Author Thread: Please pray for my Pastor

Please pray for my Pastor
Posted : 26 Oct, 2014 02:04 PM

Hey please pray for my Pastor his name is Thor. We have computers that do alot of things for us during sermon and worship and we only have one computer guy a brother in Christ named Rick. He's brilliant with computers but he's the only computer guy and he's only human so stuff happens. Well today again the computer went funky and Pastor Thor wasn't happy and went to the Sunday school (Rick and his wife Therese teach Sunday school) and Pastor Thor raised his voice in front of everyone that the computer was down and this can't happen anymore. Rick graciously went and fixed the computer and was very Christ like about it. Pastor Thor also mentioned in his sermon today about his frustration with the computer and that it discouraged him and accused the congregation of just sitting there and not worshiping when in fact we did stand and clap and sing and worshiped the Lord. (I found that personally discouraging and I felt I was being accused of something I didn't do.) I'm glad Pastor Thor wants to be real with us and doesn't wanna put on a mask or put on an act. But his temper does flare up and its noticeable. Anything at all goes wrong in his life and the whole world has to notice it and know about it. Pastor Thor said in a sermon once that during worship he doesn't worship and is concentrating the whole time on the board that shows the words so the congregation can sing along and checks for grammar, punctuation and spelling mistakes (he suffers from ocd.) So any little thing that goes wrong he notices and it drives him nuts. Everything must be a certain way and if its not he can get very upset. I encouraged him this morning after the sermon that no one in the congregation notices and cares about all those little errors he notices and that the Lord still shows up and he said "I guess I shouldn't worry then" I said no and I said I found that discouraging. I was talking with Rick and Therese after service and they told me about what happened in Sunday school and I told them I had encouraged him and Rick said that Pastor Thor is now gonna blame him for me being discouraged and his mood and none of it would have happened had the computer been working. My discouragement has nothing to do about the computer. I'm worried about my Pastor he has a heart of gold and he really does mean well and he really love his congregation and loves the Lord with a great passion and is a wonderful gifted teacher. It's just his ocd and his temper that he needs to work on so please pray for my Pastor.

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Please pray for my Pastor
Posted : 28 Oct, 2014 08:47 PM

find another church Jenny, that ones broke.

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