Author Thread: Please pray for me

Please pray for me
Posted : 19 Nov, 2014 07:06 PM

This past Sunday at Church just before service I was approached by a very good looking man named Rudy and he told me that he's wanted to talk to me for a while said he's attracted to me and wants to get to know me better. We chatted for a bit nothing big. He seemed really shy and awkward I think he was scared to death of sayin the wrong thing. After service my Church served breakfast and Rudy sat with me and some other brothers and sisters in Christ. It looked to me like he wanted to talk to me but his mind went blank..... So anyways I wanted to ask for prayer about this. I dunno if he's going to be my boyfriend or not but I wanted to have it covered in prayer anyways. Please pray for Rudy that the Lord will give him courage and the words to speak and when speak them and pray anything else about this that the Lord leads you to pray.

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