Author Thread: Do you need a TITLE?

Do you need a TITLE?
Posted : 14 Apr, 2017 08:43 PM

Both genders may or may not take into considerations whether to pursue a potential partner or wait for the next. I'm not begging anyone to answer this question and I don't care whether I get answers or not. So if you are someone who likes to argue, I don't need your response. Thanks for your time anyway. In my other post, "ANSWER ME", title may not be serious but leave it if you do not know what to share about that simple question. Here goes: If you say you believe in God, like demons does too, are you going to tell anyone direct or indirectly that "I am more knowledgeable than you" and "I'm sure about myself, I don't know about you"? If you will only look back to Genesis, the fruit of knowledge and instances in prophecy book how Satan is described so does those who belong to him, that will give a hint.

I cannot repeat the question so reread.

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Do you need a TITLE?
Posted : 26 Sep, 2017 01:39 PM

Hmmm... I like the question... but are you saying that 'knowledge does, does not, have bearing on a person's 'place' with God? For surely the demons have intellectual knowledge' of God and His Word - far more than humans... but they will not readily 'share what the know of God's Truth' - but rather seek to send people to Hell in polluting and distorting, the Truth...

A lie is often easy to see if a person has the ability of simply verifying the statement.., such as if a person says, "The moon is square." It takes very little for those who, in this case, have literally - 'eyes to see'... but the contradictions of doctrines are never resolved because no one is truly willing to search out the Truth - most people only want to find just enough... a verse here... a verse there... and maybe a twist of theology from their churches particular statements of faith - to declare such as 'The GOSPEL TRUTH'! Yikes...

God wants people who desire the Truth - not verification of some man-made concept of what truth 'should be', according to them....

Gosh... does this make any sense?... not sure - I have a headache so sorry I have rambled...

God's best to you as you journey onward... : )

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Do you need a TITLE?
Posted : 2 Dec, 2017 10:23 PM

Doesnt make sense...

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