other backs down or he turns up the tv to a very loud volume so they can't be heard. He refuses to listen at all. According to Danny everything must be his way and there is no other way. We are not allowed to eat at certain times because of him. If you eat at the wrong time you don't get to eat you go hungry and I have gone hungry a few times. He will throw tantrums at anytime from 6 am till late at 1 am he doesn't care as long as he gets his way. We are only allowed to eat certain things if we eat the wrong thing he throws a fit. And if there is only one piece of bread left or one ice cream bar left or something like that we are not allowed to touch it at all Danny gets the last of everything. Danny always says "save it for someone else" what he means is save it for him so he can eat it. We can only eat so much or he throws a fit and calls us gluttonous and greedy. We are not allowed any opinions at all only Danny is allowed an opinion anything we say is ignored. We are not allowed emotions if we show emotions he gets mad and calls us drama queens. We walk on eggshells all the time. I have seen him switch moods instantly for no apparent reason at all and he has thrown many tantrums for no reason at all. One time he took all the food out of the fridge and left out all night to go bad and he made sure there was no way we could put it back. So I prayed and thankfully GOD did a miracle and none of the food went bad. When he's in one of the moods he's in now trying to make us all upset he will not stop until he achieves this. I've seen him do this for at least a month until we have all cracked and caved in and get upset and then he'll be happy and stop what he's doing. And about GOD when I tried to approach him on that subject once Danny said and I quote him word for word "what can GOD give me that I don't already have and what can GOD teach me that I don't already know?" Then he turned the tv really loud so I couldn't respond. He calls me a hypocrite says I go to Church just to show off. He has told me that I'm being gluttonous and greedy with GOD and that I'm gonna burn for it. He glares at me alot for my faith. So please pray for my step-dad Danny I think he really needs the prayers.

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