Author Thread: Guard our heart's Lord.

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Guard our heart's Lord.
Posted : 18 May, 2009 12:41 PM

Lord I just ask that you guard each and everyone of us on this website. Some of us may be looking for the one you have set aside for us, others may be just looking for some friends. Lord I just pray that you will be able to allow our hearts to be open and our minds nonjudgemental. I pray that you remind us that we are all your children and we deserve to be treated with respect and love. I pray that for every person that is searching for something either you begin to lead them to that thing or at least show them the light at the end of the tunnel.

Lord I also pray for myself. I pray that I will have patience and understand that you have someone amazing waiting for me, and that with time I will get what you have promised. I pray that you fill my desires to be loved and cherished, I pray that you guard my heart from anyone that is seeking things that I dont agree with or dont want. I pray that you help me to mature in my faith and that my eyes remain on you. Thank you for all that you have done for me Lord and all that you have planned to do. In your name I pray.


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Guard our heart's Lord.
Posted : 18 May, 2009 12:45 PM

dear gal, amen.. and thanks for your prayers for us all as well..

ole cattle

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Guard our heart's Lord.
Posted : 18 May, 2009 12:55 PM

Anytime =)

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Guard our heart's Lord.
Posted : 18 May, 2009 02:29 PM


Amen, everything in His timing and not our own. We wait for His very best.

Abundant blessings, Lydia

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Guard our heart's Lord.
Posted : 18 May, 2009 08:35 PM

AMEN! I pray in total agreement with you. Prayer changes things.

Thank you for posting from not just your heart, but from the Father's heart as well.

God's best and blessings to you.


Ephesians 3:14-20

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